You wonder whether you are willing to take on the responsibility of me. You wonder whether you are willing to pass up the opportunity of me.

I will touch you. I will hold you in the most comfortable way. I will turn over every facet of control, and with that I have you. You need me. You need to control me. You need to know me. You need to own me. You need to have me. And only then will you be fulfilled.
I will push your boundaries as you push mine. We will tie each other in knots, punish each other for our own weakness. We will take out our own aggressions in our own ways. We know what we are looking for...but we do not know what we will find.

We will find the unknown. The control and uncontrolled, the loss and the gain. The need and the want...met...lost.

Walking into it with eyes wide open. Walking into it with baggage that cannot be checked. Expecting nothing. Expecting everything. Expecting to learn, expecting to teach. Expecting to fail.

You will run. I will run. Will we catch each other in the end? Can you find me in the rabbit hole? Will you want to look?
7/10/2008 6:03:14 PM

Who are you?

Statistically there are 500 of you to every one of me. I have one stage at which it is appropriate for me to have control. That is in the choosing of you. While trying to decide whether you are the one to whom I wish to give up control...this is the only time I have control. I use it wisely. I do not give it lightly.

Why should I choose you? Is it based on apperance? Size? Your smile? Your experience? The chemistry? Your toy box?

Is it based on your technique? Your methods? Your skill? Your patience?

What makes you different from the other 499...what is your "feature", be it physical or something more. What makes you a good "Master"?

Tell me...please...