
(???!!! 2 blue eyes as opposed to, say, 1,3 or 4 ?!) I don't drink or smoke (anything) ... have a very good sense of humor...see the glass as half full ... believe there is mostly good in the world but know realistically there is evil (for what that's worth...not that I'm commenting on anyone here...just saying). Am confident, not arrogant. I have a penis but am a romantic (in case you were curious) I enjoy most thing the vanilla life offers. I own my own home, drive a nice care and have a comfortable life...not rich...just comfortable. Enjoy travel foreign and domestic (as in the United States). I am a kind and well mannered man.
3/7/2012 8:53:07 AM

OH GOD !!!   I'm feeling so rejected...I really am.  This getting "old"  is for the birds but when I consider the alternative....  



Still vital but as that song goes:  I'm not as good as I once was but.......


(thanks for letting me vent {#} )

 Age: 45