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NyxPontia - photo 1
NyxPontia - photo 2
NyxPontia - photo 3
NyxPontia - photo 4
NyxPontia - photo 5

This needs to be redone and I will do so in time. For now, here is the condensed version:
I am looking for a Master OR Mistress in my area. Not both. I do not do couples. I am not poly. I am strictly monogamous. My age range is between 18-27 for Dommes and 20-35 for Doms. I am loyal, loving, and I desire romance to be involved. I only do long term. I will not do long distance (unless it's in Ireland ;d Yum). I will only respect those that respect me. Act like an asshat or a cunt, and W/we will come to blows. I am stubborn. Do not push me.

I will not pay You.

I am a little girl, a slave, a blood doll, and a ponygirl. I prefer subhumans to purebred humans. If Y/you do not understand that, chances are, Y/you aren't one. But I am willing to explain via messages.

My FL is SanguineDollNyx. My OKC is SanguineDoll. I'm fuckin' ev'rywhere!

Look, blue!


Anyway, I caved on this. If anyone is interested in chatting, I am on . Just look up SanguineDollNyx, send a message, and W/we'll take it from there <3

Starting to wonder if I'm a switch.. Oh well, guess W/we'll see.


Just a tip for all those who decide to message me, if Y/you can't spell, I will copy and paste this in my response.



The Nyx Pontia Free English Lesson:


1) Always capitalize the beginning of a sentence, name, "I", or "I'm".

2) "u" and "ur" are not words. "You" and "Your" are.

3) "Your" is possessive; your car, your house, etc. "You're" is "you are"; you are pretty, you are funny, etc.

4) "There" is a location; over there, down there, etc. "Their" is possessive to a group; their building, their band, etc. "They're" is "they are"; they're a good band, they're going to win the game, etc.

5) Punctuation helps.

6) Literacy is sexy.


You're welcome.

So, Reck1 turned out to be true to his name; a wreck. After two accusations of being unfaithful because I replied to a message/joined a few forums, which were apparently against the rules he never gave me, he decided to remove me without informing me from under his care. Then, being a "true alpha male", as he called himself, he deleted his profile from . Yet he has the balls to text me when I ask for an explanation and try to command me. Nah, bitch don't play that.


As Y/you can all guess, I'm up for grabs again, but my give-a-fuck-o-meter is really lingering in zero. So.. yeah. Have at it or don't. I'm not at a point where I care.

For those wondering, I am no longer under consideration. W/we had differences that could not be avoided. A loss I am unhappy about, as I had high hopes, but there are standards in all of U/us for a reason. I return to the hunt, and I suppose I'll just see what life has in store for me.


For those wondering, yes, I have quit the forum for a while. I may return, I may not. Trying to build distance between myself and the internet is my main goal.

No more Ms. Nice Nyx.


If Y/you decide to message me, please, for the love of whatever deity Y/you follow, have grammar skills and some common sense.


If Y/you message me asking me to cam, demanding pictures, asking to know my address/phone number, or with messages referring to me as a 'bitch' or anything of the sort.. I'm an Imgurian. Bring it on.


Otherwise, I am more than happy to respond to respectful, friendly messages. Thank Y/you for Y/your time.

I'll be gone for the next few days. See Y/you when I return, CM! Off to spend family time.


~Slave Girl Nyx Pontia

Vampirism. Blood letting.


Two words I love to hear. The psychic kind don't appeal to me. What's the point if all You take from me is my energy and I get nothing out of it? I enjoy blood. I hunger for fear. It is the only thing that truly makes me feel alive. Blades call to me, knives draw me in. I have twisted obsessions with things that put terror in my heart.


A picky victim, I admit, but I have that right. My views of vampires stems from my own fantasies, not the ones generated by horrible movies (mention Twilight to me and I may very well shove a boot down your throat). I'm a solid believer in the fact that there are human vampires, and human weres. It's a strange thing, but it's how I am.


A victim, a blood doll, a little girl, a slave... So many things rolled into one girl. So hard to handle, yet easier than one might think. Yet so few dare to truly try. Alas.. I leave it to fate. Fate will find my Master, my Daddy, my Vampire, and W/we will be brought together in time.

My apologies to all for my absence. I won't be here 24/7 to constantly check my messages and the like. I might for a few days, but not every day.As they say, life happens. I am certain Y/you can all forgive me for that.



To address a few issues I have in my messages, I will answer Y/your questions here.


I do not have a sexual relationship with my slavesister or her Master. Don't ask me this, it's disturbing, she is family and her Master is blood. Why do I refer to her as a slavesister instead of family? Because she and I get along far better as slave sisters than family.


I have been asked to explain what I think a true man is. Before I answer that, let me ask these questions:


Do You bed hop because You enjoy sex?

Do You like Justin Timberlake?

Are You orange?

Do You abhor hunting?

Do You hate the woods?

Do You enjoy the color pink on Your shirts, Your shorts, or Your nails?

Do You wear flipflops on a daily basis, even when it's cold out?

Do You hate animals?

Is it hard to bait a hook?


If Y/you answered Yes to any of this, then the answer is NO.


I'm a southern girl, military brat, and have done more than my share in getting dirty and working hard. I have busted my cute ass hiking, at jobs, playing and caring for animals, fishing.. I have yet to hunt but that's because I would like to learn a bow first. I am made of the grit of the south, and while I don't like football or enjoy wearing camouflage, I can't consider a man who acts like a bitch to be anything more than just that; a bitch.


Now, there is far more to me than a southern belle. I have some ghetto and inner city traits. I'm also known as a colorful goth and my love for blood and my insane obsession with a certain horror movie killer tend to be too much for others to handle. I'm also a little girl at heart. I consider myself a perfect combination of sick, twisted slave and sweet little girl, and it's a hard combination for many to handle. So if any of this turns Y/you off, or if Y/you desire for whatever reason to turn Y/your nose up and send me a nasty email because of what I've listed, don't waste my time or Y/yours. Get the hell on.


To everyone else, I welcome messages, friends, and hopefully more.



I hope this cleared it all up.


~Slave Girl Nyx Pontia