
may seventeenth twenty twenty one
Your profile is approved
All profile changes even minor ones will cause your profile to be offline while its waiting to be reviewed. To avoid not being able to chat with your friends or meet new people for a period of time we recommend that you only re-submit your approved profile if you feel that significant changes are necessary.
Clicking on the Update Profile button above will cause your profile to lose its approved status and be placed back in line for approval. While your profile is pending approval it will not be visible to other users and you will not be able to send onsite messages. Once your updated profile has been reviewed and if the updated version is approved you will once again be able to send messages and your profile will once again be visible to other community members.

Here we go... lets just see how long this takes. Why shouldnt I change it? They have totally fucked it up. They have lost the member since date... which goes back to about 2003. What a mess.

I am changing this profile right now
659 PM 2232020

Its always prudent to keep a backup copy of your profile text.

No kidding, hahaha... since this site will trash it all.

Your profile is currently approved. Changing the profile text of your approved profile, updating existing photos, or adding new photos will cause your profile to lose its approved status and be placed back in line for re-approval.

Please be aware that if you update your approved profile even if you are just making photo changes your account will be offline for an extended period of time while it is waiting to be reviewed. We are working hard to normalize this situation. While your profile is pending approval you will be unable to send onsite messages nor will your profile be visible to other users on the website. Once your updated profile has been reviewed and if the updated version is approved you will once again be able to send messages and your profile will once again be visible to other users.

We are currently very backlogged with profile approvals and are asking users to only press the Update Profile button below if it is absolutely necessary to do so.

 Age: 28
 Arlington, Virginia