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It is so amazing when you find yourself in a place that serendipity runs amok. I took a chance and have not been disappointed....damn what a ride! I hope this never ends................

*******NOT SEEKING********

Hello, I am no longer new to this site and have entered the public scene. I think I became aware of my interests in high school...and have been in and out of it with various partners to varying degrees over the years. What I have learned is that it IS a part of me, there is no leaving it behind. I do not know why I am this way and I guess I have decided to stop running from it. I would like to learn more about "it" and myself. I want to understand what it is that drives me and many other things that well quite frankly I am unprepared to put down in writing just yet.
Happiness is finding someone you click with...and not being afraid to let them know.

What a glorious spring.  


The days are just fabulous!


Time for early morning runs and for hiking.  


Cook outs and finding all the cool local water spots.


I love where my journey is taking me too.

I find I am at a strange place of peace in many ways.....


I still have a long way to go.  


I need to get back on the ball but I am not afraid anymore. 

 Leaving him and all the years of horrible abuse behind have caused me to see the difference between acceptable and violent non consensual abuse for both myself and my children.

Been a long time.....

I have had an AWESOME 2 weeks!!!!!


If only the legal matter I am waiting on would wrap up...sigh...but it is on its way so...that is OK.


Growth....lots and lots of makes me very happy.


I am so busy lately and it is all on positive ways so no complaints.


Hope you are all having an excellent weekend!

What a freaking incredible time was had.....



I am very mush better now...!

Going to be out of town for a few days....!  Much needed..



Everyone be well and have a great week!

I have decided that it is time for me to think about me for a change......

My life is really looking up!



I AM LOVING the direction it is taking.....


Beautiful days and is working out...I am healthier than I have been in a while and ....



I AM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Productive week....


Going to have a great weekend!


Reconnecting with people and missing a few others.

Life has been good.....


I am in a healthier place.


Hope everyone is well.


Have an awesome week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will be taking a break from here.  I am in a new place....and have many possibilities open to me that were not open before.  I will be checking on occasion but if you have a desire to continue dialogue...ask for email info please.

Good weekend... got a lot done.


Productive if long Monday....ending in frustration.


Got much done today as well....thinking about dinner then sewing and painting.



Cannot chat with Troy.....still blocked.....SIGH

Just watched to get over it.....DAMN!!!!!!



What a fantastically beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!


Stronger......growing stronger

Long productive week.


To the gentleman from Houston who messaged me that he would still like to chat......It would be good for him to know I cannot reply to him because he BLOCKED my mail never gets to him...just difficult to chat.


I love my life.....mostly anyway!

Been a wonderful week spent with my son!  


Doing some work for a friend this week and man is it working hard to kick my ass.


Some great conversations going on....and some not so great too.


Wishing I could get out a bit meet people...

What an amazing two days.....


I am having an AWESOME day!


If you read this.....know I am thinking about you Pussycat!

Thank you Milgram37 for sending a reply so unworthy of your intellect and then blocking me...WOW.  These types of things just boggle my mind.

It is good to have access to a place as diverse as Austin....


What a beautiful day!


My mood has been UP all day.....

I find I am in an unusual place ......


I have a craving


I have a hunger


I feel strong need




Thank god I have a strong will...


Have a great night everyone.

What a beautiful warm place I call home! 


Travel is often brutal...I had two days of the worst pain I have had so far...sigh.


Today is not too bad as far as back pain goes.  This week I hope to find a local Dr.


I love my friends!


Now to get back to my routine and get back to least as much as I am currently able.

I have had an eventful two weeks.


I have had ups and downs. Learned things I did not want to know and found out how many people care about me that I was not able to fathom before.


I know I will my own pace.


I know the ocean fills my soul.


I know the physical pain will make me be true to the healing path.


I know family is real...whether it is blood or chosen.


I will grow stronger everyday!


I am on my way home in 8 hours.

Why does someone send a person mail...and then block you from replying???


I am a confused girl.

It has occurred to me recently that I have been seeking something for years that many of my friends thought I already had.  Now of course they realize I had nothing like what I am seeking.


I am seeking more than a facade, I am seeking a place where I am able to find numerous things....perhaps from more than one person.  My life has many people in believe there is one person out there who understands what I need and seek.  When we find a way to see each other.....then life will be great...we will find a way.


As I I learn to express myself better....  As I learn it is my right to make choices...even if those choices are to give myself to another....I become stronger...and happier.


Purpose...I desire to serve with intent and purpose...because to serve fills MY essence...and in serving I believe the surrender I give will also fill another.



It is gorgeous weather.

WHAT a great evening.  


I LOVED seeing You.....


You could be MUCH better...even still.....HUGS!


It is a beautiful night. 


Baking tomorrow and maybe beach....

I am always amazed by the lies people tell to save themselves.


I need to learn how to manage my heart a bit


I need to listen to my is often correct.


I look forward to seeing an old friend today if all works out.

It has been a very surreal several weeks.....


My life will never be the same...while there are things I will is for the best.


I am in Sunny San Diego for the is gorgeous here...if a but on the cool side.


Hope you all have a fantastic day!

Been really busy lately


Some good days and some bad...mostly really great though.  I am still healing...tried sit ups and push ups this weekend...and yay I can do them with no pains.  Looks like it is time to begin my physical training again.  


My voice is almost beck to normal.


Hope everyone is having a good week.



What an incredibly beautiful day!


I have many things to do today...many of them outdoors...yay me!


Have a super day!

Evening!  Hope everyone has a good weekend.


I finished my work...fed and petted the cat I am sitting...did a bit of research...YAY!


I hope to have a quiet evening with a few friends.


Wish my ribs and spine would finish healing...sigh.  Well at least I can see the progress...thank you universe!

Today I awoke to a GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL morning and the rest of the day has been super too.


Did a small amount of exercise largely to see what my range of motion is and how much healing I have left.  Had some awesome fun with a friend working with me.


Took a friend to the airport and got to play with a kitty.


Going to get on dinner soon as I have done all the laundry and swept.


Likely will take another long walk tonight.


Have a super evening ya'll

Wednesday was really good.  Got much accomplished and felt good about it.


Went for a 6 mile walk...was really good.


Had a mellow evening and a quiet dinner pretty much alone.


Talked to an old friend and got some sage advice.

Tuesday sucked hard....was not on line much either, glad that kidney stone of a day passed.

Monday definitely looked up...YAY ME!


Took a 6 to 7 mile walk...was excellent!


Tuesday was productive...very.  Managed to gain a bit of closure....  Feel like I should be sad...but I am not.  I feel like I can take the next steps now.


One day at a time...moment to moment...I am getting better and stronger


NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So my weekend was as difficult as I imagined it would be.




Glad is is winding down...looking forward to a good night...some reading and a nice reset for my Monday.  


Hope everyone had a SUPER weekend.



What a beautiful and quiet day! 


I am truly enjoying certain aspects of this site and of learning about myself more....thank you.


The joy of


Have an AWESOME weekend!

I will bend like a reed in the wind......


So I was informed to aid my healing I needed a muscle relaxer....after much discussion I agreed to take half of said muscle relaxer....


I do not like muscle relaxers!  Tell me again why people recreationally take drugs that slow them down???? blink blink 


It is a nice cool day so far and seem to be beautiful!


I hope to have a great weekend and I hope you do as well.

Good Morning People!


I am in a pretty ok place today.....working through a few rough patches....but as long as I am working through...I am moving forward.  WOOT!!!!!  YAY ME!  


Been having some really good discussions lately...though I seem to have a knack for irritating a few select people.  SIGH


Physical pain from bad trauma....I am tired of it and it officially has my permission to leave...cease and desist....  I WILL rule myself in this way!!!!


Gonna be another rainy one...which is good....  Guess I will be walking in the rain today!


Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!

Fantastic day!


Did some cardio...need to do more.  


Going to make ratatouille for dinner!


Getting stronger and it is still frustrating that it seems as I overcome a few things a new issue arises.....oh well I am persistent.


Have a great afternoon evening people~!

Yesterday was great if a little bittersweet....


Today is gorgeous...


Ready to add a bit more activity to my day.


Love the intellectual stimulation some people bring to the dance!


Have a fantastic day is Monday...and I do not give a damn....I scoff at Monday!



Had a wonderful day in the sunshine.


Feel rejuvenated


Bring it!

I find I am confused by people who talk with me over time....then suddenly block me...?? Only Troy knows why because I sure do not.


I wonder if I should just hide my profile and seems so senseless so often.


I do have a few really good friends here but they would still know how to get a hold of me....


I will ponder it more...

The sounds of the morning doves always make me smile.


I am more steady today...YAY


I am doing stretching and walking today...perhaps some core or stability depending on the dizziness.


It is a gorgeous day!  Must plan to spend time in the SUNSHINE!


More reading and planning.


Have a wonderful day!

OK...physically I am on the mend.


I cannot wait to begin all of my physical activity again!


I need to begin putting demons to bed once and for all.


I am ready to begin the art of emotionally healing and of getting back on my path!


What a beautiful day!!!

I am so tired of just gets worse everyday for 9 days now.....




I am ready to BE better!

My life is so in flux right now.  I thank god everyday for the amazing friends I have....painful beyond belief at times but it WILL be worth it.


I will become stronger


I will do so much more than survive!


I will thrive, grow, stretch, and blossom!!!!!!!!!!

GOD...the Austin weather has been STUNNING these last few days.....I LOVE IT HERE!

California seems to be in my future in the next 6 to 8 weeks...if I can work out the logistics of the plane

Nite Austin for a couple of days....necessity

My life takes yet another twist

In spite of a challenging week.....I will have a good weekend...this is not negotiable!

What an amazing day!

Computer problems mostly fixed .....I hope.


It has been gorgeous the vitality and energy of spring.  


Missing all the special friends I have not been in contact with.

Computer problems suck.....


I am growing and learning daily....sometimes it seems even minute to minute.

Sometimes......I cannot explain why I have the desires I have.....

I so miss you......sigh


Hope you are well and safe...

It is amazing to me how not being able to speak with someone can affect you.  It can eat at you...annoy you...irritate you....make you sad....sometimes make you feel lost.  

What an INCREDIBLY FUN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes pain comes from the MOST unexpected places.....

What is with people who tell you one thing and then cannot manage to follow through!

Life keeps throwing me curve balls.....I better learn how to hit them out of the park...

Seems Houston is becoming my second home....

It is funny as in ODD how ones mind works on a problem or issue even when we are not aware of it.  For me I find that when someone I want or need to please posits something....a part of me grabs the issue and works it until I find a way to much for independent thought<GRIN>

It seems more clear some days than others.....with focus anything is possible....

Why must life be so complicated.....SIGH

It is amazing to me how powerful suggestion is.  Suggestion and reinforcement.  The mind is capable of anything.  I have found that there is much I can bring about on my own but sometimes I guess I need the perspective of another to help show me what I can be capable is often way beyond what I have given myself permission for.

Today was a gloriously beautiful day.  


Two warriors new to the halls of Valhalla....

Across the rainbow bridge did their journey travel

Now to feast with horns raised high

Sigh...saddened over the death of a is my second friend to pass away this week...this one was only 36...SIGH....



Can anyone help me with links for corsets that are meant for corset training?

Long day....waaayyyy too long.


Missing you.....

How can one reconcile no particular interest in a thing....and then being made to beg for that thing?



Who knew contact could make such a difference in attitude...


I am flying high right now!

Different perspectives make the world go round....Thank You for the perspective!




I AM A HAPPY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is very interesting to me that just when I think my life is predictable...something happens to throw me for a loop.....


New perspectives....always learning....


I am having interesting thoughts on begging....  Especially on begging for things I might be uncomfortable with.


Missing you...wishing I could make things different.

I just had an amazing conversation with a new friend.  He has some interesting thoughts on what is good for one especially concerning training.  He gave me a fantastic feeling of well being and relaxation.  I am very much looking forward to more interaction with him, anything that helps me grow as a person and become more of what I am within is a good thing.

What a beautiful day it is gorgeous!


Lots of work to do today and a few appointments...


I am on a great energy high right now...hope everyone has a super day!

Wonderful weekend.  I love Houston.  

I have learned much, my brain is full.

Happy New Years Eve and New Years Day to everyone!


Are masochists really that hard to find?  Recently I have heard that from a few people...I had no idea.


Be safe and have fun. 


Miss You.......


Tonight will be a night FULL of energy

I find I have a GREAT NEED to SERVE .....even more than normal the moment

I have been on an incredible high......thank You thank You thank You......


Energy is all over the place......

The ability to communicate with You today has been fantastic!

Life has been amazingly good!  


I am finding a great place of peace and understanding myself more a little every day.


I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve, Christmas Day!


While I will be great because I am with family, I still wish I could be with that special one.

Amazingly productive few days.  I am very sore from my gym workouts and other activities.


My energy is so high right now I need to expend it.

Having an amazing day.  Went to the gym had a wonderful workout.  Now time to finish up some projects.

WHAT an AMAZING CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an amazing few days....


I continue to grow and learn....



ENERGY .....feel it...taste it....move it.....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmm

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

I am still in a mood.....


Wow what an interesting couple of days....GRIN


I am a lucky girl to know so many awesome people!

I am in a mood......


I need a lot right now


I miss you


I need a break.....

I need some heavy play and the ability to receive marks and the time to heal before anyone sees them...


WOW...what a LONG weekend.  


I had a lot of fun though.  I learned some things about myself this week as  I am glad.  The more I learn the better a human I become.  I need to work with energy more...more and more...ENERGY is where it is at!


What a busy time of year.


I miss the special people I do not get to see....

A friend asked me to include this message here.....

put in your journal..."Paul says you are a pussy'



 I suppose I did not get his second email in a timely fashion because I received this next....
as he has now blocked me after only my first reply...and then he sent me two more email,
I figured I would reply here.


Earnestquest4her on 12/3/11 at 1:55 PM:

Well, your checking was not too good, it is my content, my profile, and my creation. I tried to be nice, in case you came up with something intelligent to say or actually expressed an interest. Unfortunately you have failed to do either. I think you will soon find your self unable to access my info. It is a shame you took ,my encouragement to be more interactive if I was truly a "favorite" in such negative fashion. As you said- "have a good day".



Sorry I was not here to reply as quickly as you desired...I had a hectic morning.  I truly do wish you the best in your endeavors here whether or not they include me.  Everyone deserves happiness and we reap what we sow.  Again if I have offended you, my true and sincere apology, though I am still just as confused as to how admires you did that.  As far as your encouragement...well let me just say it was an unusual example of such and I was truly oblivious to it.


once more



This is a reply to someone who demanded that I take them off my favorites list

Earnestquest4her on 12/3/11 at 1:48 PM:

So you are a voyuer or literary critic? Why keep someone who you don't communicate with? Do you like the pictures or the words?

I am neither a literary critic nor a voyeur sir...which is why I did not attempt to critic your writing ...nor send you commentary on your pictures.


I am sincerely sorry that you are offended because your words touched a chord within me.  It was truly not my wish to cause such a negative reaction in you.


be well


What a wonderful day.


I miss the presence of a few special people but I hope they are well and hale without me.


I hope everyone is happy and loved.


I love the energy of doing, pleasing and serving....what a great holiday!

Fantastic weekend.....learned tons...had fun with friends...feel energized...<except for the bloody inner ear infection that is>  but I will survive that too.


Hope you all had an amazing weekend.


I am looking forward to Turkey day.



For be made to stand...nothing binding me but his will

               to receive whatever comes....willingly

               to open my mind, soul....and surrender

               to give over my energy

               to be driven to my best

because he inspires me to this point....


That is part of what I seek.....

I saw this in a profile I was perusing today


Dominance is the ability to create a hunger in someone so strong that they will do anything,anytime, anywhere just to please you.

it made sense to me.....


I had a great weekend.  I am mostly quite happy with where my life is finding balance at this time.  I wish I could make it out to California on a regular schedule....then life would be so much better...sigh.


Hope everyone is having a SUPER Monday!

I do not like the cold front...brrrrrrr.  The rain is great and one can never have enough sunshine.  


I hope my 2 friends find peace soon....their lives are so upside down right now.  The conversation has been fantastic of late and there are some truly amazing people out there.

Life is GREAT!

Though....I do still miss a friend or two

Deep heavy sigh.....I wish I was in a place to either have a long cathartic single tail or caning scene...did I say LOOOONNNGGGGG.......

I may be travelling to California this month.

Always my best.....Always for You.....keep moving forward.....waves of energy....always my best

It is such a gorgeous day.  Thank you to those of you who have risked themselves to friendship.  


I am loving the way life is moving forward for me.  A good pace, growth, positive energy...what more could a girl ask for!

Why is it that some people will spend time building themselves up, putting forth an effort to cause you to care for them and then bail? journey has never been dull, boring, or ordinary.  I have learned much from few.  As I grow in many different aspects of my life I find it interesting how it all ties together.  Deep sigh. much is all about energy.....

Have a fabulous day!

Who knew Gor could be so enlightening.......

Damn...what a workout!

Sometimes I hate technology.......

What a fabulously GORGEOUS day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning everyone!

Pussycat Pussycat where have You been?????


What an interesting afternoon.......


The mind is such a powerful thing.......

Peace can be found anywhere and in many circumstances ...IF the mind is open.


My heart is full of joy yet also has an ache for an absent friend...such is the way of balance.  


I have done some interesting reading lately.


I simply love a good Pussycat!



Damn, I feel like something the cat just drug in......deep sigh.  Simply amazing what a person is capable of.  


Smile.....I think I am purring<WEG>


The mind is a powerful thing!


OK, I am in Houston for a few's to learning!

Hope everyone is well.  I have been SUPER busy.  Will be doing some light traveling this week.  Thanks to everyone who is helping me grow....  


Miss YOU.....

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY rain!

Great weekend so far...lots of learning.  Wish I had more time and more contact, but such is my life at this time.

I have been physically training myself so as to be in the best possible condition.  I have been mentally working on stretching myself as well.  SIGH....all in all life is SUPER.  I am feeling great and more and more energized.  The Energy is a really incredible thing to learn about and it truly fascinates me every step I take in that direction.

I am still sometimes feeling isolated......I need to work on that.

Have a super weekend everyone!

I had an incredibly productive weekend of training.  GO ME!!!  The weather is so beautiful of late, just need RAIN PLEASE.  I have been feeling really good and other than wishing I had more time to either be with or visit with that special wonderfully insidious One.....grin, my life has been excellent.  


On another matter, if You contact me and I reply politely...You begin asking me questions without even asking my name.....You want a pic and I ask Your name and to also see a pic of me....this is polite conversation and exchange of information.  This is NOT TOPPING from the BOTTOM......!  Really people.....You expressed interest, I did not go begging You for contact.  Just think about how one should get to know another and be a bit polite please.  I am not rude or of an aggressive nature, but I do think polite congress can exist in a D/s dynamic, especially if it is the "just barely" getting to know each other phase.  I know enough dominants to know that being polite is NOT a sign of weakness but of good breeding.


I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am having a bit of an unusual experience for me, a quiet weekend to myself.  No real plans or responsibilities.....  It has been quite nice. a roller coaster ride!  Deep much to learn and the rest of my life to learn it<grin> .  


Of course then there are also the down times.....the times I have displeased or kind of gone critical in my own head.....


Well I must take the bad with the exceptional.



What makes one begin a conversation they have requested with "you better be........." and then demand specific behavior?  I understand protocol.....but hello first might be better.....

So to correct my last entry.....I do not fear I am a junkie for learning and energy....I know I am and I can revel in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weekend was so very incredible....amazing stuff.  I feel high on life!  I AM high on life.....GRIN.  The energy shared this past weekend was some pretty strong stuff...I am a junkie I fear.

Challenges and tasks.....all things that can stretch a person to become better.  I WILL become better.....

Darn rabbit hole should be marked with caution tape.....  I do not like free falling.....I know I know, I AM an adrenaline junkie...but not so much on the free fall.....sigh

The weekend was full and wonderful.  I had a rough spot or two but did not allow them to control my energy or attitude.  I went to a movie and had a fantastic time speaking with special One.  Found time to be "nawty".....and had a super practice yesterday!

So I thought I would add this as I was just informed.....that..."everyone knows that all the best whipping sluts are grown in Texas"  Consider this an addendum to my resume...giggle.

Everyone is wonderful....but NO ONE is HIM...

 Had an AWESOME night!!!!  I am energized....just wish I had somewhere to put the energy...or someone to put it into.....

It has been a long and trying week.....but I survived and have energy to spare.


I am looking forward to what this week will bring.

FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Life is AWESOME right now!

Soooo....just for those of you who are slaves like me and are looking for a good man...please allow me to commend AceMaster.  


He is a good man.  He is kind and knowledgeable and very approachable.  If you are looking for a Gorean master....he very well may be your man.  He began emailing me and offering me friendship and boy did he mean "friendship"  He is funny and kind...twisted in a good way and a little relentless in his role as support person.  I do not mean for this to sound like some sort of "AD", but really when so many are seeking....and someone real is right here....  Feel free to email me if you are a sub/slave and have any questions too.

My heart has been full of joy!  Not even the evil villain (part played by ex) has been able to get me down though he HAS tried.....<heh>.  My energy is UP.....  

Well been in San Diego for waaayyy too long.  DO not get me wrong, it is beautiful here but not my climate.  Love the ocean and mountains.....have some family trying to convince me to move here for good. aside from missing some is being ok the last couple of days...

Why does my life have to get so darn complicated???  I will survive this.  I will bend like a reed in the wind.

What a beautiful day!  Life is becoming interesting....some very good things and many.....not so good.....BUT I will manage.  I am STRONG!

OK, not going crazy  Life has presented itself with some interesting twists lately.  Why are so many of the men I know sadists?

Fireworks were beautiful.  Still slowly going crazy.....sigh

Hope you are ok.......I am not.....

Was it really that ANTICLIMACTIC???? How suck ass is that.....


CLARITY...I need MORE CLARITY.....deep sigh.  It is a stunningly gorgeous day here...I want to see forever.

I am not sure what is happening... but it is obvious that something is happening....soooo, taking a deep breath and plunging in.

WOW...what an incredible week.  I have "learned" alot.  Met one of THE most interesting people ever.....hmmmmm. about growing and stretching as a person.....  A leap of faith...

HEAVY HEAVY SIGH................................

What a wonderful Monday morning!  

What is it that someone could ask to own you having only briefly met you once.  Can have been in a relationship with another ...married that other and not think that is significant to tell you up front.....  Can demand to you that you surrender to them on their terms.....after calling you names because you have independent thought and will not simply agree.....


FML......shakes head......


Rant over, thank you

confusion may ensue

I see a gym in my future......

SIGH.....why are people so hard headed.  Why do some refuse to deal with reality and instead bury their head in the sand?  Why when you try to point life's reality and how it affects you do they refuse to listen and then accuse you of leading them on.....

This has been a good week.  I have missed on some communication but am working on that.  All in all I am generally pleased.  Awaiting some email that will hopefully clarify some things.

What a long weekend.....sigh.  Glad it is over.  Had some VERY outstanding points<GRIN>.  Heavy sigh, thank you for the high points.

Having an outstanding day, loving the conversations they are "stimulating"...<grin>

Need to hit the gym again....I have gained 15lbs...ICK!  Healthier now, have healed all up from my injuries and ready to get back into the groove!

Life is definitely looking up!!!!!!!!!!!!

I NEED the weekend....

I am in a mood today.....

Hope today goes well.  It is in the 50's...chilly.......  Wish I had a better handle on things.

It is a beautiful cool morning and I plan to have a great day.  I have met some interesting people this week...  Let see highlights, my laptop crashed, my cell phone dies, my laptop was restored, my cell phone was not...I have 2 new tires... .  Lost touch with an important person.  

Have a great weekend ya'll!

Thought it was time to check back in and see what is up with some friends.  I have missed my time here.  I had not realized what all the learning I was doing had come to mean to me.

Had a good weekend...friends are awesome to have.
It has been a long week, fighting allergies and other fun stuff.  Vacation was good.  I have been trying to wrap my head around how I can miss a person I have never even met.

I have been having a good week.  I am going on vacation soon...YAY!  I have been struggling with allowing myself to express desires, I was taught that I should have no expectations so to express a need or desire is an interesting concept.  Live and learn.  It has been a rough couple of weeks as far as missing a couple of special people...but, life happens.
AWESOMEweekend, then got sick, UGH.  Better now, yay.  Came back confused about some stuff but through communication I am feeling better about that as well.  Have a SUPER day.
Had a good weekend.  Now on to recovery and the new week.
Out of town for 3 on.
Just my luck...a horrid almost 3 days, that ended surprisingly well.  I feel such a sense of peace.  Smile, things are looking up.  The promise of serving fills my heart.
VERY long 36hours....sigh.  I am all for  the simple life...obedience, discipline, pleasing, service all the usual.
Why is it that people say they want one thing...and then when they cannot have it immediately they become frustrated...and often screw themselves out of what they wanted to begin with.  Remember, patience, communication, schedule.  Have a super weekend.
Life is good....I need more time, just a few more hours in a day or perhaps another day in the weekend.  Sometimes reality seems very unreal.  I learn more about myself everyday and it is glorious.
Change...hope I am ready for it...
The exchange between two people that occurs when each desires what the other is offering is intense.  When the slave can finally put to voice the desires she is feeling and the Master understands what she is saying, what she is needing and what she is not saying then the promise of what can be and hopefully will be is immeasurable.
Sometimes it seems so EASY, so ClLEAR.  Other times it is frustrating.  Still in certain moments I find I am very happy and content.  If I am here...talking , listening, learning...that should be a positive sign.  I am growing closer.
I am not running...I am seeking CLARITY at a cautious pace.  Self knowledge takes TIME.  Life can be VERY frustrating sometimes especially when someone does not seem to understand the words I am saying...

I hope everyone has a super weekend.  Some plans I was hoping for will probably not work out for me but that is just the timbre of my life now.  Had a restless night last night too much thinking.  It is amazing how a simple thought or word can captivate the mind and HOLD it as if it had no will of its own.

There are some REALLY intriguing people here. I love the thought provoking dialogues with some of them.  New perspectives will help me grow.  I have had a GREAT feeling of contentment these past few days.  You know who You are. Masters/Daddy Doms... me likey!  
So many nice people...well for sadists anyway, grin.  Thinking hard lately.  Decisions and choices...
OK so in an effort to clear up a few things, I am not looking for a boy friend...especially if what You mean when You say that is "vanilla bf".  Yes the nipple picture is really mine and yes I do have a matched set of breasts and nipples.
Life is good.  Missing a few people but good.  Someone deleted me and I have no idea why, but that is life.  Enjoying the intelligent people here, and the impatient ones, well they can just go away.
Today is a good day, I have made some friends I think and I really am enjoying corresponding and chatting with them.
OMG...SERIOUSLY....first email from johnnyryansosa...

Hi there dumb cunt. Just made my profile, so not much on it yet. Looking for play and maybe more... i can cam on yahoo- or we can chat here. let me know if interested....


well it did make me smile
Sometimes life is so confusing...sigh.  WHy is it that I can see what I want(or think I want) and I cannot seem to get there from here?  FRUSTRATING....  Hope everyone has a super weekend.
I am meeting some truly kind and open people...thank You for restoring my faith.
So I just had an EPICALLY bad end to a bad few days in which I was told repeatedly how f'ed up and wrong I matter what I said...I was worse than that. Apology did not matter...I do so hate to be prejudged...
Guess I learned not to think about caring on any level for one I do not know.  Well damn me I do care and I do wish happiness and joy to him...may all his hope come to fruition.  I do believe he is a GOOD and WORTHY man...and Daddy.