You want a conversation or more?
Gladly - but please be courteous, friendly, open and direct,
do not waste your and my time with nonsense!
Who is Monique?
Fetisch Nymph Cum-Loving BI-Trans FemFatale from North Germany, driven from the passion and desire living an alternative, polyoriented, intensive Lifestyle combined with an intense-aggressive sexuality in public (parties, clubs, private meetings, holidays, other events), as in everyday life as well. But also the innocent next door neighbour.
I’m never exclusive – but always the whole truth!
What kicks Monique?
Real, extensive & intensive play without complications but with perspective! Prerequisite is to accept my special, feminine, glam and cum nature and personality with the will and pleasure to go with a way, their own wishes to experience and my passion as a femme fatale travesty woman fetish lover and enthusiastic personality to meet! These include, above all, a great intensity (in all matters!), desire and perseverance in order to explore limits, to consolidate or extend.
What preferences / fetishes has Monique?
(Too) Many :-) The list is almost endless, subject to constant change ...
Heels, Nylons, Corsetts, Make Up, Styling & Outfit, Bondage, Wax, Trans, Toys, Roleplay, Chains, Dirty Talk & & & ....
Why is Monique online active?
Generally, as a person active in the web - I like computer & communication! On the search for nice, open, direct and real contacts, who do not need to hide their lives. Even the exchange of ideas, but above all to be active together - not necessarily as a couple, 3, 4 or more are individually as well as simultaneously beautiful figures.
You've read everything, and everything fits, you still want to know me closer?
You can contact me, I am looking forward to you :-)
Hamburg is a great place to be, to meet and to enjoy!
Maybe a place to meet each other?
Whoever comes into question?
Everyone who does not need to hide a comparable direct-open lifestyle and really gets along with my complicated chaotic personality and what my preferences are.
What comes into question?
Where all the people involved agree, but nothing is for eternity in stone!
What is not in question?
- Where all the planning required more time than the fun will bring!
- You live further than HH, or FL away?
Without your own helicopter forget it!
- X, Y or Z are not allowed to get notice of you meet with me, going out etc?
Don’t waste my time!
- Only want try …?
Thanks, but no thanks! You should already know what worked for you and what is not working, the details are up to get done in team
- I do this but only with darkened windows and anonymous ...
... have a lot of fun to play without me!
- ... then there had to be first this or do that!
NO! Together is the motto here!
- You need to lie / have something to hide, or tell "later"?
If I did not accept it now, then after a lie certainly not!
- You take what I say or write is not serious?
Then read a good book better!
- You'll find people with hair like a gorilla interesting and attractive?
I like skin, no hair on the torso, which belong in my opinion on the head just above the nose!
- Without smoking, weed, dope or a bottle in brown paper, you're lost?
Keep away from me!
- You have a problem with hours of preparation for clothing, session, role play, party?
... I recommend erotic video store for you.....
- You hate it to talk openly, directly and in plain speak about what you do?
I do not self-interviews – save your and mine time!
- You're fragile, have financial problems or other obstacles that your wishes directly stand in the way?
Resolve them before you contact me - I solve my problems in everyday life, that's enough work ;-)
- The Wildlife interests you?
- You feel in hospital rooms or toilets turned on?
- Kids & Teens accelerate your pulse?
Please Stay in your universe!