If into frustration, this is the place 4u. Well I'm outta here- again! |
***Make no mistake, I WILL Build My Empire!*** And I WILL ride the backs of My slaves to get there!!! If u have no commitment and no initiative, dont bother. ur just wasting time for both of us.... MsStress73 PS- Yes its true, this site like so many is infested w/2 faced liars, cheats, scammers and con artists. Dont fall 4 it. It should be painfully clear who is genuine and who is bogus by how much effort they put in their profile. |
Okay lets start over here. I've had a revelation, a clearer understanding and picture of what's going on here. It is Xmas and new years coming after all and I am feeling rarely benevolent. u see, I've finally realized that many of u may be genuine or sincere or at least are trying to be if u are'nt already and yes I am really genuine too despite all the other con games out here. So remember, persistence is the key, u cant get frustrated and give up! The cream will rise to the top. Literally! Most of u are at various levels of that commitment but maybe cant get by the also various obstacles in life that hold u back. Some are there and ready now. Most are trying to get there. Some of course are bogus and will never get there because they cant for whatever reason so they just have to try and play the fantasy game in the meantime even if it inconveniences me and those like me (dominant) in the process. Piss on u too. Unfortunately there is a numbers problem. However theres a place for all of us if we build it. I cant possibly give attention to all of you but sincerely would like to help u find what u need. I was thinking of a church where everyone, (followers) could participate in their various levels of incarnation and graduate in steps as needed or desired. Its free to join. Not a church in the traditional sense of course. This lifestyle its understood is about as antichrist, god, allah or whomever u defer to as u can get; (although I must admit people of various faiths do participate in the bedroom in random acts of debauchery as hypocrites who can conveniently confess their sins and be forgiven). Again it would not be a church designed to outright publicly protest traditional religion, {although there's plenty of room for that too but thats another subject}. The purpose of the church would be to give u your Goddess to worship and get as close to as possible (even from afar); until such time when u graduate into My personal domain if ever- *where only the select few may have direct personal access*. However u could still worship from afar and have access like the traditional church arrangement until graduation in grades. The next level for those trying to get there would have a big auditorium, not unlike a church setting where a large throng could worship and watch scheduled live performances of their Queen Goddess being worshiped directly by domain slaves in sacred rituals where she may be using and abusing subjects. Yes- sort of a live sex show with a religious context because after all she is your new religion; (No masturbating in the isles please, at least unless u bring along appropriate clean up supplies). As a bonus, one audience member may be chosen to participate in one show per performance. At the third level we would need to provide a video transmission to distant members worshiping from afar. Simultaneously then, a large network in variable forms of cult media access would expand whether online, television etc. Eventually franchise churches would spring up around the nation and beyond for world tours. Yes a media empire! Its been done before. I suppose it does make a mockery and a blasphemy of the television ministry but hey, u can give me an award for political humor too! I mean there is a need to shut those bastards down since they are a total sham. On the other hand we would be providing a real service. This of course would be true worship of a different, real and genuine, live entity. Not something based on idols and myths but rather something real, a supreme being u could actually believe in. So anyway, 3rd and second level members who worship from afar would remain in contention for first level status if and when they graduate to it. Some may graduate but still have to go on the premier waiting list because of great demand for the honor and privilege for direct worship. As a substitute in the meantime, sub tier Queen Goddesses and or Priestesses could be arranged to fill in to a certain extent for the needs of lower level members. Naturally its understood that all levels are still subhuman. Of course I would require help in bringing all this to reality so am recruiting new members and volunteers to instigate the program and establish the 'Church of Sexual Perversions' in honor of worship to MsStress73, none other then yours truly. Investors, legals, professionals, broadcasters, camera crews, set designers, choreographers, musicians, actors and people with skills from all walks of life who can help facilitate it are most welcome whether slaves or not. Lets not forget the actual slaves as well, although they may often be forgetable. The free membership would remain anonymous for security and privacy. Donations are always accepted and a PO BOX would be set up for these. I believe we could apply as a non profit under the exception of religious status. I think this is a grand way for all members to participate in sacred worship. I will still have a need for my local stable in the meantime. This may never come to fruition but at least I have a good sense of humor. u can take it serious though and if enough of u do, anything can happen. I certainly never limit my goals and neither should u as a devoted subject. And yes, I'm still a crazy, conceited, self centered, narcissist bitch. your Queen Bee, MsStress73 |
You never know when your number may come up. People I show an interest in should stay in touch but I cant make time for everybody all the time either so try to understand. I make time as possible and will select those who impress me the most. Realize also, my page and login may appear online but I may be busy on another page/site, the ph or even on the head leaving a dump, u never know. So kiss My Ass if u still dont understand... MS73 |
Attention everyone! Please step up for this megaphone announcement. High quality people with sincere and genuine character, please step onto elevator A to your left and come up to the penthouse party. On the other hand, all trolls, slugs, goons, slackers, stalkers, fakes, liars, clowns, morons and losers of all stripes please step into the empty shaft of elevator B and wait there in the basement for the trash removal crew to arrive. Thanks for coming and please come back when and if you recover from your permanent case of brain damage. Yes, hello? Is this security? Would you come and escort all these malcontents into elevator B please? Sometimes they just need a little shove to step up or in this case step down where they belong. You see, they just don't take simple instructions very well and need a little help figuring out an acceptable approach to life in general. Yes I agree, they seem rather hopeless don't they? Well, it's never too late to take an etiquette class and perhaps sign on for some disciplinary instruction for proper guidance to learn respect for your superiors; however some of these misfits will never get a clue no matter how many times you pound the facts into their little numb skull pea brains. Some people just can't be helped. |
My my! This site is just crawling with worms again. Someone call the exterminator! |
pigs will be pigs wont they? wankers & oinkers galore! oink-oink! block-block! *** ^.O.^ *** BYE-BYE MsStess73 =^..^= |
Wankers will be blocked, people of real substance will not. |
Remember little piggies, worms, dogs and various forms of lowlife, Mistress has other needs besides this page and dealing with all your perverted fantasies. I have personal business to attend and require beauty sleep too. All slaves will need to learn the essence of patience. I will share time as time allows. |
I would'nt know, but I imagine being a tough guy is one of the qualifications for male slaves. A man should be the brave type for this lifestyle. Many talk big but deliver no action. It would seem at times I mostly attract the cowards who are only wanna bees. That's good because then I can filter out the worthless fantasy trolls and get to the meaty, hardcore, genuinely sincere slaves after all is said and done. |
Some of u need to read up on bulk mail settings. Meaning your messages go to my bulk mail which I check for the hell of it once a year. It goes auto to bulk because your profile does not meet my conditions. IE: doms instead of subs for example. |
Well I've been busy today. It seems as if half the men on this site have been hitting on Me. Guess I've been away too long lately. Now I have to wonder how many of these slaves are actually genuine. The proof is in the pudding so they say. We shall see. |
I'll be going offline this week except for occassional library access. The net will be disconnected as I'm moving out. Not sure when or if I'll be back anytime soon. Everything is in upheaval now. Goodbye to friends until whenever. MS73 |
Ever notice how a good portion of the people you may be dealing with on these sites are phonies? Many of the rest are their suckers. Here's a piece of advice: Get a life and go out to meet real people. Just sayin' |
Remember this, I'm not getting any younger. I'm an ugly, old, nasty, cranky bitch. As time goes by I'm only going to get meaner and worse. Deal with it. |
I'm in the process of making final decisions for this cycle about those who have something of value to offer in a relationship. Now's the time to make your final case. |
My time is very valuable and I'm in great demand. I keep just a few select slaves. If your not 24/7 eligible then you need to be very generous. So many fail to understand that sessions take a lot of preparation and expense not to mention the aforementioned time value compensation. Its a lot more work for T-Gurl maintenance then your regular gal. Think about it. A sweet heart like me is shaving a hell of a lot more surface area then a petite woman would. Then I have all the other issues of attention like make up and dress. This takes time, seeing you would take time. Realisically, do you actually think I can afford to do this for freebies all the time whenever a horny slug comes along? Think again. So my advice to you is get serious or get lost. |
See this is what I'm bitching about. M4H(abbreviated) & goes by 'mike'; complains on his profile he's getting discouraged and is there anyone real out here? He messages Me and when I respond he wants to IM but My mssgr has compatibility errors w/firefox. So we agree to ph chat. When I call he says hello and then there's a click when I begin to talk. Hang up? I'm going what the freak because this happens twice. When he finally attempts calling Me first instead we talk momentarily a bit longer this time and then another disconnect; (his incoming caller ID was blocked by him by the way). Is it the ph service or is he hanging up? We message a bit on site here and neither of us understand what's going on or so it seems. I send up to 3 more messages and their all 'unanswered deleted'. He is of course now blocked on here. This is the kind of ass clowns I'm dealing with. There's another from Texas a while back. He's a trucker he says. Has some kind of satellite connection in the rig and this is the excuse for why he disappears for long periods because of reception. We talk extensively one night, he promises the world and then I never hear from him again. Several months later he messages again using a different moniker. I ask if he's the same trucker jerk from TX which he denies. Same shit happens all over again. What we have here is a perverted tightwad too cheap to call an 800# sex line so he decides to waste My time every so often instead for freebie whack off sessions apparently. Are you getting My drift? This is the kind of crap I have to deal with constantly in an attempt to actually meet real and genuine people. Is it any wonder I get disgusted? |
Candidate Program 101: I think I've been very clear here about what I want, need and demand. If you can't meet these requirements please move along. From now on I'm not even going to reply to simple, mindless, one sentence inquires. Put some heart, soul and depth into your application, profile and fetish list. Try to explain how you would meet all my requirements. This will advance your prospects considerably.
Perhaps I'm getting some better results now after bitching vehemently about it. Maybe I should explain something else I demand as well. Financial accountability! Let me be perfectly clear. I'm not offering a hostel for runaway slaves here. The candidate must be self supporting and able to contribute to a household and my lifestyle in addition to 24/7 with fetish list compatibilities. This means employable or having some form of income.
The players will be players wont they? Well Im close to shutting it down thanks to most of the ass clowns out there. Just really tired of the bs now and dont really need the hassle anymore. The jerks can just keep jerkin' as far as Im concerned.
Im so sick of flipping jerks, nobody can get serious. Its the real deal or no deal, end of story.
**NOTICE** On rare occassions I check my bulk mail and lo and behold... there are messages. If I have not answered your inquire in a timely fashion, this could be why. Rarely some messages bypass my in-box and go automatically to my bulk mail folder if u did not meet my criteria such as descriptive profile and fetish list. Other issues might be dom males and switch males which are not listed among my interests. I do need some pointers to gauge compatibility. If your profile is nothing but dead space and you cant take the time to fill it out then I dont have the time or interest either.
**NOTICE** It would be virtually impossible for me to entertain all prospective candidates here since there are so many of you worms out there. However I am trying to facilitate new arrangements where I can take on a bigger agenda. I currently do not have a large enough residence to manipulate a substantial number of 24/7 stable slaves and will therefore be looking to make new arrangements for this purpose. I will be very select in my choices so potential subjects would be well advised to make a good presentation to improve your chances for acceptance. Those who are not 24/7 eligible need to make it worth my valuable time; as in generous friends with benefits. After all, these scenes require a lot of time and preparation. You have to understand it's not as if I can just drop everything else all the time just to entertain the perverted masses and the dirty little fantasies of every horny geek and goon who comes along looking for a freebie. When I have better facilities and arrangements in place I will contact those who have expressed a genuine interest in serving me with some form of commitment included. I recommend u send a 'friend request' invitation so I will have a 'permanent contact source' when and if your number comes up on the waiting list. Otherwise your contact information is lost when these messages eventually roll off. Thanks for understanding and your cooperation. If you dont understand or cant cooperate, nevermind and dont worry about it because I can just delete and block as required. Have a nice day, (or not, its all inevitably up to u and how you handle it). MsStress73 |
I'm talking real time and sincere people here. Self supporting, 24/7 full service toilet slave humiliation desecration full on masochist receive top consideration. After that, the generous friends with benefits. After that I have no use for u. There were some interesting people in the past (amongst all the muck) from this site who I messaged with and or spoke to but have lost contact. I cant possibly keep up with all the input here and elsewhere. I'm trying. If your one of them reading this get back in touch. Your number may come up. You cant just give up on hopes and dreams, you have to keep trying too. Theres always someone or something out here for you if you put in the work to reach your goals and get your act together. I know its frustrating but work on it, sometimes the effort is worth it. I am certainly worth the trouble. Use your head, were u rejected by someone u wanted to make it with? Figure out what went wrong and correct it. Or change your moniker and try again with new resolve and new attitude and new strategy. Keep trying, You may eventually be surprised, MS73 ps- Just dont be a stalker if they really hate u because thats not going to get u anywhere but into trouble. Again, use your head. |
If looking to sub on the bottom end of the totem pole. Some of the so called slaves and submissives might want to develop a little thicker skin for the lifestyle. Its surprising how many get offended so easily when talked down to. Rethinking one's disposition might be wise to determine whether or not we're actually suited for the role we intend to fulfill. If we cant handle our role status, maybe we need to get the hell out of the lifestyle to begin with. Personally, I find that slaves who are also looking for respect are sadly confused puppies. If I seem condescending, maybe that comes with the territory? Go figure. |
Its so funny, the people you meet here on sites like this. Yes too many ads are bogus. You have to have the insight to determine which classifieds are actually real. If a profile has one alluring picture with not much thought put into a description. Is that not bogus? More importantly, is that a ripoff waiting to happen with so many suckers out there? If they dont even display proper English, def beware of that too! When replying to my own ad, so many are hesitant to the extreme. HELLO! This is a promiscuous circumstance to begin with. I find it kind of self defeating if someone is hesitant to exchange ph numbers when a date is struck. Doh, if privacy is an issue, perhaps a prepaid or calling card for these arrangements might suit you better? One character asked what I have in mind? Is there any doubt amongst the masses what I have in mind? Did he bother to read my profile? Its amazing how many people come on here with good intent, completely unprepared to deal with reality. Please, get a life first and then call me. |
My my, and what is up with all the finicky slaves? As a sacred Mistress I have every right to be so, unlike those applying as candidates. Some of you may need to adjust your disposition and rethink your approach then. I'm certainly not going to change my condescending nature any time soon though. Get used to it or take a hike. With loving disdain then, MsStress73
Am back from vac by the by. Let me be clear. I'm not really looking for flings. Only serious, committed relationships. I'm not into extended chat and dont do msgr. Like I have time for the latter two? Lets be real. Try to imagine, I get a lot of response here and do not have time to simply entertain everyone's fantasies all day long. Besides which, I hate typing. I will reply to substance and will phone if a candidate has potential. And thats the way it is, take it or leave it.
I'll be going offline in Oct for the month while traveling. Will be back on in Nov.
I'm in like a time warp right now. A number of issues are consuming all my time and energy. I may be incommunicado for a few months but will be more active here after that if all goes well. For those I've communicated with and future inquires; do not give up hope and try to remain in touch from time to time until I can get things sorted out. Thanks for your patience. MS73
I'm posting a few more graphic pics if the site will approve them. Should be up soon if successful.
I need new 24/7 full service toilet slaves I can flog and whip viciously. I can be very cruel and sadistic and desire those who are very masochistic whom I can degrade and humiliate at my whim.
I appreciate those who are genuine and sincere. Unfortunately, their far and few between.
I don't have time for extended chat and messenger so please don't ask. People who are not in the mainland USA should refrain from contact unless you plan to visit, relocate or intend to deliver me to your country for visitation and or trial periods.
I am overwhelmed sometimes by the response. If you have'nt heard back from me that does'nt mean I'm ignoring you intentionally. In other cases I may lose track of some of you. I just can't possibly keep up with it all but am doing my best. I have not made any final decisions about anything and am keeping my options open. I am also dealing with some personal issues. Of course I do have many other matters to address besides just my inbox here. Please try to understand.
I've only just discovered a number of messages in my bulk mail folder dating back to January. I'll try to address these as time permits. If your message has gone to my bulk folder thats because u failed to meet my criteria. For instance, having a descriptive profile and fetish list. MS73
I should update that I'm back. I appreciate all the lovely respectful subjects who have expressed an interest. My disdain for those few trolls out there needs no further examination. They are simply ignored and deleted.
If there is one thing I detest, it's time wasters. Where exactly do all the posers, fakes and wanna be nobodies come from? Some massive sink hole in the ground? I get a surprising amount of attention on here and my other site; and very little substance from it. Therefore I'm going to take a break for awhile. At least a few months. I may or may not be back, time will tell.
Just so we understand, I do not discriminate accept for proper attitude and the expected concessions of potential candidates. Age, looks, wgt, race and ethnical background are irrelevant. Attitude and disposition are the keys to acceptance. I am not a professional dom but do enjoy 'benefits' that would normally transpire from a loving arrangement of worship and adoration. I expect to be treated like a lady at all times with a realistic demonstration of devotion and committment. It helps if you are dedicated and looking for a meaningful, extended relationship. The closer to 24/7 the better at increasing your odds of acceptance; along with a versatile fetish list of course. No limits preferred. MS73 |
Can never find enough time to do all the things that need done. After the almighty and currently worthless buck, time seems to be the most valuable commodity there is. Perhaps a new stable of slaves and assistants to run errands and do chores. Uhm... |
I've met many nice people on collarme and of course a few jerks. They know who they are without saying. Thanx to all My Friends!!! |
It never ceases to amaze Me that people will post practically anonymous profiles with little to no fetish interests, no description and no pics period. Which must generate a hell of a lot of 'no interest' in return. I'm just trying to help those few dimwits out here open up a little bit and get some realtime feedback- even possibly a date?!!! Doh! If theres no input/effort suggesting an actual interest in developing a real relationship and or friends then how do they expect to meet anyone else who is serious either? Go figure. I'm not just talking about what I expect. This applies to what most of us expect I should imagine. I dont think we're interested in trolls and mindless goons. If we try to apply a little judgement and consideration, maybe we can get a little attention and response in return? Makes sense. Myself, I'm not interested in simple horn dogs for one nite slam, bam thank you mam scams and routines. I'm looking for meaningful substance in a committed arrangement. I suppose a little intelligence applies to these qualifications. Anyone above IQ 79 who can actually read and comprehend this ideology should give it a go. Intellectuals by all means. |
The more I do this the more disillusioned I get with it. So many who promise the world never even show up on the first date half the time. Whats up with that? Why do they insist on wasting my time building up to exactly nothing, zero, nada? I dont get it, do they get off on being total failures or what? All I'm asking for is to meet real, serious and genuine people. Those who are not or dont even know what the hell you want or need please leave me alone. Thanks so much for that consideration at least. MS73 |
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