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MrKite - photo 1
MrKite - photo 2
MrKite - photo 3
MrKite - photo 4
MrKite - photo 5
MrKite - photo 6
MrKite - photo 7
MrKite - photo 9
I'm self assured and firm, I thrive when I'm in control and take charge when necessary. I naturally adopt the role of protector, and I'm known for my no nonsense communication style. However, I can sometimes seem aggressive and overbearing.

For years I have wanted to own a live in slave, or at least I thought I did. That is or as I have recently discovered was the norm. Perhaps its my age now, but the idea of having a live in seems so disruptive to my current life. Then I heard a report on National Public Radio about a new trend that seniors are taking up. Living Together Apart, its called. People are finding commited relationships but are deciding not to live together or combine households. In this way each retains a certian independence to live the way they are accustom to while having the kind of emotional relationship they want and need. It was said that when they do get together each meet was like a fresh date. I can see the appeal in this. While I've been trolling websites like this and others thinking I was going to find a permanent live in slave, in the back of my mind I kept thinking of how disruptive it would be for both parties. First and formost, if someone decided to relocate to me the odds of finding another job would be slim, and I can't afford to support another person.

 I was thinking that some how I could convince you to want to live with me. Now after hearing that news report and doing a lot of thinking I know that I don't want that to accually happen. I awould be pleased if our conversation was not turned into some fever driven fantasy. I would enjoy getting to know you and learn about your kink while not being driven by my hard-on. As a matter of fact I really don't get horny much anymore. Which makes me think that if I did own a live in slave I probably wouldn't be fucking them as much as they would want. So there's that 

If you are not who you are then who are you?  Are you going to pretend you are you or you are one of them.  Can't have it both ways.  You can be who you are and still get along with them.  As a matter of fact they will like you better for being true to yourself. If you pretend to be who you are everybody will see right through you.

I just talked to some one who said they wanted to live the life but it would be hard to make the change.  To paraphrase Tom Hanks in the movie A 

League of Their Own.  It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it.  Its the hard that makes it great.  

Who ever said life was easy? I busted my ass and broke my back to get to where I am today and I'm pretty satisfied with my life.  Owning a slave would make me happy and cap it off.  So while you're sitting at the screen and getting your jollies or wondering why you can't find the right person, think about how hard you're working at it.

I always say Please and Thank you becuase thats the way my mother raised me.  

I beleive all woman are submissive.  I beleive they are confused by mixed messages from family, friends and media.  I believe they have doubts about who they and and fears about getting it wrong.  I believe it is my role as a Dom to remove those doubts and fears and clear away the confusion.  Its been said many times, slavery will set you free.  With training a woman can hold her head up high knowng that her master has trained her in appearence, behavoir and thinking in such a way that she can be confident that she is pleasing to him.

Its hard to imagine all the effort someone would go through just to gaslight a stranger but it happens.  Good thing I don't care.

We are all misfits. They use words like “woke”, inclusive and accepting but we know those are just pretend words. Our thoughts, actions and attitudes are not accepted. We are forced to live in a world pretending to be like the others, living a lie, lost in a solitude we can't escape. Looking, hoping to find others that will accept that we able to acknowledge our dark side and are not afraid of it.

Those of us here that are true to the lifestyle want live the lifestyle openly. We don't mean harm to them or ourselves. We only want to live a lifestyle that we think is best for us. Here we have each other to confide in. Here we can share our thoughts and ideas how we would like to live our lives.



I have reached a point in my life where I can now fully live the bdsm lifestyle.  I have no problem introducing my slaves to friends, family and strangers as my slaves. I will have no problem having them leashed in public. They will use slave speak. They will wear collars and cuffs and anything else I give them to wear.  When we go out in the vanilla world and people ask  questions they will get direct answers.  I firmly believe that a BDSM lifestyle is better and more advanced than vanilla and I am proud to display it.

In a world full of problems, be the solution.

Is BDSM becoming the new Vanilla?
Apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years.  I've been asking if I can make sexual advances and abuse women.
I watched today a drug runner drive his car into the Rio Grande River while trying to evade local police and Border Patrol.  The suspect was fished out of the river.  The car and drugs are still under water. It was exciting.
What is a good way to apply skin lotion to my back by my self?
I made it to Mitchell South Dakota.  I've been bucking a strong head wind the entire way.  Makes for lousy gas mileage.
I expected that the campgrounds would be emptying out today since the holiday is over.  I rolled into a little place that had booked some kind of gay gathering for the weekend.  A lot of naked men were still here.  lol  Good thing I'm open to all lifestyles.
I recently experienced and event which now makes me doubt memories I was very sure of.
If you want to be physically and verbally abused, join a carnival company.  Three weeks of it was my limit.
I've heard people say some galacticly stupid things before, mostly on this site but this one takes the cake.  A sink stopped up while I was working tonight.  The boss said go take a look to see of any water is running out the drain pipe. <blink>   How is it that people that stupid rise to the level of boss?
I just found out that I'll be spending my summer in West Virginia.
Now I'm celebrating some honesty.  Some one actually told me the truth today.
I just can't believe how many women here don't know how to talk to a man.
Beginning March 1, I'll be starting my trek to Northern Ohio.  I don't have to arrive in Sandusky till end of April.  I'm going to make some sight seeing stops in Georgia (East) North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Ohio along the way.  My route is flexible. If you'd like to have coffee with me,  I'll make a detour.
Online sex.  I can't wait to put my plug in your usb port.  Your pixels are so hot and wet.  Stroke my keyboard. Oh yeah that's so good.
I hate it when I go to a restaurant and there is course ground pepper in a shaker designed for fine ground pepper.   It makes me wonder how much the person that ordered the pepper got paid for being so stupid.
New years eve..  We set a TV outside the camper.  Started a big camp file and fired up the grill.  We watched collage football and drank and ate.  Even though there was a light rain all day we stayed warm near the campfire.
I plan on joining a carnival and being a carney for the 2017 season.  Sounds like fun.
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?
Phoenix is too big for me. Heading to Yuma and the Pacific Ocean.
Going to be in Phoenix next week. Looking for a place to have a nice thanksgiving dinner. Any suggestions?
I wonder if scammers try to scam scammers?
After I hide all the obvious scammers and then the ones that prove to be scammers after first contact,  there's no one left on my list.
Three separate girls.  All 18. All wanting an extreme lifestyle.  All say the same things.  All make the same typing mistakes.  All with the same idiosyncrasies.  Co-coincidence?  I think not.
I think god is trying to send me messages when I shuffle the tiles in my Words with Friends game.

This is my Dory.  Its so cool!  It looks like Dory.  It opens up and has room for my coins.  On the back its says " Kurt, thanks for a wonderful night. xoxo. Dory"
Its amazing the number of girls that say they want a meaningful D/s relationship with some one but are sure based on a profile that you're not the one.  I wish I had those powers of prejudtise.
Univiginitillion is a real number. its 1 with 67 zero's
I'm boon docking in the middle of Nevada's Great Basin. No people. No movements. No sounds. Even time seems to have stopped.
The Bonnaville salt flats are cool. You can actually see the curvature of the earth from a nearby hilltop.
Yesterday I drove to the top of Pikes Peak, just because I could. Then I made my way to Moab, Utah to see the Arches National park.
== Results from == 98% Dominant 96% Master/Mistress 91% Degrader 89% Rigger 88% Primal (Hunter) 88% Owner 73% Daddy/Mommy 71% Sadist 70% Brat Tamer 69% Vanilla 57% Non-monogamist 54% Experimentalist 50% Voyeur 31% Ageplayer 17% Exhibitionist 4% Girl/Boy 3% Masochist 3% Primal (Prey) 1% Submissive 1% Slave 1% Rope Bunny 1% Degradee 1% Brat 1% Pet 1% Switch
Fear breeds hated. Fear makes you controllable.
Here's another one of those fouled up things in life I love to talk about. With owning a camper I learned that you have to have a special hose for the potable water supply. This special hose does not have cancer causing matieals and inhibits the growth of bacteria. I also learned that I need a pressure regulator to protect the hose and my camper plumbing from high pressure. So I bought the two items together. Both made by the same company that makes RV supplies. So here's the fine print on the back of the regulator, and I quote ... California Propostion 65 Warning this product contains chemicals, including lead, known to the state of California to cause cancer, and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. WHAT?! It's dangerous to handle it but it's ok to drink from it?
I've gotten so many responses back about my new lifestyle that I decided it would be best to post a bit about my adventures here in my journal along with my bits of sage less wisdom. To sum up the beginning I decided that if my employers wouldn't or couldn't appreciate the good work I was doing for them then I would take my self off the market and leave them to there moronic devices. I sold everything I owned in the way of stuff and packed what little I kept into a small camper trailer and took off for parts unknown. My first stop was in Russell Springs Kentucky, where I spent a few day seeing the sights of lake comberland. I visited the fish hatchery and was totally impressed with size and number of fish they produce. Next I traveled to Columbus Georgia. A fantastic spot for a short visit. There is a great historical district downtown with loads of shops and eats places. There I'd a great number of museums about military history and I spent a day at the National Infantry and soldiers Muesum. A somber but fasinatiing tour of history. I'm in Panama City Beach now where my sister and her kids are vacationing. This wasn't planned. I thought they were going to myrtle beach. I spend most of my time on the beach swimming in the ocean, or I should say gulf. And that brings us up to date.
The trick to getting through life is understanding that the dictionary is fluid. Nobody says what they mean.
So the narrator of the new Jeep Renagade commercial says, "What can you do in a Jeep Rengade? Pretty much any thing you want." Perhaps he should have said, "Pretty much what somebody else wants."
First we had the No-No hair remover. Now we have the Yes hair remover. I guess removing hair is as simple as yes or no no.
So Greece defefaulted on their loan. What's the bank going to do, foreclose on the country and sell it to the highest bidder?
Walmart faced intense criticism from the public and a number of employee walk outs, before they caved in and gave their employees a raise. Then the spin the event with a TV commercial saying employees are their most valuable asset and because Walmart cares they gave the employees a raise. It's still below the poverty level for a single mother.
Who need Coffee-mate to go? Any place that provides coffe is going to provide some kind of creamer. Kraft advertises that their cheese is made with fresh milk. You can't make cheese with anything other than fresh milk.
If blue cheese gets moldy is it still good to eat?
Has anyone noticed that Tina Fey slides the America Express card backwards?
If Superman is impervious to bullets, how does he shave?

Why is vanilla a dirty word? Is it because we think of it as boring and mundane? Do we envision a married couple with 2.4 children having missionary sex on Wednesday and Saturday? Do we see those people in a rut leading dull and drab lives? Do we believe that vanilla relationships end out of sexual boredom


Certainly that's not true for all vanillas. Many have rich rewarding lives full of love and we have to assume that the sex is varied and exciting. By that same token many BDSM relationships end after a short time. Most time because the partners have fallen into a sexual rut also.


Anybody that truly understands BDSM knows that it's not really about the sex or kink. It's about opening possibilities and providing variety. BDSM is a conduit through which communication between partners flows. Not just every day communication but the ability to bare ones soul to another without fear of rejection or humiliation. How many men on this site have said to their wives, “Honey I want to try something new and different.” only to be reject with a snide comment or chuckle. I can imagine the number of cross dressing men in the closet, too ashamed to come out to the open person who is supposed to love and accept them. On the other hand there are plenty of coupled who tied each other up with silk scarves or padded handcuffs and play games, who have never heard the term BDSM. So what makes one different than the other?


BDSM has become diluted by this site and other like it. It's not about kinky sex. It's about having the love and trust to share our darker side. It goes beyond kinky sex too. All of have secrets we have suppressed. We pushed them so far back that even our spouses, the person who is supposed to be our closest friend does not know about them. Those secrets aren't always sexual either. Would it trouble you to know that when I was 16 I happened upon a old lady having a heart attack. I was so frightened I ran away and left her to die. I have two ex wives that have never heard that story and four slaves that have. Why did I tell it to some and not others. Simply because under the umbrella of BDSM we agreed that we would open ourselves to each other without fear of rejection or ridicule or criticism. Knowing what I do now I could have a vanilla relationship with that same ground rule. Would that make it BDSM? Without the trappings of BDSM play perhaps not but it would serve to achieve a similar relationship.


So back to the question, What makes us different than vanillas? Perhaps its different for each person. For me its attaining a high level of love, trust and acceptance with partner(s) I believe will never throw secrets back in my face. I trust them never to use my weaknesses to get back at me, in the heat of anger. I believe that they will love me, even when I get stupid and make mistakes. For me, BDSM is a state of mind.

I just read a profile of a girl who says she will stay still and in bed and not make any noise because if she did, that would mean she liked it.  I HAD a wife like that.  What man wants to screw a dead fish?  I want my girl to scream and yell and beg for more.

I've noticed that nobody talks about sub-space any more.

Ok two new TV products this season.  The WaxVac, for cleaning your ears and the PosTVac for giving men better erections.  Let hope nobody confuses their use.  Can you imagine an ear with an erection?

Hostess Bakery announced that it was closing business after 11 years of mismanagement.  11 years of failure is simply outrageous and if there is sin in the world this is the worst kind.  It just sickens me.  What is amazing thought is that fools are paying up to $2000 for a box of Twinkies on eBay. That's just laughable.  Maybe Hostess should have been charging $100 per Twinkie all along?

I learned something new the other day and I have been in a rather deep conversation with a friend about it.  I've always known that the keys to success are setting goals and having a vision.  What I learned the other day arose when the question was asked, "What is your life purpose?"   It turns out it is the third part of the success trinity.  I couldn't answer that question and have been struggling with it since.

There were two lines at the polling station to sign in.  One had a sign that was marked A - L  the other  N - Z.   I guess M's weren't allowed to vote.  OMG.

Just saw a TV commercial for lalaloopsy dolls.  It depicts little girls dressed in the equivilant of Japanese fetish nurse costumes with blue hair.  If sex sells, then who is this commercial targeting?

She said, "This is my side of the bed."
"OK, what difference does it make any way?", I asked.
She said, " I trust you to tie me up and whip me but I don't trust you with my alarm clock."


I've always wanted to see an antlion ever since I first read about them when I was a little kid.  Well its taken about 50 years but I found one in my back yard today.   I'm keeping and eye open for a victim and will help with the trap soon.

I went to the store the other day just to buy food serving trays.  I asked the clerk for help, she pointed me to the kitchen wares section.   I found a pair of trays I liked and purchased them.  The next morning I took them out of the bag to wash them off. I turned one over and there on the bottom side is a label that reads, "DO NOT USE FOR FOOD/ MAY POISON FOOD"


Is it just me or has the world gone insane?

I can tell if you are male or female simply by asking, "How are you feeling?"

I want to eat the chocolate girls in the Hershey's Air Delight TV commercial.

You see those ads on TV for $50.00 gold buffalo collectors coins? They are rare, they are valuable, they are limited. Act now and you can buy theses coins, clad in 14 milligrams of pure gold for just $9.95. Well at today's price of $1552.00 per ounce, this coin is worth roughly .69 cents. And just so you know there is no such rating as .9999 fine. There is .999 and 24k and they have different levels of purity.

so I'm sitting here eating and I started hearing this snapping popping sound .
so I got up to look and I went it the kitchen.
I saw steam coming from the stove top.
I though OMG !! what did I leave burning on the stove.
then I looked again and its the eggs I put on to  hard boil. 
I put a lid on the pot knowing that it would make a sound when it started to boiled over, so I wouldn't  forget them.


 I'm so glad I'm not a bimbo

I went on a mini vacation this weekend.? While I was sitting on a bench resting and watching people I saw two well dressed men walking up the sidewalk across the street.? About fifteen ft behind them trailed two of the most beuatiful woman I had seen all day.?? The men crossed the street and walked? past the bench where I was sitting.? The woman followed after stumbling over the curb and avoiding automobile traffic.?? I? thought to myself that there was a pair of divorces waiting to happen.? I would have had either or both of those women on my arm, proudly showing them off and struting my stuff.? I would never allow a woman to hazard crossing a street on her own let alone leaving her to stumble in her high heels.? What fools those two men are.


I went to the bar Friday night for dinner.? While I'm waiting to be served i watch some program on tv about cars. In one scene a guy is trying to get his Porsche up to 270mph on a runway.?? Only reaching 264.3mph, he wasn't successful so he announced that he was going to race a Piper Cherokee on landing to see if he could beat it down the runway. He said that he would start as soon as the plane passed the end of the runway and see if he could pass it before it lands. The implication was that the pilot was not aware of this little race.

Ok so here's the fallacy to all of this. I've flown a Cherokee. The optimal landing speed is 74 mph. I can do that in my Oldsmobile easily. The proper approach is to set the wheels down at the beginning of the runway as soon as practical, not sail down the length of it. (Runway behind you is useless). The whole point of landing a plane is to slow down and stop.

Our race car driver gets out of his car cheering that he beat a plane in his fast little car.

Conclusions: The plane wasn't going much faster than highway speeds to start with. He is speeding up while the plane is slowing down. The pilot was either very bad or participating a staged event, to keep the plane aloft half down the runway.

I hate it when they lie to me and try to pass it off as reality tv.

This was too good not to share.   Got contacted on yahoo IM the other day by someone that said we used to talk.  Now she was free and wanted to be my slave.  At that point I'm already 99% sure that this is a scam but I played along to see and learn.   Great, so she wants to show me her webcam, and I noticed that her arms are down at her sides most of time whiles shes typing.  ;) 99.2%  Then of course only a few hours and she's already to ship her toys and move in.  99.4 % All I need to do is help relocate her.  The tickets are more than she has.  99.6%   At one point in the conversation she makes a typo and I see  "vervouse".  I didn't know what that word was. Thought it might be african or something so I googled it.   (go ahead try it)  It showed up all over the place on who knows how many sex sites in the same phrase. "new to this little vervouse."  BINGO!!!!  What are the odds that hundreds of random people on sex sites all over the country type the same exact phrase and make the same typo?    Slim to nill I'd say.  LOL Thats rich. 

LOL saw a profile here today in which the author says she prefers woman becuase so few lie.  OMG talk about niave.
So why is it that all these girls that say they are interested in me, never write to me to ask how I'm doing or let me know what they are thinking like I do for them?

So I was at orange depot the other day and they had this display for a really cool looking tool.  I couldn’t resist the impulse to become the proud owner of my very own “Husky 14 in 1 paint tool” for only $4.95.  It didn’t come with instructions of any kind but some of the functions were easy to figure out.   Paint scraper, can opener, cutting edge and so on.

Some looked logical, maybe.  There were two hexagonal holes that looked like they would turn nuts but what nuts I asked myself.  The rest were a mystery

So I Googled the “Husky 14 in 1 paint tool” looking for a web site that explained all its uses. There was no web site for a “Husky or a 14 in 1 paint tool”.  There were However, dozens of blogs all asking what are the 14 functions of the paint tool.  Great!, I’m not the only fool in the world.  Hundreds of other impulse buyers were asking the same question.  In all the links I could find, nowhere did I find a list of the 14 functions for this magical wonder.  I guess its up to my imagination to figure it out.


Now looking for a slave open to experimentation with my new toy.
Some where along the line I picked up this little packet of pasta side dish.  Not normally my style but hey, it was in the pantry.  Its one of those dry mixes you boil in water and instant food, right?  It was described as Fetachini and brocoli in a chicken flavored suace.  So 4 minutes into the cooking this looks more like pond scum in a pot. For those with a stonger stomach and imagination one could include the flecks of red peppers to describe this as pureed  frog.  

Eh, didn't taste bad but I certianly won't buy it again
I could really use a slave Friday type. Someone that can take care of the administative side of my life. Get the paper work done and in order. That sort of thing. Must be able to hold a part time job too.

I work for a cable TV provider in tech support.  This service only provides a maximum of 4 TV signals at the same time.  I get irate customer calling to complain that they have 5 to 8 TV’s and they can’t watch that many at the same time.  So I started thinking about what they are telling me.  Imagine this: Dad in one room watching the game, Mom in her room watching a movie, sons and/or daughters in their rooms watching god knows what and grandma in her space watching the Playboy Channel. 


Is this family togetherness?  Is this good for the family relationship?  When I was a kid the family all gathered around the TV after dinner and chores to watch The Ed Sullivan show or Star Trek.  We laughed at the same jokes, got excited about the villain sneaking up on the hero, even sang along with Mitch.  That for what its worth was a family activity for the day.


Just incase anybody in curious.  I have one TV.  I will only ever have one TV.  If I want to watch a program then that’s the choice for the programming.
What's the difference between a golf ball and a Cadilac SUV?    Tiger can drive a golf ball 300 yards.
Isn't funny how so many on here seem to have lost a master or slave due to cancer when the odds are greater that any given person will die in a car.
You know who I like on here the best?  I like the girls that have the tits to say they aren't interested when I contact them.  That's great.  It's a helluva lot better than saying nothing.  Ok so the next step is to say why.  How can I become a better man if nobody tells me what I did wrong?
Recently due to life changes I've been interacting with a lot more people than I have previously.  It is interesting to find that I am very in touch with my feelings and so few others aren't.
My car broke and is going to be in the shop a number of days.  My brother was kind enough to lend me his truck for the while.  On the way taking him back home he said, "Maybe you should buy a klunker for a few hundred dollars."   To which I replied, " I own a klunker and its going to cost me a few hundred dollars."
The label on a particular variety of peas reads...

California Early
small  very young

If you eat them does that make you a peadophile?
I see a lot of profiles form subs requesting a financially stable man. I'm sure that is a result of the economic times.  I think its ironic that these same subs have the idea that a one income home is going to be the perfect situation for them.   Thats certianly a thing of the past.  What does stable mean anyway?  A secure job that one can never be fired or laid off from?  No such thing.  Does stable mean being soundly invested so that one will never have to worry about the stock market?  We've all be there.  To me stable means being able to weather the storms.  To survive a crisis like todays and still get up in the morning  the same person you were before.  Money and financial security are certianly nice things to have but they are not what defines me. 
I'm pretty sure my life's saving totals up to the amount of loose change in the bottom of my washing machine.
Wow, I sure would like to know about all these slave camps where these young girls go to get 10 years of training in 2 years.   I'm amazed. 

For those that don't know I've been forced to take a job in a grocery store.  Now for an educated professional these places are rum by morrons with no skills what so ever.  The boss said what ever pickles and mustard are left over after stocking to save for him for a display he is building.  So we put the extra on a cart and put it in the back room like we are trained to do for storage.  He comes back and says I wanted that stuff up front where I'm building that display,  so bring the next bacth up there.  So we load the cart and take it to the display.  He comes back and says why didn't you put that stuff on the display?
What we have here is failure to communicate.

Phases of a relationship on CM

The Introduction.
The Mail Exchange
The Yahoo Chat.
The Discovery of Compatibility.
The Hot Time.
The Excuse
The Unanswered Question.
The Fade.

The Deleted profile

Sound familar to any one.  :)
I went to the pharmacy the other day to refill a presciption.  Usually it takes only a few minutes and I wait at the counter.  When the girl asked me when I'd like to pick it up I told her I'd wait.   She said ok but we got a new system it will take 25 minutes.   

And here I thought computers were supposed to speed things up.  Silly me.
I followed the trail of floating objects and people as they languidly floated out the window.  I looked out the window and saw not a sky above a horizon but an entire star field.  Near the window sat a man in a wicker rocking chair. I looked at him.
"Wanna hear a joke?" he said.
"Sure", I replied.
He said, "Do you know what the universe really wants?"
He went on blankly, "Even tomato paste."

Just a tidbit from a dream last night. 

In the shower this morning I suddenly burst out laughing when I got it.
I'm finding out that this economy is taking a toll on a lot of people here.  Lost jobs, bankruptcies, foreclosures, there's bound to be certian percentage of people here facing difficult times.   This is real life. For those that are living together I hope that as a team you overcome.  For those that are living in a fantasy world, stay there.
Did you know there are tabs on the ends of the Reynolds aluminum foil boxs to hold the roll in the box so it doesn't jump out?  Check it out.  Saran wrap has them too.
Be kind,  for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. (author unknown to me)
After a week of silence I finally get a reply from some one I had written to  introduced myslef.   Heres the first two lines. 

My internet service has not been switched so I am not convenient to the internet right now. I am currently on house arrest however my Saturday schedule has been changed to 11-9PM thank to the understanding of the officer.
OMG!!!  I'm turned on now!!  :)
There are some truths that can never be proven true.  There are fundemental limits to certainty.   - Godel
He didn't refute god, just the 17th century idea that all life on earth is stagnant. 
Happy birthday Charles Darwin.
They ought to call this  This one is rich.   (copied directly from my inbox)

It was really amazing reading thru your profile.. My name is COMFORT and I am from ohio, USA.. I enjoy traveling but have not been to any place yet.. I will love top visit your country someday.. Its a dream come true for me.. I want you to give me your email address and I will write to you from my personal mail box and tell you more about myself and my family as well. How did your weekend go? Mine was great.. Have a lovely terrific day and I hope to read back from you soon..
"No woman will ever be truly satisfied, because no man will ever have a chocolate penis, that ejaculates money.
Statisticly your tire is more likely to get screwed as opposed to nailed. (per my analisys)

There are more orange M&M's than any other color in the average pack. (Courtesy Josh
ROFLMAO  email excerpt from a spammer
I would like you to contact my legal adviser that takes in charge of my conversations as it may concern me in relocating to your house in order so start my servitude with you, you can get in touch with my lawyer with this email :                           
any thing that you both have decided on is what makes me your slave or what ever you want me to do.
I think cold shrimp and cocktail sauce is the best after sex food.
I have to make economic cutbacks.  I can no longer afford to pay attention.