Experienced Master seeking full-time, real-time, hopefully life-time slave. Things I'm not interested in: people who only want to be online/phone friends, and anything involving children/animals/other illegal behavior. I'm very cautious about who I spend my time with. My life is pretty good & successful otherwise, I lack for nothing, and this is what is needed to complete it.

I'm interested in exploring the gradual pushing of boundaries that comes over a long-time M/s relationship. Not looking for one specific kink (although I am strongly interested in body modification/bimbofication). I'll work with my slave to eroticize every moment of our lives together, no matter how seemingly mundane. Looking for someone who's openminded and wants to have fun on this journey together.

Other info (yes, there is more to me than just this interest): I'm a self-employed professional. Into food (restaurants, cooking, the whole subject). I also play music. And oh, so much more! I can't give away all my exciting info at once, can I? (sarcasm is another hobby of mine).
7/21/2009 10:48:51 AM
A little note for subs/slaves who come across my profile and are nice enough to contact me - I know it's a sign of respect, but I'd prefer you not refer to me as Sir or Master or do the capitalization thing.  I consider any kind of M/s or D/s relationship, no matter how small, to be a serious responsibility, and I don't expect or want that from someone I don't know.

Don't take this the wrong way - I'm always happy to hear from someone who found my profile interesting.  I'm here to meet people, after all.  Let's just go easy on the formalities at this point...thanks!
7/16/2009 2:11:33 PM
Signed up for .com on the same account name - mr86259 - don't everybody run over there at once.
7/14/2009 9:32:26 PM
After a few days, I've found I really enjoy this site.  I've talked to some cool folks.  Everyone warns me that there are a bunch of fakers, but I haven't come across many.  Maybe I just have a good eye for fakers - or maybe I'm just too slow to know the difference.  There was this one Nigerian prince who wanted to give me a bunch of money, that must be legit, right?

I wandered off topic once again...this site is cool, looking forward to meeting more folks on here & expanding my connections in the community.
7/9/2009 4:10:39 PM
I'm currently seeking a full-time slave for a long-term relationship (with the understanding that this is a status that is reached over time - I'm not looking to jump into anything like that on Day 1 and I wouldn't expect a slave to, either).  I've had various experiences for various periods of time, but have not had what I consider a long-term M/s relationship (let's say a year or more).  Having had conversations with a few potentials, I find myself thinking about how much to discuss upfront.

My instinct is to get as much information as possible from her about her expectations, limits, boundaries, needs, etc.  I think that's normal and healthy.  The question is how much to reveal on my side.  There's a fine line of how much I want to reveal upfront, and how much should be left to trust.

Maybe I should clarify - here are things I am definitely *not* interested in:

* Anything that could cause serious/permanent damage/disability/death
* Anything involving children, animals, or other non-consenting adults
* Anything illegal (i.e., hey slave, I need some $$, go start a Madoff-style Ponzi scheme)
* Scat
* Renting out/selling the slave temporarily or permanently
* Telling a slave she can never talk to her family/friends again

This list could go on, but you get the picture.  I'm happy to share those parameters upfront, and I'd hope she would share them.  But outside of these types of limits, part of the appeal is having her not know exactly what I *do* want to do, and having her take the leap anyway.  Is that an unreasonable fantasy?  Or is that a common part of the experience?

Part of it may be that my tastes may change over time.  Maybe I never thought of doing XYZ before, but one day it seems appealing.

A similar question is how to determine exactly what are her "hard limits" versus "this is something that doesn't turn me on per se, but I would do it if told to" versus "I'm telling you this is a limit, but really it's a boundary to be pushed over time."  Of course, one answer to this is simply to try to have open communication upfront, but I've found even then the lines aren't always perfectly clear.

I appreciate any thoughts folks may want to share.
 Age: 25
  New York