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morrgan76 - photo 1
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morrgan76 - photo 6
morrgan76 - photo 7
morrgan76 - photo 8

Hello everyone!

MorriganFae here. I am looking to meet new people and find men to take me out and spoil me! Dont think you have to be gentle with me.....I love it rough and hard....the last guy refused to grab my hair spank my ass or even tie me down. Looking for a relationship where I can be babygirl or bratty slut or a kitten to lick and suck your cock! If this is something you will and CAN actually do hit me up!


I just wanted to say thank you too all the love I have been getting about my journals and pics.  It makes me smile and helps my day it truly does.  That being said I am in total love with my big ole boobies and if that is a problem then tough shit.  I am proud of what God has blessed me with.  If you don't want a chunky big boobed single mom then move the fuck on.  Just because you don't find me attractive doesnt mean someone else won't see me for the sexxy bitch that I TOTALLY am!  HA HA!  Yes I have a attitude but, that comes with heartache and pain.  I have been called every name in the book and you won't make me cry because you call me names.  Again thank you to all the lovely and sexxy people who have reached out to me with their support.  it truly means the world to me!  To the ppl who don't like me due to my weight and attitude.....well you know where you can shove it!

Ok so I got an email today on here saying they liked my "tude" but my big ole boobs weren't their why even bother wasting to time to write me?  I mean come on now.....just seems like  a waste of time and energy!

Last night I had a "man" send me a message on was just a one word message...all it said was "fat". Ooh ok....soo really what was the point of that?? Ok I know I'm not a skinny girl I am more rubenesqe than need to be rude...ooh did I mention he didn't even have a pic? When I messaged him back tell him to have a nice day his response?? "Fuck off"....classy dude real classy!!
OMG sometimes I love to start shit with these lil girls playing at being Dommes....if just for shits and's like they think at 18 they know what it means to be dominate....and that entails a talking crap to and guy demanding them to pay all their bills....and what does the lowly male get??? Not a damn thing.....ha ha too funny But then again the guys go for it thinking they are really getting a dominate female!! WHATEVER!!

Ok this is getting old people!!
A FUCKING AGAIN some little narrow minded person has seen my pictures on this site and decided it would be good to fuck with me. This time with blackmail.....that shit is fucked up and crazy....if you are on this site just to let you know right WILL be outed...make no mistake I am NOT someone to be fucked with......I may have a sweet face but I will bring it if you want to start shit with my job.....That is sooo NOT kool......this is not a game for me. It is not something I just woke up and decided " hey I want to get into the BDSM lifestyle today just for kicks" It is something that is part of who I am. Yes I LOVE to be spanked....I love my hair pulled along with other kinky things. But, that does NOT give you the right to go on a VANILLA site and threaten my job and my way of life.....This is someone who I have NEVER meet or talked to and she is going out of her way to screw ppl over.....I can't help it if you aren't as hott as I the end I have more class and I will be on top....but, hey you might like me on top....ha ha

ok so I just got a message and this is what it said.....

I need a female slave i have a empty cage brand new. well used once for my dogg but still clean enough for you to sleep in... you wil get a job as a stripper to pay me rent for your space in return.. you get recreation which means ill let you out to tend to my every sexual urge .......dont like it tough your a worthlesss peace of shit whore and will deserve what i give you



Wow ppl I have said before...I am NOT a doormat....if you read my profile you will see that I don't like crap like this.....I can't even believe ppl fall for this....but hopefully he will get the help he needs.

Well I had to delete my kitty pic on here due to someone harassing me on a vanilla site threatening my job.... It breaks my heart that I really want to get involved into the scene but ppl keep bringing me down.
Omg I have heard of theses Nigerian scams but this is CRAZY! I met this guy on here and he seemed kinda fishy after awhile. But he even called me soo I thought maybe he isn't a scammer. Then he said he had to go to Nigeria on business. Then today he said he was buying an art store. Jeez its called an Art Gallery moron. Said he was going to give local artists chance to show their work. The he said he needed to western union me money that I would send back to him after taking a10% cut. About to give up on this site. This is just crazy that ppl do this... Grrrr

Let me just say this and I hope people don't take this the wrong way.  I am NOT looking for a situation where it is 24/7 or to be a slave.  That is just something that isn't for me.  I mean I get some people like that kind of thing and that is awesome.  To each his own and all that.  I am also not looking to be locked up in a cage either.  I hope people can take this as just my wants and needs.  And not take it as I am being negative towards people who have this need.  That is not what I am doing at all.  I applaud anyone who can find what they truly need to be fullfilled in life.

Omg just got amessage from an asshole who evidently didn't like my profile. And that is fine. You don't have to like my profile, its not MY problem. If you don't like it move on don't email me talking shit saying how I am a stupid cunt and then dare to being my child into it. Let me say this for all the idiots out there.....KEEP MY CHILDREN THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR STUPID RANTINGS...I WILL RIP YOU A NEW ONE. I am a generally set and obediently subbie until you mess with my kids.