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MiaMagination - photo 1

? **Note:: I am a proud mother of a beautiful twenty-one month old baby boy, and ?a BBW. If you cannot deal, leave me alone.**

With that being said...

What I'm looking for is simple...

1. Don't be overly jealous. If I'm with you, I'm with -YOU-. I can talk to others but note that I don't hide the fact that I'm with you.

1. Be interested in BDSM. Beginners are fine. ? I have been involved in an alternative lifestyle since I was sixteen.. I've been on both the Dominant scale and the submissive.. I've been both BDSM submissive and Gorean kajira/slave. I've been the Daddy's girl, and all of that.. ? With that being said, I do not claim to be an expert. I am at very most intermediate, so please, please don't come at me with "I know all there is to know." Because let's face it.. if you lived to be a thousand years old, you still wouldn't know it all. This lifestyle.. is ever changing, which is part of the reason I love it. ? I am NOT looking for Vanilla.. but I'm not looking for pure BDSM 24/7. I have a family, friends, and most importantly a son. I will expect anyone I get involved with to be at least a friend outside of the lifestyle. I am also looking for a relationship. A true, honest, relationship. I'm not looking to be someone's momma, I have a child, thank you, and I have no desire to mother a grown man or woman for that matter. ? If after reading all of this, you're still interested in talking with me, feel free to type up a message. :) ? xoxo, Mia? ? ?


Just so everyone knows.. I am NotThatKindaGirl I couldn't remember the password to this account, so I made a new one.. Now that I have.. well I suppose I will check both of them.


Okay So I think I'm in Lust.

Lovely way to begin a journal entry, I think!

I was perusing those who were online, when lo-and-behold I came across a most exquisite Curvy Domme. I read her profile.. I was like omg, she's perfect! Then it says she deletes emails from women.

But then the amazing thing happens... as I'm reading her journal entries, she messages me!!!!

So we started talking via messages.. it went to yahoo.. and omgosh! Lust, Lust, Lust!!

She, at this point, is everything in a female I could ever want.

Those of you reading this who are pondering a Domme, Look up.. 


Amazing, amazing, amazing!! She is very down to earth, very fun to talk to, and very easy to talk to as well. She is -real-.

For those of you asking.. "How do you know after talking to her once?" Shut up. 

She is thus far the most real person I've talked to on this site!




Tada! Day two of consecutive journal entries. Go me!

Anyways.. as I mentioned in yesterday's episode of Days of Our Mia, I got a lot of dirty emails from people.

Now, I'll not point fingers and such, because you know who you are, and I won't give unnecessary traffic to your pathetic "Will Write This Later" profile page, nor will I victimize others with seeing that impressively teeny-tiny little nub you call a penis.

I received an email stating that I was all of what I said I wasn't in my prior post, so allow me to enlighten you.

The first of these being that...

I'm Not Submissive

Oh my dear sweet shrimp dicked individual.. How kind of you to say so. Why do you think I'm not submissive? Because I have a brain? A brilliant mind that processes and creates intelligent thought?

While I realize that is difficult for you, since you lack such requirements for thought, i.e a Brain, the rest of us boarded the brain train and got ours.

I am very submissive, however I'm not a doormat. I will not address a thousand countless souls as Master or Mistress. There is simply no reason for it. If you are not -my- Master or Mistress, than you are not going to be called such a term of endearment.

I have been in this lifestyle longer than most people, and I have been a party to both the Dominant and submissive realms, as well as trying to play the Switch, and I have been a slave in the Gorean lifestyle, as I've mentioned in my profile.

Another one the aforementioned funny lad said was, 

I'm Fat, and the only reason I'm in this lifestyle is because I can't get a man.

Oh how I wish this were true. I have, even now, an inbox full of emails stating that they'd love to be with me, that they'd pay to come to Florida to be with me, that they'd pay for me to move to their various states.

I am highly selective, and refuse to move or have someone else move on a whim, just because of a pretty picture. While I take impeccable care of myself, I do have my off days, where I'll sit in oversized clothing, with my glasses on, hair pulled into a ponytail, and just veg out. Put a TableTop RPG in front of me.. or even a RPG video game.. and I can be lost for hours, not caring in the slightest that I look a hot mess.

I'm a Bitch.

Isn't that kind of the point of being a submissive? Doing things for another person without requesting anything more than their happiness.. You say Bitch, I say Submissive.. however in the personality aspect, I suppose I could be considered a raging hormonal cunt rag bitch.

I am extremely protective over those I consider friends, so if you want to email one of my best IRL friends and call her names and make her cry, yeah I'm gonna go slap off crazy, and show just what kind of a bitch I can be.

My friends, both IRL and online mean the world to me, and I will have their back no matter what. If you see me as someones friend or their admired, don't mess with them, because you'll get a full ear (or eye since you'd be reading it.) of just where you can go, what you can do while there, and with how many flaming hot sporks you can do it with. :)

I'm a Spoiled Brat

This can be very true at times. I've been told I have a face that makes people want to cater to me, or that I look like a chibi, or like I'm a teenager. It can come in handy at times, but it is also a huge annoyance when I'm flooded with submissive and slave men who are looking for a Mistress. 

Also, I was spoiled growing up, and since I'm out of work now, unfortunately, my parents are paying for pretty much everything for my son and I.

NOTE!:: If you need a Secretary, personal assistant, or any such thing of that nature, I'd be more than happy to fill the position!!!

Yet another mention was that..

I'm a Player

Not in the sense that I cheat on my partners, but rather I'm not a lifestyler but rather a bedroom kinkster. There's nothing wrong with being a bedroom kinkster, but I need more than that. I do not just play the pretend submissive behind closed doors. I need to feel owned even when out and about, not that I need the whole collar and leash deal, but I need someone who can exert power over me enough to make me feel like I'm owned.

And Lastly....

I'm a Wannabe

My God. This is the stupidest one of them all. I have lived this lifestyle for over ten years. I don't do vanilla relationships at all. Well, I should take that back and rephrase. I don't do -JUST- vanilla relationships, nor do I do -JUST- BDSM relationships. I need the happy medium. I need to be owned, as well as loved, as well as cherished, as well as all of the above. I need to be the submissive girlfriend, not the submissive piece on the side.

I am big into family stuff, especially now that my son is almost a year old. I don't want him exposed to the nitty-gritty, down and dirty, wild, darkside of this lifestyle, that part can remain behind doors.. but the true aspect of the lifestyle.. the Dominance.. the submission.. the relationship part, rather than the sexual part.. the true beauty of this lifestyle, is what I'll never hide.

Anyways... that's the end of this episode.. tune in tomorrow to see another exciting day of... Days of Our Mia!


Hey everyone.. So naturally this is my first journal entry, at least for this site. I needed to do some updating, so I figured why not add something a bit more.. Mmm.. personal, I guess? 

I love blogging, though I'm not sure why I never started one here. A prior Master demanded I keep a journal and while that was nearly five years ago, I still keep a journal.

No, that's not the personal tidbit, but I think that sharing my personal life with a bunch of nameless and for the most part, faceless strangers on an online site will help me not only deal with my own issues, but simply relieve stress... not to mention give insight to the real me as it were.

"The real me" 

How often people say that, and often lie about who and what they are, just because they're online. I suspect those people think that other people are either 

A. Stupid

B. Emotionless

C. Naiive


D. All of the above.

I mean seriously. I got accused of having fake pictures. I mean -really-. If I was going to steal pictures, don't you think I'd steal a slender modelly type person, and a helluva lot better quality photos? Meh.. People annoy me sometimes.

Anyways.. the whole real me thing..

Through the course of this journal, people will probably say I'm not very submissive, that I'm a bitch, a spoiled brat, a player, a wannabe, or a number of other nasty tidbits.

Tidbit. I love that word.

Back on subject...

I find myself not caring what other people think of me, thus the ability for me to put out there my most private thoughts for all of you to see.

In the following journal entries, I will tackle each of those criticisms that I've already received on this site because of my profile, and as they come in I'll add more of them.. not to mention more of my day to day life. 

If you don't care, don't read it. I'm not here to keep you entertained, but rather to show potential interested parties a bit more of me.

I will not get on webcam for you, however. Not even to prove I'm the person in the pictures. I can however, for the right person, take a picture with their username and my own, so you're sure that I am me.

I have a microphone to prove I'm a girl. I'm told I sound feminine, however, hearing my own voice played back, I don't think I do. LOL


Heh.. Anyways.. another word you'll see a lot of.

Like I said, Anyways.. enough for this entry..
