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I am a straight male dominant sadist..

I live in the East Bay with my submissive and am looking for one other poly play partner.

It is easier to fall in love with someone than it is to live with someone.


I started calling myself a Dom in 2003 when Mars was very close to the Earth.

My main submissive partner met me on old She is still with me, but she has health problems that now limit her ability to play.

We used to have a third who would submit to me occasionally. She was with me off and on for 18 years but then accidentally died.

I am in good health.  I learned how to lose 40 pounds and keep it off.

On that other FL site I am marsman2


One good book for beginners is Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns by Philip Miller and Molly Devon.

A public dungeon is a good place to take classes, meet people and and learn.  Munches are another place to meet people.

There is a BDSM events calendar for Northern California at: