Results summary

Your test score for each archetype is displayed below. Click an an archetype for info.

99% Submissive
98% Rope Bunny
86% Degradee
80% Slave
76% Masochist
76% Voyeur
76% Exhibitionist
66% Experimentalist
50% Brat
36% Primal (Prey)
34% Switch
33% Non-monogamist
31% Vanilla
21% Girl/Boy
17% Pet
11% Rigger
10% Dominant
8% Sadist
8% Master/Mistress
8% Degrader
5% Brat Tamer
4% Daddy/Mommy
3% Primal (Hunter)
3% Ageplayer
1% Owner
How well do you feel these results fit you? Rate them here.
(1 = absolutely not me, 5 = perfectly describes me)

Copy-paste them from the area below it, to your blog, profile, or website.
(Click in the box to select the text.)