NOTE ... dont change ANYTHING in your profile. Dont change your age or weight or location or orientation or anything. Youll be kicked out for 3 days. They warn you if you change your profile text there is a 3 day approval period but it applies to ANYTHING in your profile (heaven forbid you might switch from pounds to kilograms) ...
Do not attempt to adjust your set. I control the vertical, I control the horizontal. While a modest amount of privilege, even a tinge of liberty, is possible, if you require those secret little corners of mind as inviolate sanctuary, then you should remain a free woman. I will not take you gently into the night.Sadistic Maestro seeking women who areebullient in service, rhapsodic in bondage, and effusively radiant in suffering. I am interested in making the female body sing and the female spirit soar - a Stradivarius played lyrically (like Yehudi Menuhin), hard grinding (Isaac Stern), mystically, magically, maniacally (Niccolo Paganini), or plugged in and set ablaze (Jimi Hendrix).From awell played instrument can be elicited the most exquisite soundstension of the bow liberates the force which resonates throughout the body. Shaped guided by the powerful hands of a virtuoso, the very soul cries forth. The phrasing of the soloist drives the melody along its inexorable path, sometimes playfully, sometimes tenaciously - but always under control - never breaking a string or cracking the bridge. Although the ive is to make the music exceed the capacity of the instrument itself, the goal is ultimately to alterthevery instrument through which the music flows. Over time the well tuned instrument will be able to sing melodiesand produce harmonies the likes of which would have been heretofore undreamt. Such a prized possession is forever cherished by its Maestro and would be continually coaxed into new heights of liberatingly licentiousartistic expression. If you detect the latent, dormant, or languishing instrument within, needing to be taken out of its dusty case, stripped revarnished, polished, restrung, and induced to sing,the concert hallawaits.Note The journal is more extensive than that which you see before you. Feel free to comment, agree or disagree I urge you to remember though that some of these are as much an exercise in the exploration and organization of ones thoughts, as for your entertainment,arousal, edification, or seduction. Each will provide its own glimpse into this mind, and there must be some measure of validity in that. A certain evolution of thought may be detected ... or none whatsoever.
4/14/2018 12:51:22 PM
The Poly Problem ...

   or Why Communes Crumble ...

Is the leader of your group charismatic? organized? flexible? psychotic? a dictator? Charlie Manson???

Obviously, there is no substitute for the personality traits necessary of one who can put an organization together and keep it functioning over a period of time. But the group comprising that organization, regardness of how dedicated they (and each) may be to the founding principle, is just as important to its success.

I once had a friend of Middle Eastern descent who would proudly proclaim his "right" to have 4 wives. My response was always along the lines of "Yeah, but where are you going to find the 4 women who are going to put up with your sorry ass? And moreover, with each other?"

The number of people in any group determine the number of relationships within that group. This isn't about how well people get along or know their place or follow the lead. It isn't about hierarchical structure. Sheer numbers influence what may be accomplished (which may be profound), or how the entire enterprize may be undermined (without any malicious or dedicated intent to sow discord).

Between a pair of people there exists but a single relationship. This relationship will ebb and flow, wax and wane, tension will increase and decrease, the bond may strengthen or break altogether. Between any 3 people there exist 3 relationships, each with the requisite dynamics. Algorithms may be constructed to reveal just how many relationships will be generated between the members of any sized group of people. And remember, each relationship is a dynamic entity onto itself. 

As for the algorithms:
Number of Relationships per Number of Individuals:  (as a function of the number of individuals  involved in the group under consideration)
               r = f(i)        or       x = f(n)
 n     x      x prog      f(n)
 0     0     (0 x 0)      f(0) = (n) ..... null relationship
 1     0     (0 x 1)      f(1) = (n - n) ..... no relationship
 2     1     (1 x 1)      f(2) = (n - 1) + (n - n)
 3     3     (1 x 3)      f(3) = (n - 1) + (n - 2) + (n - n)
 4     6     (2 x 3)      f(4) = (n - 1) + (n - 2) + (n - 3) + (n - n)
 5    10    (2 x 5)      f(5) = (n - 1) + (n - 2) + (n - 3) + (n - 4) + (n - n)
 6    15    (3 x 5)      f(6) = (n - 1) + (n - 2) + (n - 3) + (n - 4) + (n - 5) + (n - n)

Thus if there are 4 individuals in the group, there are 6 relationships. If there are 5 people, there are 10 relationships. Six people yield 15 relationships, etc.

If you're ready for a little higher math, beyond addition & subtraction, we might jump to multiplication & division ... where the increasingly cumbersome sequences of subtraction & addition may be collapsed into a single (simpler) formula (for those of you not scared off by the word "formula").

Each individual has (n-1) relationships. This produces a total of n(n-1) relationships for the entire group. But this approach ends up counting each relationship twice (once for each partner in each relationship), but dividing the grand total by 2 cures the overcount. Thus the equation n(n-1)/2 will work for any number of members in any group.

So for 10 members:  10(10-1)/2  =   10(9)/2   =   90/2   =   45 relationships

and for 20 members:  20(20-1)/2  =  20(19)/2  =  380/2  =  190 relationships

and for 50 members:  50(50-1)/2  =  50(49)/2  =  2450/2  =  1225 relationships

and for 100 members:  100(100-1)/2  =  100(99)/2  =  9900/2  =  4950 relationships

Thus if you have a commune, harem, club, ranch, football team, factory, whatever, with 100 people, you will have almost 5000 relationships with which to contend. These magnitudes reflect the potential power of such organizations as well as are indicative of the internal stress/strain within them. You can hope (or order) them to just all get along (or follow orders), but ultimately this is why it's easier to herd sheep than cats.   

4/4/2018 10:26:55 AM
Half a century ago ...

MLK (4/4/68)

RFK (6/5/68)

Even in our sleep
Pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart

And in our own despair
Against our will
Comes wisdom
Through the awful grace of God

3/24/2017 5:09:13 PM
The Trumpublican Party:

         The Glorification of Ignorance.

         The Triumph of Incompetence.

To those 60 million of you who voted for this man, you need a big capital "T" carved into your foreheads (a la the swastikas in Inglorious Bastards) so we will always know who you are and what you've done ... that you are the ones who are responsible/irresponsible.

Now this doesn't absolve all the millennials who didn't bother vote, but at least they will be the ones to pay the bulk of the price for their mistake over the course of their lifetimes. The presidency is far more than a temporary condition; it is a gift that keeps on giving, as you will someday realize.

Of course what I find truely surprising is the abundance of white female atheists in this country. I had no idea. No woman who actually believes in an afterlife could have possibly voted for what is argueably one of the greatest male chauvinists in history, over the opportunity to place a woman in the most powerful office on the planet for the first time, ever. No one was surprised when 98% of blacks voted for Obama, yet women have been oppressed, exploited, enslaved, beaten, and killed in every culture on every continent and every century in human history. A majority of white women seem to have forgotten this. If there's an afterlife, you will have all your female ancestors in your face for at least the first few eternities (until they tire of the exercise and you are simply ostracized). I doubt that any of the lame rationalizations stemming from your charmed & privileged lives will be received favorably by those who endured the uninvited suffering of theirs. I would suggest that the next time you pray, the request that there is not an afterlife should be at the top of your list.  
6/20/2016 11:56:23 PM
Full Moon Solstice: Intensity anchors you in the Present ... Intervals of respite offer the glimpse of Eternity ... It is the gaps between the bars that bind the Soul
6/4/2014 6:02:37 PM




2/12/2013 5:26:31 PM


Happy Birthday Lincoln & Darwin (both 2/12/1809);

To you who brought us kicking and screaming out of the supersititous ignorance of our past, onto the path of egalitarian enlightenment.

5/18/2012 1:48:14 PM

The moral of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo:

       computer hacking may save your life;

              it may save other's lives;

                     it may save civilization.


11/8/2011 2:22:31 PM


Life is but our personal interaction with moments of time. Perception, conception, cognition is the recognition of those moments, the interpretation, the absorption and integration of those moments. Memory affords the continuity necessary for the stream of consciousness from which may emerge, and we may construct a sense of identity and personality. The precious moments are those remembered best, longest, most
powerfully. What constitutes a precious moment are the acts which transpire during those moments ... and of course our own predisposition toward recognizing those acts, those moments. Thus, what we collect are moments. What we desire is a collection
of the most precious moments. For those relying upon the act to render the moment special, their lives will be a search for the most exciting acts they can find. For those who may possess an internalized mechanism for sanctifying the moment, a much quieter existence may suffice quite nicely.


The point is that somehow, the moment must be sanctified to be fully appreciated, to become more than remembered, rather to become memorable. For those who may habitually perceive the exquisite beauty in nature or the marvels of life in general, no further mechanism may be required to recognize the sanctity of each moment of existence. For many though, daily routine dulls the senses; moments become obstacles to be overcome, trudged through, or even worse, passed by without recognition
whatsoever. How many precious moments may be collected over a lifetime in such a mindset? Precious few, I would think. What is the sum of a life consisting of precious few precious moments? Precious little, I would think.


Therefore it is incumbent upon us to render the moments precious to have them worth rembering. We must sanctify, either internally or extertnally (without digressing into debate as to whether external sanctification is somehow artificial), every moment
possible. While there exist numerous philosophical treatises from through the ages, across civilizations, upon this very topic, I would submit that short of resolving to perpetually meditate upon the inherent wonder and beauty of all things, one may construct a life, an existence of even routine and mundane acts which yet may afford opportunity for wonder.


What one must do, in daily life, is to transform act into ritual. The ritualization of an act renders the act sacred. It is just the touch, the flourish which provides the metamorphosis of the simple act into the grand gesture ... a gesture which may possess greater opportunity to render the moment in which that act transpires, sacred. Thus we must ritualize acts to sanctify the moments of their existence sacred. We must formalize every act, wrapping each in ritual and protocol. This infuses every act with meaning beyond action. Every act should be one of intent. Intent is the difference between noise and music, between movement and dance, between life and art.


Hence should one sense that intent is lacking, ritual is the remedy. Some may be able to create such ritual for themselves. Others may have to seek it out. This is why some may join the military or a religious order or a political party. Some may seek a more personal(ized) and intimate ritualization. In all cases, the structure imposed (and the rigidity with which it is imposed), linguistic and/or behavioral, formalize all subsequent
action, infusing action with meaning beyond action, sanctifying the moment of action, rendering the moment memorable. None of this is dissimilar to the process of getting something from short-term memory into long-term memory into deep/habitual
memory. Yet there is a hidden trap in the habitual, in that even ritual may become routine. Moreover, routinized ritual becomes dogma. And there is nothing meaningful in dogma; it is the worthlessness of replacing one meaningless routine with another.
Nothing memorable has been acheived. Even ritual must be continually refreshed, revived, reinfused with new meaning.

There is no ... are we there yet? The formula must be constantly reformulated. The new path must be forever hacked out of the jungle else it become rut. Escalation must be the at the heart of ritual. There will always be more. More will always be demanded of you. The performance tommorrow must exceed that of today. It can never stop; only you ... will finally stop. And at the moment of ultimate cessation, you will be filled with the only token you may at that moment bear ... the memory of sacred moments.


10/14/2011 11:29:58 AM


Dinner out. A simple belted high-buttoned dress. Revealling little, especially the tightly knotted coarse rope harness corsetting her torso, bulging her tits, utterly
disappearing through the crease of her crotch. Pockets on either hip de-bottomed as hidden sleeves for access. Sitting as always naked against the seat, the back of the dress crumpled up behind her ass against the back of the chair, flowing off to either side. Knees apart. Ankles crossed LoR and tucked beneath.
Meal. Drinks. Ordered for her. Bites of each of the 4 courses dictated by which finger he taps against the table top; fluids via pinching thumb and forefinger into a circle. When he is finished, he walks around to the right side of her chair, slipping his left hand beneath the cascade of hair against the back of the neck. After squeezing the neck slowly but deeply, he places the heel of his hand against her neck, rotates his curled fingers up behind the base of her skull. Raking the scalp with his fingernails, he extends and splays his fingers up through the mass of hair until they emerge as an inverted
Spanish comb, settling each segment deep into the 4 crevasses. Pressing the heel against the back of the neck, pulling the fingers out and away from her head, he roughly clutches all the shocks of hair into a tight fist, twisting sharply until the fleshy end of his fist is against the back of her skull. Yanking her head back, mouth automatically opening, with his right hand emerging from his pocket he inserts a ping-pong ball into the gaping hole, closes the jaw, pinches the lips closed.


Now, as he moves behind her chair, he grabs its back, pivots the corner, and pulls her up by the hair, turning her 90 degrees to the right in the process, her crossed ankles untwist up onto the balls of her feet. She stands erect to be casually tiptoed out of the restaurant. 


9/6/2011 11:23:52 AM

Discipline, the noun; discipline, the verb; yet another in the long list of semantic distinction afflicting the minds of the lazily inarticulate. The former is a state of mind demonstrated as character and behavior reflective of that particular mental
condition. It is measured, calculated, deliberative, reflective, introspective, stoic. Regardless of one's station in life, these similar traits are exhibited, the internal gyroscope governing the operational state of being, optimizing all reaction and


To discipline, on the other hand, is the application of force (whether actual or implied) to correct a perceived lapse (whether real or imagined) in the behavior of another, as this lapse in behavior may be an early warning of a deeper lapse in character. It most certainly reflects a lapse in concentration and attention. Yet the application of discipline, while most effective in deliberate, calculated, measured increments, is at its core a kinetic corrective. The circumspect glance may constitute the extent of the message, but its effect is predicated upon the promise of harsher delivery should its intent fail to be heeded.


Distinction should also be drawn between the establishment of discipline: the presentation of rationale, instruction and rehearsal, critique and correction and more rehearsal required for the attainment of operational proficiency ... and the maintenance of disciplinary standard subsequent to the attainment of said operational proficiency. Obviously, the disposition toward one who has no reason to know better (yet is striving to learn) will be vastly different than that toward one from whom expectation of performance should not be in question.


Finally, the extent to which discipline is considered a desirable trait will be reflected in the consistency with which it is maintained. Capricious and inconsistent enforcement will only result in sporadic conformity to its tenents. If it matters, it will matter unfailingly. Not all situations may be forseen and so prescribed, but the well founded discipline will provide a framework within which principled response may be possible.
Flagrant and/or repeated violations of discipline are another matter altogether, both for the foundation of the disciplinary framework and its operational execution ... if it is failing that badly, it was never properly thought out or established. Go back to square one. The conclusion cannot be trusted when the premise is flawed.            

11/19/2010 1:16:18 PM

"This is a great country.

 And it was not made that way
 by angry people."

              Garrison Keillor


(addendum: those who are incapable of distinguishing between the occasional and potentially justifiable anger of otherwise honorable persons and the irrational expression of the perpetually angry ... I am afraid are beyond my capacity to enlighten)

11/9/2010 1:52:23 PM

For linda;

  Babble on, Babble on, Babylon -
      The existential answer will be deciphered -
      It is in the Cuneiform of your mind -
      The Secret Script in which all your Dreams & Fears are etched -
      The former, your Consciousness will eagerly reveal -
      The latter, those Fears from which you would recoil,
            and those toward which you would lunge,
            will be mine for the Knowing, even as they lay hidden
            from you -
      Babble on, Babble on, Babylon - 

4/25/2010 3:24:09 PM

The Dominant is like the Vampire; He requires invitation, permission, surrender. And as with the Vampire, the invitation offered is at the same time unconditional ... and eternal. Once freely given, the invitation may never be rescinded. One may not 'modify' or 'take back' such an offering. All the 'taking' is now His; the interpretation of His liberties lies solely with Him. Remember, this is about blood, flesh, and the soul. There is no 'mercy' in the heart of a hungry beast.
12/20/2009 11:59:48 PM

Making an omlette is indeed an act of cruelty.
While it is often asserted that revenge is a dish best served cold, an ample helping of cruelty is most favorably delivered as a sizzling appetizer ... a seething, simmering, steamy, sultry brew of calculated indelicacy ... indelicately served. The very appeal lies in its intemperance; injustice in appellation and effect. Cruelty is not born of indifference or inadvertance, rather of design and calculation, the result of viscious introspection as intimate to the inflictor as the inflicted. It is not to be wasted on the undeserving, on the innocent ... its ferocity, its audacity require the most deserving victim. From the attitude to the intent to the calculation to the execution, idle disdain for a pitiful target will be insufficient for all but a shadow-play of the insolent art (nothing's worse that a heartless performance of a heartless act). But for a subject worthy of such emnity, for whom the scorching cauldron of meritorious surrender is its legitimate berth, the temperature may be mercilessly raised until the veneer cracks, the shell breaks, and all the inner vulnerabilities spill forth in screaming release. Witnessing the shuddering, frothing, convulsive stew agonize through its formless incarnation is the sustenance, the nourishment, the ecstasy of cruelty.
8/26/2009 9:25:37 PM

"For all those whose Cares
       have been our Concern,

The Work goes on,

The Cause endures,

The Hope still lives,

And the Dream shall never die."

        Edward M. Kennedy (1932 - 2009)

Without the likes of Bill Buckley and Ted Kennedy, how are we to engage in serious, yet civil, discourse in this country? The future of the republic rests in the balance.
7/28/2009 10:15:48 PM

Moon Tango

"On the meridian of time there is no injustice:
  there is only the poetry of motion
  creating the illusion of truth and drama.
       (Henry Miller - Tropic of Cancer)

Her orbit fixed, she moves about you with grace, as graceful as one might, considering strains of gravity and momentum

She has but one face allowed, smiling, demure, acquiescent (even as her backside is perpetually assailed), yet in phase, all dimensions ultimately revealled (cubist psychoanalytic options now available)

Appearing motionless, yet slung about at over 200,000 miles per hour, every hour presages possibility of new fate, though that fate is ever and inextricably tied to the one to whom she is invisibly bound

Behind silent porcelain demeanor, gaze (but never attention) askance, fragile clockworks in tune from moment of captivty. Without anticipation nor resistance, response reflexive, absorptive of the shocks and storms which assault - resilience

Poised and positioned, patiently offering her best face in those few imperceptable degrees of rotation, even as we whirligig to our own manic tune scanning the horizon, taking in every heavenly body

The only motion one will observe, or so imagine, will be the swish of the hair, of the hem of the skirt, as all whiplash is gracefully absorbed; her rhythm recalibrates to each new force, every new demand upon her status and position

Yet we do not perceive the 200,000 mph she dances just to remain in our presence - we barely notice (and only upon intellectual consideration) the 1000 mph at which we constantly spin away from her, the lag from which she will never recover - but damn if she loses ground either

Faithfully on her leash, she is ever tagging along, eager to follow - we spin all the way round, and there she is again, awaiting our return only to be spun out of sight, yet again, and yet again

And thus it is her rhythm to keep up with our rhythm; in the effort lies the illusion of success; in the effort lies the opportunity for salvation in the attention received during
those moments when the alignment is poetically synchronous, when the well of gravity is at its strongest, and mutuality of purpose is most evident

This is when the dance is a Tango. Everything beyond the everpresent hand in the small of the back (the clasp locking hips together), is flair, the purposeful flourish announcing and celebrating the intent of union, the procreation of spirit - though both may hear the music, and both may be aware of the general dimensions of the dance floor, only solitary trajectory may emerge

Women worship the Moon; the Moon worships Earth. Earth, of tectonic tumult, of seismic shift; Moon, luminous quiescent captive. Yet Moon is the only force capable of generating rhythm within Earth. This rhythm is Tide. Tide is the beginning of Current. Current begats Wave which begats Surf which begats Splash which sprays the Heavens

In the deep ocean, her hips sway rhythmically, languishlingly, effortlessly. Her fluid motion approaches earth, her inertia rocks against rocks, then pounds against shore. Her motion awakens His core. She has His attention. She is aroused by His steadfastness. He is enamored by her rhythm, the rhythm which she brings to Him in offering. By the shape of shoreline, in the resolute configuration of bay and cliff, He will guide the expression, temper the collision, He will transpose amorphous motion and rhythm of complementary unison into purposeful dance. It is His hand in the small of the back (though but a fingertip is required)

And so, her rhythm must conform. With all her will, she has not power to sway Him from resolute balance - all she may do is to throw herself upon Him, to annihilate herself on His behalf, and shower Him in her blessing. He will thus wear her as His embellishment, His adornment, relishing in her sacrifice, even as His gaze is beyond the horizon, onto the future, where she may only meet up with Him once the orbit of present catches up to the evaporating moment of future

For her to expect to be more than companion, more than adornment, is to expect too much, to expect the wrong thing. Earth will never be part of Moon as Moon is part of Earth. Earth will guide, and direct, and take, and own, and use, and even ... value (according to its own self-derived definition of value, without concession to notions of intrinsic worth). The metaphysical union, a state and perception so devoutly sought by Moon, will never be consumated on her terms

The definition is the sole prerogative of the Principal. The metaphysical Tango requires both the Principal and the subordinate, the Axis and the orbit, the Rock and the ocean,
the Choreographer and the embellishment. It isn't necessary that the subordinate 'know her place' so much as be ever cognizant of her position, in place (if her head is in the wrong place, her body can never be in the right place)

Anticipation and resistance are both symtomatic of the same affliction, both undermine the relaxed reflexive response only possible in a state of absolute present. The absolute present is that to which the subordinate must surrender such that she may be guided gracefully through the dance

Moon knows it is part of Earth - Earth knows Moon is a part of it. Any other interpretation is on the order of fundamental misunderstanding, and will lead to frustration, resentment, antagonism, and conflict. Any other interpretation will lead to heartache. To its character, constitution, and credit, the rhythm of Moon is more adaptable than that of Earth; the rhythm of ocean is more adaptable than that of earth

Recognition is Wisdom; adaptation is practical. Anything else is needless suffering (as opposed to the purposeful variety, that which affords opportunity for growth); all else is out of rhythm (via asynchronous rhythms); all else is devoid of intent (via fragmentation of intent); all else is but flailing anguish (not at all dance); all else is quite simply not ... a Tango

(thank you jenna, for the spark that ignited this little fire)

7/22/2009 3:00:26 PM

Not definitions, but definite analogies:

slave: one who willingly and unconditionally hands over all the letters of the alphabet

slut: one who is thrilled over the creation and application of new letters

submissive: one who will hand over the consonants but keeps the vowels - may negotiote the 'y' and 'w'

goreans: the Mormons of the BDSM faith

[now of course an 'analogy' is a 'not quite logical' representation of something, by definition - it merely reflects a certain similarity - its role is not to explain the juxtaposition of all aspects of one object against all aspects of another - it is a 'simile' (as opposed to a 'metaphor') - therefore, finding where the similarity fails or faulters, where the comparison does not fit, in no way, shape, or form, nullifies the analogy itself - one cannot negate an analogy simply by pointing out the dissimilarities between the compared items (which is typically how people try to undermine them, rendering themselves in a quite foolish light); one must demonstrate that the similarities presented are inappropriately conjoined (which is damn near impossible, and thus frustrated fools will resort to the misapplication of illegitimate rhetorical techniques) - attacking a poetic device is like tilting at windmills (oops, another simile ... damn, this is already complicated enough) - look, the bottom line is that it may be a good analogy or it may be a poor one - it may suck, you may not like it - roll your eyes, shake your head in disgust - make up your own analogy, a better one - but once stated, it cannot be so easily undone, for in the final analysis it is nothing more, or less, than a self-generated pseudo-poetic expression of my opinion ... of the moment ... something over which you have neither control nor influence ... and against which you have not the necessary standing to present arguement]

Class dismissed
7/18/2009 2:32:59 PM

Uncle Walter:

Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for demonstrating what dignity and integrity mean in the public forum. Thank you for distinguishing fact from opinion. Thank you for your quest for truth and knowledge, not to mention your boyish enthusiasm for the greatest endeavor in the history of mankind (where your ashes should be scattered). Thank you for showing a young boy what an honorable man is. 'And that's the way it is ...'  

Walter Cronkite  1916 - 2009
5/30/2009 5:55:28 PM

Very observant: once every four years, you will get a day off ... the catch is that I am under no obligation to state precisely which day that will be. I refer you to Joseph Heller's 'Catch-22' ... or in Congressional metaphor; while the principle has been agreed to, the enabling legislation has not been authorized.
12/3/2008 5:29:11 PM

Odetta Holmes  1931 - 2008

When Truth needs an amplifier, another will come along.
8/19/2008 12:50:07 AM

On Punishment:

From the beginning, the slave knows it will be taught, instructed, coached, trained, etc. on the art of how to best comply with its Master's wishes, and that all compliance is to be executed promptly (if not automatically) and with enthusiasm. Failure in performance may be attributable to a number of causes, and in each case the appropriate remedy will be apparent only upon thorough examination of all aspects of the transgression. The first thing to be determined is if the failure in performance in fact constitutes a transgression requiring corrective action. Often the slave will be pushed for purposes of increasing tolerance or endurance, with the expectation of failure as certain - this is a failure of the flesh, not of the slave. To be sure, each iteration should produce an augmentation of result, but this constitutes in essence a training exercise, and should be treated as such. All training exercises by definition will result in failure. The causes of failure will largely be those of ignorance of the 'feel' of the desired result or inattention to detail - but these are precisely the characteristics that training addresses. The remedy is via Critique and Correction, Rehearsal and Repetition, ad infinitum (or ad nauseum, as the case may be). This constitutes the application of Discipline, or Corrective Training.

Once competency is achieved and proficiency may be reasonably assumed, and the slave is informed that it will henceforth be held responsible for its execution of the particular task, any failure in performance may reasonably be considered as a transgression. Differing in scope and scale from the more informal training process, transgressions must be dealt with in an extremely formalized manner. The slave must be made acutely aware that it is no longer in the world of play, typical daily life, or even harsh treatment. The transgression constitutes another order of magnitude from all other experience. In society we refer to this as committing a crime, and have established all manner of formal structures to deal with these social transgressions. This same formality should be incorporated within the M/s relationship.  

Upon discovery of the transgression, the slave should be 'arrested' by the Master. All prior activity ceases immediately and the Master takes the slave into 'custody'. Specific protocols should be established and precisely followed so the slave is aware that this particular set of events has been set into motion. Once in custody, the slave should be confronted with the 'indictment' against it, and confined such that it may have opportunity to reflect upon its transgression. This may take the form of anything from corner time to the cage, and last for an unspecified time. This interlude will give both parties opportunity to reflect upon the course of events to follow. 

The Master will understand that the remedy for the transgression will consist of three stages: Reflection, Contrition, and Redemption. What is necessary for each to be adequately fulfilled will be determined by the degree of the transgression. In general society we have three distinct levels of transgression: the Misdemeanor, the Felony, and Treason. Similar distinctions may be made within the relationship. Infractions of Competence should be roughly equivalent to the Misdemeanor. These would include inattention, sloppiness, lackadaisical or unfocused behavior, omitting detail, taking short cuts, etc. Repeated Infractions of Competence, as well as demonstrations of Lack of Enthusiasm or Promptness, elements not associated with competency of task but integral to the proper execution of any and all tasks, should be considered Felonies. These are qualities not learned from the Master, rather brought willingly to the relationship by the slave itself, and hence are properly expected as incorporated into each and every behavior on the part of the slave. Willfull Disobedience is Treasonous, for it is a deliberate transgression toward the Master and upon the framework of the relationship itself.

During its time in Reflection, the slave should be made to understand that it will be expected to offer adequate Contrition, which may take the form of Interrogation and Confession. It should be prepared to identify the causes of its transgression and offer reason as to why/how such behavior will not take place in the future. Once the Master is satisfied that true Contrition has been exhibited, the slave will be offered the opportunity for Redemption, otherwise known as Punishment. It is preferable if the execution of punishment is delayed for at least 24 hours. This ensures that the Master may devise a regimen most appropriate to the transgression and most likely to effect the corrective aspect that the punishment must carry; the 'lesson' if you will. Such a delay also ensures that the punishment is delivered dispassionately - anger should play no part. Other timing considerations are certainly appropriate: time to gather/construct the appropriate materials, necessary recovery time (over a weekend ...), and to further the period in which the slave may anticipate its treatment.

Just as with the 'arrest', the specific protocols for Reflection, Contrition, and Redemption, should each be unique, rigorously applied, and obviously distinguishable from any other typical activity within the relationship. From clothing worn, to instruments used, to positions taken, and statements pronounced, the process of Reflection, Contrition, and Redemption should be unique. Without this formality, punishment may be indistinguishable from other more typical harsh treatment - the difference being that the lesson may be lost. The slave must be made to understand how disappointing this procedure is for the Master. The relationship has been damaged, time has been lost, plans have been disrupted, progress has been set back, the foundation may have even been undermined. Masters have any opportunity they choose to treat their slaves in any manner they choose, without excuse or pretense. Punishment for transgression should be of a wholly distinct character and purpose beyond the mere entertainment of the Master; it is designed to make a more perfect union (if I may be so bold as to bastardize a noble document). If it helps to keep this in perspective, remember that the notions of Reflection, Contrition, and Redemption are inherently religious in origin. A certain Reverence for the process might be in order.   
8/3/2008 9:08:19 PM

"Untruth did not begin with us;
                 it will not end with us."

      Alexander Solzhenitzyn   1918 - 2008
8/3/2008 5:15:44 PM

I do not need the exercise. I do not need the practice. If it holds no interest for me, I will not engage it.

If you are merely the slave, you are not worth using. If you are merely the whore, you are not worth taking. If you are merely the slut, you are not worth fucking. If you are merely the bitch, you are not worth beating. If you are merely the cunt, you are not worth breaking.

If you are truely capable, you may be worth the using. If you are interesting, you may be worth the taking. If I like you, you may be worth the fucking. If I am passionate about you, you may be worth the beating. And if I respect you, you may be worth the breaking.

7/29/2008 3:26:24 PM

For some women, resistence is willful, relishing in the struggle and thus being conquered, essential to the experience desired - of being broken. For others, even those of most purposeful surrender, struggle will yet exist. Decades of ego, self-initiation, and self-preservation will necessarily protect their accustomed domain. Yet instinctual resistance must invariably yield. Regardless of the acquiescence of the slave, the sincerity of intent, the demonstrative proclamation of unconditional surrender, force will be required. She may unlock the door but another must blow the hinges out of the wall. Acquiescence is but invitation to treatment, the rest is in the hands of the surgeon. Multiple treatments over an extended period of time will be necessary to reduce ego into remission. Only then may rehabilitation instill development of the persona desired. The means, force; the method, brutality; the result, beauty.

The seawall cannot resist the ocean. No other force is so appropriate for its ultimate demise. Constructed to specifically withstand the onslought of this most menacing intruder, it, in the final analysis, cannot. The thunderous pounding of relentless waves, the incessant gnawing of salt, the stoutest constitution will eventually dissolve into the will of its assailant, that entity which is perpetually attracted, drawing its power from the motion and nature of Earth itself, persistently compelled to everlasting seige upon its prey - a prey splayed out in supine repose before its conquerer. She cries out to heaven even as she is swept into the abyss. 
6/23/2008 11:19:40 PM

"Making Chaos out of Order -
    Making Order out of Chaos."

George Carlin
    1937 - 2008
2/26/2008 11:10:02 PM
In reference to comments regarding the previous entry: Of course I have never claimed to make anything up, that 'omega', or 'O', or 'zero' have been utilized as a designation for (and by) slaves is certainly nothing new. The application here is strictly within the class of those already identified as slave according to particular characteristics exhibited, or tendencies displayed. Certain slaves are more discriminating in their mode of service, some less so. Some may be compelled into certain acts, others, not. Internal disposition and definition of service will be controlling factors. I simply employ the term 'omega' for those with the broadest definition of service, both physically and emotionally, coupled with a distinct lack of desire for any act of initiation. Their desire is to be used, thoroughly used; to be controlled, thoroughly controlled. It has been suggested to me that they may yet, in fact, be trainable. Although I am not completely skeptical regarding this point, I do wonder about the extent to which this is possible without undermining their otherwise absolute passive nature.

I am also curious about the omega's ability to accept forms of degradation. I employ this term in the loosest sense, as an 'umbrella' if you will, for such physical undertakings such as those included in defilement and objectification, to the more emotionally based forms, incorporating everything from simple embarrassment to full blown humiliation. My concern is not so much that they would be incapable of being subjected to the acts themselves, but rather immune to the emotional trauma generally associated with them. Might it be rather like whipping a girl who had no nervous system? No screams? Utterly pointless. I have always found such exercises useful as a measure of not only a slave's compliance, but an indicator of the extent to which I was being given free access to and control over her mind. I have also always relished the process of getting her to that point; the pleading anguish written in her face, the hesitancy of behavior, indicating the internal battle over her own dehumanization ... and recognition of her own complicity in the very act.  

I fear that such a slave would be subject to the cruelest, most debasing, of treatment, just to see what, if anything, would get a rise out of her (though from my point of view there would be far too much enjoyment in the infliction to allow any petty 'fears' for her psychological well being creep into the proceedings - we're all consenting adults here). But from her point of view, it is all service, and the more difficult the service, all the more she may ingratiate herself to her Master. In this strategy I can find no fault. If I am not creative enough to find enjoyment in one who so faithfully and selflessly serves, is that not my problem?

(It is certainly not an 'issue'; remembering from an earlier rant that men don't have 'issues'. That women may or may not have 'issues' is an estrogen thing; in this I must acquiesce to the conclusion of those in that category ... women. But in the world of testosterone, I assure you there are no such things as 'issues'. They are but external topics of dispassionate, and often academic, discourse, not internal or interpersonal qualities open to analysis. Men, quite simply, have 'problems'. Period. To speak of men as having 'issues' makes about as much sense as referring to men's ovaries - ill-founded and misapplied, pure psycho-babble.)
2/15/2008 11:47:03 PM
I am not in the habit of inventing vocabulary, but am certainly not averse to its modification. Even in this, constructions which strike me as new, novel, or unique are never claimed as proprietary. Others appear to have similar perverse neural characteristics, thus I am always loathe to assume that any given idea possess a 'first in the history of the universe' quality, merely yet another in a series of primate speculations.

In as much as reference is made to 'alpha' this and 'beta' that, I have come to the realization that in the realm the submissive personality, there exist those who must be termed 'omega'. Omegas are those who, in any social setting, in any sociological hierarchy, will gravitate (literally as well as figuratively) to the bottom of the group. They only find comfort in an unchallenging position, and will therefore allow any other to exert dominance over them. Seeking maximum comfort, they will often exhibit submission several orders of magnitude beyond that necessary to demonstrate their lack of threat toward any other member. This places them in a position of accepting extremes of abuse, but this is not always necessarily a sign of masochism, rather the necessary price to be paid to occupy this unique status. And this is a unique status, and as such is part of the motivation. They realize they are not 'strong' enough to establish and hold a level of 'higher' esteem (a feat and level which would likely go unrecognized anyway); diving to the bottom is so much easier. They may have to endure the disdain of other 'i am not a doormat' submissives, but that is preferable to direct competition with them. From the Dominants, they are likely to receive as much attention as the alphas - maybe just not quite the affection (of which all submissives are suspicious anyway).

So I write this not out of condemnation, but rather an attempt at comprehension. We must all manage in the way that suits us best. We can not do otherwise. 
1/26/2008 12:40:50 AM
There are words; there are meanings. Somewhere in between may lie truth. Yes, in my previous writings you will find a penchant for rearranging common vocabulary, yet I make no attempt to proscribe others' usage. When I speak of 'authority' rather than 'power' or 'compliance' rather than 'obedience', these are simply more appropriate descriptors of the phenomena as I perceive them. Such is the difference between 'proscriptive' and 'descriptive' dictionaries. It does not mean I will fail to understand your use of the more commonly employed terms or that you should adopt mine. As the one responsible for what spews forth from my mouth (or fingertips), it is incumbent upon me to faithfully represent those thoughts.
Thus here are a few other words which are bandied about but for which I entertain more specific connotation. In my own scheme of things, the total slave is synthesis of 5 distinct personas, the 5 masks or roles or ranges of duty she is prevailed upon to burden. The first is as the slave herself. In this role she is the servant of the Master, the domestic, the worker bee; herein is encompassed the myriad of daily physical tasks which her Master requires, whether in or outside of the home. The c'unt is the one which is used sexually by the Master for his own purposes and fulfillment. She is nothing other than the embodiment of her 3 hot, moist, and ever available holes. The bitch absorbs the harsh, or even extreme, physical use by her Master. She takes the whippings and the beatings, the torture and the punishment. Note that I do not refer to this as 'abuse'. One cannot abuse what one already owns (just as one cannot 'take' what one already owns); use may be light or it may be harsh, use may be extreme, but it is still use.
The whore is the one who receives the mental torment; the psychological degradation and humiliation. She is the one who must find the pride in her otherwise demeaning condition. The slut is the extent to which she exhibits eagerness and enthusiasm in all of her roles; the slave, c'unt, bitch, and/or whore who is able to demonstrate lust in her service, status, and condition. Thus all actions of each of the various slave personas contribute to, or detract from, this ultimate end. Categorization of her efforts derived from each persona allows for specific critique in those areas in which she fails to excel. To the extent she can invoke the image of the slut, better yet the wanton slut, in her Master's mind represents the extent to which she has endeared herself to him. In the right light, even a weed may be perceived as a flower. It is worth noting that only the slut will ever be given the opportunity to experience orgasm, and to the degree that this might be desirable from time to time, provides the slave a basis for contemplation and incentive for enthusiasm in all areas of service. But even the wanton c'unt must be ever aware, her orgasm is not for her benefit, or even reward. It will exist only as her Master wishes to observe her in yet another state of uncontrolable intensity. The slave orgasm is still for, of, and about the Master. 

PS: Of course I know how to spell c'unt, but the system has gotten prudish all of a sudden. The apostrophe typically represents a missing letter - the notion of possession is moot in the case of a slave. And as Frank Zappa would say, "the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe".
12/6/2007 11:27:36 PM

"Daydream, which is to thought as the nebula is to the star, borders on Sleep, and is concerned with it as its Frontier.  An atmosphere inhabited by living transparancies; there's a beginning of the Unknown. But beyond it the Possible opens out, Immense.  Other beings, other facts, are there.  No supernaturalism, only the occult continuation of infinite nature ... Sleep is in contact with the Possible, which we also call the Improbable.  The world of night is a world.  Night, as night, is a Universe ... The dark things of the unknown world become neighbors of Man, whether by true communication or by a visionary enlargement of the Distances of the Abyss ... And the sleeper, not quite seeing, not quite unconscious, glimpses the strange animalities, weird vegetations, terrible or radiant pallors, ghosts, masks, figures, hydras, confusions, moonless moonlights, obscure unmakings of miracle, growths and vanishings within a murky depth, shapes floating in shadow, the whole mystery which we call Dreaming, ... is nothing other than the approach of an Invisible Reality.  The Dream is the Aquarium of Night."

Victor Hugo
Travailleurs de la Mer (excerpt)
10/16/2007 6:16:16 PM
The Illusion of the D/s Relationship                
                                                               Relationships may take one of three forms: Partnership, Dominant/submissive, and Master/slave.  Each is characterized by the degree of Autonomy, Sovereignty, or Self-Agency enjoyed and exercised by each of the parties involved.  Autonomy is expressed by one's practical exercise of Initiation and/or Refusal within the context of the relationship, and may be as well characterized in the extent to which Negotiation plays a role in decision making and dispute resolution between the parties.

Partnerships are relationships of Equivalent Authority; each party brings to the table and maintains his/her sense of self-agency.  Though decision making may be delegated to one party or another in certain aspects of life (one picks the car, the other picks the drapes), this arrangement of dynamic equilibrium is of mutual consent, and either party feels free to initiate or refuse, to offer objection and alternate proposals; negotiation is a prominant tool in dispute resolution.  Since both parties retain a keen sense of sovereignty, neither will fail to notice nor hesitate to bring to the other's attention any situation in which the Balance of Authority has become askew.  Members of such 50-50% arrangements will readily notice the slightest tilt in the playing field - when the ball begins to roll off the table.  Long before the imbalance reaches, say 55-45%, a restabilization will be required.  Again, each party's sense of self-agency will preclude any inhibition toward a call for reckoning, the initiation of negotiation.

The other forms of relationship are characterized by their Inequivalence of Authority (note absence of reference to the word 'power', the often kinetic application of force irrespective of the presence of Authority - much less reference to such ridiculously asinine phrases such as 'total power exchange').  The Dominant/submissive relationship is one whereby a degree of Authority is ceeded a priori by the submissive partner to the dominant.  Such an act diminishes the submissive's sense of personal sovereignty and self-agency, and results in a commensurate reduction in the ability to initiate or refuse; the role of negotiation is similarly lessened.  In a relationship which is initially established with a 60-40%, 70-30%, or 80-20% Inequivalence of Authority it will be all the more difficult to recognize when this 'balance' has been achieved, maintained, or indeed if it has been exceeded.  With the playing field set so askew, slippage of Authority toward the dominant party is more than likely.  The 60-40% will slip to 70-30%, the 70-30% to 80-20%, etc.  This inherent inbalance confounds calibration.

Combined with the reduction in the self-agency in the submissive, not only will it be some time before any exaggeration in the imbalance becomes apparent, but even longer before the submissive is sufficiently prompted to call it to the dominant's attention.  In the mean time, the dominant has become used to the imbalance as the natural state of affairs.  Unaccustomed to the exercise of initiation/refusal on the part of the submissive, or negotiation between the two, it is unlikely the originally agreed upon levels will be restored.  The very act of the submissive digging in his/her heels, questioning, much less resisting, undermines the framework of the relationship.  Indeed, most submissives and dominants alike fully expect such shifts in Authority over time; 'soft limits' are eliminated, 'hard limits' are eroded, etc.

The 'problem', if one exists, is that the only stable outcome is the evolution (devolution?) over time into Master/slave status.  Once decision making has reached 90-10% (9 of 10 decisions), 95-5% (19 of 20 decisions), 97.5-2.5% (39 of 40 decisions) ... take your pick ... most would agree that the relationship has moved beyond the Dominant/submissive description. Beyond this point, Inequivalence of Authority is virtually absolute.  Without sovereignty, autonomy, self-agency, without the practical ability to initiate or refuse, when negotiation ceases to play a role, all Right is reduced to Privilege; a State of Slavery exists.

Now, as is often mentioned, the sub has autonomy, the slave does not; the sub maintains property, the slave does not, etc.  Though these may well be true in a technical sense, they offer little practical distinction within the context of the relationship itself.  Autonomy must be exercised freely to have any real value, and as anyone knows who has ever been in any sort of long term relationship, property tends to become mutual, money fungible.  How decisions are made within the relationship is the only salient question.  Any distinctions between sub & slave will only become apparent upon the dissolution of the relationship - not within it, not while it is running it's course.

Let's just say you're a submissive, not a slave.
Ask yourself: at work, do have the right to make decisions, or merely the privilege?  Is this something 'earned' or are your superiors obliged to honor your opinion?  If you are a minority stockholder in a company, do you get to make decisions in proportion to the amount of stock held?  Do you have any other options than to acquiesce or bail out?  In none of the situations would you consider yourself a slave, but do you have any recourse other than those available to a slave (providing of course we are implying the consentual variety of slavery here)?  So, no, you are not a slave.  Keep telling yourself that.  It will provide comfort, offer solace.  Keep repeating it over an over, but don't be surprised if after awhile, it begins to sound like other familiar phrases such as: 'state's rights', 'state's rights', 'state's rights', .......... 'Sadaam and 9/11', 'Sadaam and 9/11', 'Sadaam and 9/11', ......... 'weapons of mass destruction', 'weapons of mass destruction', 'weapons of mass destruction', ............

D/s is an illusion.  It is the foot in the door.  Very, very few relationships will achieve this 'perfect instability', and retain such status over the long term.  All dominants know where these things are ultimately headed.  We don't have to look for slaves per se, subs are merely slaves who are trying to pretend otherwise.  Autonomy?  What autonomy?  Limits?  What limits?  As sub or slave, your options are the same: acquiesce, or bail.  The most important question you must ask yourself is the following: "What kind of Master will this Dominant become as I slip inexorably into His slavery?"

And just so this doesn't end on such a note of utter foreboding, remember, if he does want you, there are qualities he not only wants to preserve, but will encourage to flourish.  That you will lose all sense of 'self' may be unfounded, or at least, an exaggeration.
9/22/2007 10:53:49 AM


Suspended - planktonic - senses sequestered,
  medium as corpus, corpus .. medium,
  saline ether;

flow without orientation,
  consciousness without locus,
the peace of non-definition,
  no presence of absense of being,
  no absence of presence,
  processing, not perception,
  but no other, not else;

harmonics of mantra circulating within
  from without,
creature of ocean, of atmosphere,
  of plasma, of breath, of pulse;

  that which is alive,
  self-fulfilling prophecy
  generating & receiving
  evidence & recognition
  of its own existence;
it feels itself, therefore
  it is - itself,

thus all is alive,
  tentacles outstretched from medusa,
  defining realm, range, but not self,
no acts of discrimination,
  a distinction not beyond comprehension
  yet apart from conception;

that life is recognition of existence,
  then all perceived is essential
  to the life realized,
perception of the world as an exercise
  in introspection,
internalization of the universe;
that which is not alive
  simply is not;

death, rather
  an incapacity to feel,
  to perceive existence
  to sense state of being;
'it is very hard to be dead',
  for Rilke, for us,
the question then,
  how much experience
  how much sensation
  how much life
  can we bear?

Hooded, ears plugged, jaw strapped shut, suspended gently yet thoroughly supported, she floats outstretched, parallel to floor and ceiling.  No connection to her earth, a creature of sea, in atmosphere, and in acclimation, of breath.  Only breasts hang pendously, weight counterpoised to gentle rocking.  She must learn that her body is but, but not, the outline of her own nervous system; fibers reaching out into space, her tentacles, of her medusa.  She must learn dynamics and dimension, exercise her inherent flexibility, unhinge consciousness from its crainial moorings, to float effortlessly the length, breadth, depth of her own corpus; flow of cytoplasm supporting ionic waves over somatic membrane.  Mind must follow stimulation, liberate itself from cortical function, not passively await report.  No seat of consciousness, rather roundhouse of redirection.  The locus of existence cannot remain behind the bastions of the forehead, perched in upstairs window gazing through sensory portals.  As the world invades, from every direction, in every manner, whether knocking at the door, banging at the shutters, burrowing beneath the floor; she must go forth to investigate, follow all sensation over her perimeter.  Actively being is not an intransitive state; agency becomes life.  Fetal retraction into medusa is a recoil from potential for experience, diminution to the infinitessimal with but frail, exposed, dangling, and vulnerable appendages.  But stretching, throughout, beyond boundaries, hydraulic surge and conscious intent constitute birth, eagerness, lust.  Raw nerves, exposed to elements soothing and harsh, stung by acidic air, bathed in cool sweat. Tentative yields to ardent yields to zeal yields to voracious.  Confidence overrides friction.  Pleasure displaces discomfort.  Ecstasy supersedes pain.  Demonstration of life.  Declaration of self.  

to be as responsive as a jellyfish,
  of, and of its environs
  as flexible, as delicate, as pliable, as eager,
  as beautiful, as searching, as seeking,
  as hungry
  saturated iridescence.
9/11/2007 11:24:35 PM
a Protocol for Surrender
"Thus thou must Do
    if thou (wilt) have it,
and that which rather
    thou dost Fear to Do than wishest ...
should be Undone."
                                Lady MacBeth
The intrusion of Dominance into relationships for which prior consent has not been granted is at best rude, at worst unethical.  Specific and unambiguous invitation is required.  It is one thing for me to 'claim' you, to assert my intentions toward your person, yet it is of no practical effect whatsoever without voluntary and enthusiastic acquiescence on your part ... "to all our nights and days to come, give solely sovereign sway and masterdom."
Upon arrival at a state of realization: of the inadequacy and vagueries of a Dominant/submissive relationship for the preference of one characterized by the certainty of the Master/slave dynamic, of the relinquishing of all right and privilege, consumed by the need to be consumed, the offer of the potential slave must follow a strict regimen (but a taste of that to follow).
On the day of first declaration of intent, I shall acknowledge receipt of the offer and respond with the following instructions:      
Tomorrow, you will resubmit & reaffirm your original statement (type it again - this is not a cut/paste/copy exercise) with an additional 2 statements/paragraphs/stanzas expressing the increase in depth of feeling and urgency of desire which has occurred in the past 24 hours.
On the third day, you will resubmit & reaffirm what you have written on the previous days, appending an additional 3 statements.
On the fourth day, you will follow the previous day's instructions, adding another 4 statements.  The process will follow thus through the seventh day.
These additional writings (28 in all) should be expressions of the increasing order of magnitude of commitment and building desire for your impending enslavement.  They will reflect what you need, how badly you need it, why you believe I am the One to provide it; thoughts inundating your life by day, invading your dreams by night; that which MUST be said; describing as it happens the process through which you are becoming liberated from your self as you are drawn into my self.
For the course of these 7 days, apart from initial acknowledgement, you will receive NO word from me; neither encouragement nor discouragement, approval or disapproval.  There will be no indication as to 'how you're doing' or whether I am finding your statements satisfactory.  This act must be of your own volition, demonstrating a consistency and persistency of conviction.  If you find yourself unsure whether your efforts are sufficient, quite possibly then, they are not - try harder, withhold nothing.  If, on the other hand, over the course of days you do not sense an increasing enthusiasm or anxiousness for spilling ever more onto the page, and the state of existence toward which it is leading, then possibly you should rethink the entire proposition.
I shall respond on the eighth day. 
Though nothing whatever to do with any response I might give, a reprise from an earlier journal entry suddenly recalls itself: lines from TS Eliot:
"All shall be well,
and all manner of thing shall be well,
when the tongues of flame
are infolded
into the crowned knot of fire,
and the fire
and the rose
are one."
To think of the lovely scent and exquisite cries released as the rose/fire consumes itself.
To consume: a fuller conjugation is in order.
to consume
to be consumed
to self consume
tis greatly to be consumated 
9/7/2007 2:25:51 PM
ECLIPSE  (draft)
His shadow envelops
drapes over you, gossamer shroud
membraneous, slik, spider web
flexibility & strength
only the finest hairs pass the pores/intersections
Breezes caress not the skin
yet bend each hair
constant stimulation without habituation
It penetrates your nostrils,
constantly feeding His musky scent
It burrows into your ears,
reverberating His deep & sonorous voice
It unfolds into your mouth,
around teeth & tongue,
down your throat,
shrink wrapped vocal chords,
providing the molasses of His sweat & cum
It meanders every fold between your legs,
invades openings,
penetrating, stretching
From above and below, meets within
corsets interior to exterior
juxtaposition & opposition ---- leverage
Merges with your metabolism
then overrides it
Pulls ribcage outward against its its own
crushing opposition against your breasts.
Sucking cool air in,
forcing humid breath out.
It breathes you.
No breathenters without visa,
No sigh escapes without interrogation. 
Pulses your blood through your arteries,
draws it back round your veins.
Provider of inner warmth. 
Wraps over every crease/fissure of your brain,
stretches as your own thoughts
become its own thoughts,
surges its His thoughts
become yours.
Becomming from within, guiding from without.
Every motion, 
controlled tension - measured relaxation.
Liberation in one direction,
binding in the opposite.
Breathing pinches nipples,
walking pulls labia, twists clit.
The filtering of your cornea
loosens the eyes to see unseen.
Others in similar condition
accepting & consumed,
serene yet driven,
quietly gliding, floating, pulled along
hydroplaned across the surface of earth.
Outward calm
as response 
to inner tsunami.
Until all you know,
universe is void ...
existence, vacuum ...
in the twilight
of your Master's eclipse.
9/6/2007 3:11:57 PM

        Pavarotti  e  muto.
            (Pavarotti  is  silent)

9/3/2007 5:19:37 AM

Some seem to appreciate it, some put off by it.  We're all different, with differing expectations.  I hear so many deride the approach of so many Dominants in their heavy handed monosyllabic Neanderthalisms regarding all the 'wonderful' things they have in store for your bodies.  If I considered them collegues, I would be compelled to apologize on thier behalf - but alas, I do not.  And for those of you who are not sufficiently aroused by my refraining from detailing precisely how, in my opening message, I intend to drag you down the beach by the hair into some secluded (or was it quite public?) cove, describing all the implements & gadgets & body parts I plan to mercilessly inflict upon your helpless physique, I was probably committing an error in judgement by writing to you in the first place.  I am well aware that some are looking for nothing more than a new scene partner for next week's social (that for so many, this 'lifestyle' is merely an adolescent substitute for the church-political party-country club-softball team-bowling league-frat/sorority you cannot otherwise find is a topic for another time).  In my correspondance with one woman who had cited her frustration with 'angry and bitter' Doms and their graphic overtures, I assured her I would resist reference to what I was going to do with my thingy to her thingy while I thingied her all over to the point of utter thinginess while she was thingied to a tree.  She seemed to appreciate my restraint. 
For all but the largest of you, suffice it to say that dragging you down the beach would be no problem for me.  But my interest lies more in determining whether or not you would be interested in following me down the beach, accompanying me in excursions over the rocks, around the next headland, exploring the wavecut caves - interested in a similar journey as opposed to concentrating initially on the particular activities along the way.  By the very fact that we are on a website such as this, you may rest assured that I shall, in fact, drag you off, on a fairly regular basis, to inflict some serious ravishing upon what was once 'your' person.  The details will emerge as we come to know one another; there is plenty of time, all the time in the world; the conversation will carry us there.  I just have this strange notion that you may care to know something about the sensibilities and interests and manner of curiosity of the One to whom an ultimate surrender will be required for access to this particular journey - beyond that realized when you are bound, blindfolded, and breathless.                         
But that is simply my own little world.  It is not necessary for it to be so very large.  It is not designed to accommodate very many people.  It is a personal and private excursion, not a class field trip.  Indeed, if all were to follow, I should be compelled to head out in another direction.
8/31/2007 9:16:01 PM

  "I  have  been  circling
        around  the  ancient  tower
                for  a  thousand  years...
   and  I  still  don't  know  whether
            I'm  a  falcon,
                     a  storm,
                         or  a  great  soul."

9/21/2006 5:38:31 PM
    "By  the  pricking  of  my  thumbs,
         Something  wicked  this  way  comes."
9/15/2006 8:35:29 PM
    For  Lin:  a  sweetheart
                 (and moreover, for those who
                          fail to understand her)
   "Those whom Heaven helps are called
           the Children of Heaven.
    They do not Learn this by Learning.
    They do not Work it by Working at it.
    They do not Reason it by applying Reason.
    To allow Understanding to cease
            at that which cannot be Understood
            is a high attainment.
    Those who cannot do this will be destroyed
            upon the Lathe of Heaven."  
                                      Chaung Tse XXIII
(Note: the transliteration of the author's name is how I first found it, and most likely from a derivation of the old Wade-Giles system - I am well aware that under the newer Pinyin system, this would probably be something like 'Jong' or 'Zhong' 'Tze' .... or maybe not)
9/3/2006 8:09:01 PM
     'If you'll be the Woman I want, I can be the Man you need.' I have yet to hear or read of recognition of the fundamental, underlying basis of the 'lifestyle'. Once in awhile mention is given in acknowledgement of the necessity of appropriate discipline or punishment to the underlying behavior patterns in question. But I've yet to encounter the deeper purpose of those behaviors in the first place. The true purpose for all the ritual & protocol is to instill, in an almost Pavlovian way, a set of behaviors that the Master will find irresistable. All of the writings of subs/slaves as the 'canvas' (a popular current metaphor) upon which the Master imprints His will, still fails to address the reasoning behind it all - and what this type of relationship provides for each of the parties involved.                                     
     As is all too common in 'vanilla' relationships, at some point beyond the one during which the parties pledge body & soul to the other (regardless of the degree of formality involved), sex takes on a special status requiring consent & permission. It becomes a bargaining chip in the relationship rather than a unifying principle. As it becomes less frequent, an event for special occasions, or reward for favors rendered, it is removed from the central set of everyday activity. As the need for sexual intimacy goes unfulfilled, attention will stray and the glue holding the couple together will weaken. Periodic attempts to 'spice up' the marriage by merely relaxing the necessary requirements for such a 'reward' or adding a few more 'special occasions' to the calendar miss the point. Special occasions are not found on any calendar; they may occur on any day of the week; any time of the day. If I have to seek permission or await the convenience of kissing my wife on the cheek, or slapping her on the ass, or pinching her nipple, or having sex with her ----- I'm out of there.                                                    
      For the woman in a 'vanilla' relationship, if sex has become a bargaining tool, one may well get to go shopping more often, but will be ravished much less so. If judging from the sales of romance novels & vibrators, and the propensity of the selection of 'bad boy' companions is any indication, it appears there is something in the female psyche that does want to possess the power to bring out the most raw animalistic qualities in a man - especially her man. This feeds her ego as well as her fantasy life. She knows that if she has this power, and is willing to use it, her man will be less likely to be tempted by the competition. But she must be prepared for the consequences; that from time to time she is going to find herself bent over the kitchen counter (even, and especially, if it's inconvenient - not to mention complete disregard for the notion of 'permission').                              
     So what the 'lifestyle' (or any similar form of it) is attempting to promote is the simple recognition of the principle of lust as an essential cornerstone of the relationship. Yes, good old fashioned, but less than fashionable, LUST! Unlike the checkbook, typically kept in the hands of the most frugal partner, lust must be controlled by the most sexually Dominant. Where the female adopts, at the male's direction, those very gestures, postures, positions, acts, & behaviors that he finds irresistable - he will always come home to her. She receives the man over whom she knows her charms do work (feeding her ego), that he will always come home to her (security), and ... gets the bad-boy-pirate-kidnapper-who-falls-in-love-with-the-maiden of her dreams. Recognizing she will receive more than she can endure, it is this very endurance which will provide the best testament to her devotion.                        
While he will spend all day devising what he is going to do to her, and she will spend all day wondering what devilish devising in which he is engaged, the neighbors are consumed with whether they are going to have Chinese or Italian that night for dinner. Lust is an animalistic emotion.  A couple who has literally trained themselves to make it part of their daily lives, as integral as eating-breathing-working-sleeping, will not be able to avoid its lure. There will be no such thing as going weeks or months without having sex. And from the lust will come the other emotional & intellectual bonds that hold a couple together. From the magnetism of lust will come sex, companionship, friendship, and love - all of which are so much more complex and require the will and commitment on the part of each to develop, be sustained, and grow. Hence the opening line: 'If you'll be the Woman I want, I can be the Man that you need'.        
      Remember, opposite ends of magnets don't have to communicate, they are instantly attracted - then, if they wish, they may communicate.  The idea isn't how to 're-kindle' a flame, or even to 'keep the fire going', rather to continually throw another log onto the blaze.                                  
8/15/2006 6:33:36 PM
       Mental Bondage & Internal Enslavement
                   (a micro-view)
   With Surrender, you grant unquestioned and unfettered access to all the doors, paths, passageways, and recesses of your mind - of special interest will be those you've forgotten, hidden, lost, &/or denied.  Ultimately, I'm going to occupy every nook and cranny of your being; every cell and fiber (we aren't just talkin' holes here).  I'm going to crawl up your brain stem and park myself at the very center of your soul; a vantage point from which I may observe everything - everything said & unsaid - everything felt & unfelt - everything thought & unthought.  This is the vantage point from which I shall become a Participant in every ... neural ... transaction, riding the calcium ions across your synapses, altering the excitatory & inhibitory balance of somatic equilibrium that gives rise to your sense of being and consciousness.  I shall be a part of you as fully as any other part, yet spanning across All, will be as ubiquitous as anything you have ever known as 'self'.
8/13/2006 2:36:29 AM
    I  ran  across  a  quote  on  one  of  these  sites  recently  which,  at  the  time,  I  thought  was  mildly  humerous,  but  in  the  interim  has  taken  on  the  mantle  of  being  clever  as  hell.  I  regret  that  I  cannot  remember  whose  it  is  or  even  the  precise  wording,  but  if  the  author  sees  this,  I  will  be  glad  to  give  credit,  alter,  or  delete  it.  At  any  rate  it  goes  something  like  this:                                
'cut  the  poetry  crap  and  slap  me  already'                                                               
Is  this  not  brilliant?  I  love  it.  Truely.  But  allow  me  to  use  this  as  a  springboard  for  an  experiment  in  visualization.  To  all   of  the  ladies  reading  this,  I  would  first  ask  your  indulgence  to  imagine  the  entire  set  of  men  who  are  capable  (or  suitable)  of  slapping  you.  Good.  Secondly,  now  visualize  the  entire  set  of  men  who  understand,  and  can  read  poetry - by  'read'  I  mean  those  who  can  utilize  the  intonation & inflection,  the  phrasing & pacing  necessary  to  render  the  full  power  of  the  work  as  it  was  first  envisioned  in  the  mind  of  the  author  (or  at  least  as  it  left  his/her  pen) (if  you  wish  to  include  a  deep,  sonorous, resonant  voice  as  an  audio  adjunct  to  your  visualization,  please  feel  free).  Now   thirdly,  visualize  the  set  of  men  who  can  accomplish  both  of  the  aforementioned  tasks.  How  large  is  this  set?  It  may  not  be  terribly  large,  but  it  should  not  be  empty.  So  just  remember  ladies,  it  is  possible  to  be  slapped  by  someone  who  understands  the  poetry  of  it.  You  can  have  your  cake  and  have  it  shoved  it  your  mouth  (&  possibly  elsewhere)  too.   
8/12/2006 1:14:12 AM

Just  how  well  do  we  communicate  across  
these  screens?  After  6  million  years  of  face-to-face,  eyeball-to-eyeball,  eyelash-to-eyelash  communication,  just  how  adept  are  any  of  us  at  this?  How  many  of  us  have  misunderstandings  with  those  with  whom  we  have  had  intimate  relationships  for  decades?  With  all the  verbal  &  nonverbal  cues - intonation,  inflection,  gesture,  body  language,  facial expression,  context,  etc.,  etc.,  etc.,  (not  to  mention  the  communicative/expressive  facility  of  any  given  person  within  the  parameters  of  this  medium),  how  many  of  really  have  ANY  CLUE  WHATSOEVER  regarding  the  character  of  the  person  on  the  other  side  of  this  screen?  Precious  little.  But  THIS  IS  ALL  WE  HAVE  TO  WORK  WITH,  isn't  it?  Of  course  it  is.  We  are  flying  by  the  seat  of  our  pants,  arriving  at  the  most  well  formed  judgements  all  of  our  experience  can  muster.  Just  remember,  with  incessant  online  practice,  in  6  MILLION  YEARS  you  MAY  be  just  as  good  at  misinterpreting  those  online  as  you  NOW  are face-to-face.  So  pass  all  the  judgements  you  will;  value  heresay  as  gospel;  praise  &  condemn  blindly  in  the  full  light  of  your  monitor,  and  waste  away  believing  this  constitutes  experience.                                              

8/9/2006 7:17:17 AM
                                                                    "... our  task  is  only  beginning,
     ... there  will  never  be  given  to  us
         even  the  ghost  of  any  help,
         save  the  help  of  unutterable
         and  unthinkable  time
     ... the  infinite  whirl  of  death  and  birth,
         out  of  which  we  cannot  escape,
         is  of  our  own  creation,
         of  our  own  seeking  
     ... the  eternal  sorrow  is  but  the
         eternal  hunger  of  insatiable  desire
     ... the  burnt-out  suns  are  rekindled
         only  by  the  inextinguishable  passions
         of  vanished  lives" 
                                Lafcadio  Hearn
                               Out  of  the  East
8/3/2006 12:00:07 AM
    "If  you  want  to  meet  me
                  at  no  special  place,
     I'll  be  there
                  at  no  particular  time."                                                                    
                                    Mose  Allison
8/2/2006 7:08:23 PM
    "Of  course,  it  is  strange  to  live  no                 more  on  the  earth,
     to  abandon  customs  one  barely  had
               time  to  learn,
     not  to  see  roses  and  other                  promising  things  in  terms  of 
                a  human  future,
     to  be  held  no  more  as  one  was
                in  anxious  hands,
     and  to  have  even  one's  name
                put  aside  like  a  broken  toy.
     Strange  to  no  longer  desire  one's
     Strange  to  see  things  that  seemed
                to  belong  together
                floating  away
                in  every  direction.
      It  is  very  hard  to  be  dead,
                full  of  reflection,
                before  emerge  the  first
                traces  of  eternity."
                             Ranier  Maria  Rilke    
                             The  Duino  Elegies
                           'First  Elegy'  (excerpt)
                            (personal  translation)
8/1/2006 6:12:42 AM
I  do  not  require  a  Rhodes  scholar - 
    I  shall  make  you  into  one.
I  do  not  require  a  poet,  writer,  painter, 
      sculptor,  potter,  dancer,  actress,  or
      musician -
    I  shall  make  you  into  one.
I  do  not  require  one  who  is  elegant  of
      movement  or  eloquent  of  speech -
    I  shall  make  you  into  one.
I  do  not  require  one  of  lean,  toned,  or
      sculpted  physique - 
    I  shall  make  you  into  one.
I  do  not  require  one  who  is  a  totally
      selfless  limitless  sexual  libertine - 
    I  shall  make  you  into  one.
I  do  not  require  one  who  has  relinquished
      all  vestiges  of  ego  for  the  liberation 
      of  her  spirit -
    I  shall  make  you  into  one.     

    The  stripping  away  of  ego  is  the  well-
worn  path  to  enlightenment. It  is  also  the
rocky  road  of  the  slave.  The  self-imposed  limits  of  behavior  by  which  we  define  our
character  are  by  no  means  arbitrary,  but
they  are  subjective,  therefore,  maleable.
Principles  of  etiquitte  and  decorum  inherited  from  society  are  not  without  foundation,  but  with  the  realization  of  the  greater  set  of  principles  available, 
foundations  are  questioned;  foundations  shift.  A  Master  is  going  to  set  the  slave  upon  a  path  designed  to  instill  a  sense  of  separation  of  the  shell  of  the  body  from  the  source  of  the  spirit.  Relinquishing  control  of  the  body  through  a  rigorous  series  of  ever-demanding,  ever-intrusive  lessons,  allows  the  slave  the  opportunity  to  experience  its  own  spirit  unencumbered  by  the  tethers  accumulated  over  a  lifetime's  conscious  intervention.  As
we  progress,  the degree  of  promtness  and
enthusiasm  with  which  instructions  are  
executed  is  indicative  of  the  liberation  of  
the  spirit  from  the  ego.  This  is  often  referred  to  as  'obedience',  but  I  prefer  to  think  it  in  terms  of  'compliance'.  A  light  bulb  does  not  'obey'  the  command  of  the  switch,  it  simply  'complies'  with  the  new  state  of  affairs  with  which  it  is  presented - its  reaction, virtually  instantaneous,  so  much  so  that  one  might  even  characterize  its  response  as  enthusiastic.  The  light  bulb  operates  on  a  much  more  fundamental  level  of  response  than  'obedience'  would  connote  -  the  level  toward  which  I  believe  a  slave  should  aspire.  'Obedience'  represents  evidence  of  the  presence/interaction  of  higher  cognitive  structures  than  'compliance'  does.   'Obedience'  is  indicative  of  an  internal  process  of  checking  potential  responses  against  a  pre-established  template  of  appropriate  responses.  'Compliance',  on  the  other  hand,  does  not  preclude  such  internal  check,  but  dictates  that  any  such  check  be  done  after  the  execution  of  the  response  required  by  the  situation  posed.  'Compliance'  then,  becomes  a  much  more  effective  measure  of  the  state  of  the  slave's  relinquished  ego,  and  as  such  a  measure  of  the  degree  to  which  the  slave  has  been  liberated  from  its  hold.
As  the  nature  of  the  situations  with  which  the  slave  is  confronted  become  more  and  more  disincongruous  from  those  of  prior  experience,  and  as  the  trust  and  esteem  with  which  the  slave  holds  the  Master  increase,  the  spontaniety  and  enthusiasm  of  the  slave's  responses  will  be  directly  indicative  of  prior  established  limits  being  moved/reduced.  One  can  never  say,  in  the  beginning  of  a  relationship,  which  limits  will  be  affected  the  most - which  will  fall  away  completely - which  will  barely  move  at  all.  All  we  may  guarantee  is  that  all  will  be  identified,  and  that  all  will  be  tested.  Only  afterward  may  the  slave's  so-called  'hard'  limits  be  truely  identified.  Only  then  may  we  determine  the  inhibitory  residual    effect  these  lingering  presences  will  have  upon  the  fulfillment  of  the  slave's  ultimate  objectives  (you  know,  those  objectives - those  reasons  she  sought  out this  life  in  the  first  place).  Sometimes  you  can  only  go  as  far  as  you  can  go.   Often  you  can  go  farther,  maybe  tomorrow,  maybe  next  week,  maybe  next  year.  But  if  not,  sometimes  as  far  as  you  can  go  ...  is  good  enough.
"For  last  year's  words  belong  
                 to  last  year's  language
 And  next  year's  words
                 await  another  voice."
"For  liberation - not  less  of  love
                              but  expanding
 Of  love  beyond  desire, 
                              and  so  liberation
 From  the  future  as  well  as  the  past."
"What  we  call  the  beginning
                        is  often  the  end
 And  to  make  an  end
                        is  to  make  a  beginning.
 The  end  is  where  we  start  from."
"With  the  drawing  of  this  love
                   and  the  voice  of  this  calling
 We  shall  not  cease  from  exploration
 And  the  end  of  all  our  exploring
 Will  be  to  arrive  where  we  started
 And  know  the  place  for  the  first  time."
                                                               "And all shall be well, and
 All manner of thing shall be well
 By the purification of the motive
 In the ground of our beseeching."
"And  all  shall  be  well, and
 All  manner  of  thing  shall  be  well
 When  the  tongues  of  flame  are  in-folded
 Into  the  crowned  knot  of  fire
 And  the  fire  and  the  rose  are  one."
                                       T.S. Eliot
                                    Four Quartets
                                    'Little Gidding' 
                                 (various excerpts)                                                            
7/29/2006 7:52:32 PM
     "In  order  to  arrive  there,
     To  arrive  where  you  are,
     To  get  from  where  you  are  not,
     You  must  go  by  a  way  wherein                there  is  no  ecstasy. 
     In  order  to  arrive  at  what  you 
             do  not  know
     You  must  go  by  a  way  which  is
             the  way  of  ignorance.
     In  order  to  possess 
             what  you  do  not  possess
     You  must  go  by  the  way 
             of  dispossession.
     In  order  to  arrive  at  what 
             you  are  not
     You  must  go  through  the  way
             in  which  you  are  not.
     And  what  you  do  not  know
            is  the  only  thing  you  know
     And  what  you  own 
            is  what  you  do  not  own
     And  where  you  are 
            is  where  you  are  not." 
                                       T.S. Eliot
                                    Four  Quartets
                                     'East  Coker'
7/28/2006 8:13:58 PM

***           The Slave's Shibari                             (a  haiku)                     ((for  all  seasons))
            Bound  to  Destined  Search                                                                
       the  One  to  whom  she  Succombs 
                 Destined  Surrender 
*** I have been asked
if I am a 'Member of the Lifestyle'.  While I do indeed have a 'manner of living', said 'manner' not unfortunately precludes membership in any organized religion.  Or, to put it another way:
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered.  My life is my own."                                                      

(extra credit for those who can provide the  correct citation for the preceeding quote)
***  My philosophy of Domination is drawn from a quotation provided to me in a very different context, from one of my major professors.  And, owing to its broad applicability, it is one I often use in my classes.  Its language is archaic and requires careful reading, and in this present context, if one substitutes the words 'slave' for 'thing' and 'Master' for 'knower', its relevance will become clear.                                           
              A  thing  may  be  known 
                      to  a  knower 
              only  to  the  extent  that
                      the  knower 
              participates  in  the  being 
                      of  the  thing    
                      to  be  known.                                                              
                                       Thomas  Aquinas                                          

 Age: 25
 Gosport, United Kingdom