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LyssBBW - photo 1
LyssBBW - photo 2
LyssBBW - photo 3
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LyssBBW - photo 14

Just a sweet, innocent slut...
(previously known as NaughtyAngel)

I guess the best way to describe myself is as a walking contradiction. I'm a sweet, angelic girl with an extremely naughty streak. I'm a shy exhibitionist and a kinky romantic.

I'm a dirty girl and up for just about anything so long as I am in the submissive role.

Please take note that I am fat. F.A.T. I am perfectly ok with that but please make sure you are as well before contacting me. If you don't like chubby girls, stay clear. This fattie loves to revel in her sexuality and doesn't mind showing you that big girls can be sexy, too.

As I've mentioned, I am a naughty girl and like a man with a mind as twisted as my own. Someone who can surprise me. Age/size/race truly unimportant as long as you can hold a conversation. Make me laugh and I'm putty in your hands. ;c)

Must be dominant and/or sadistic, preferably with experience. I am a brat to the core and love a good power struggle. What good are bonds and limits if you don't test them?

Speaking of limits - no permanent markings, no scat.

Other than that, use me, abuse me, humiliate me and I will follow you around like a little puppy dog. Perhaps literally. ;c)

I am turned off by the idea of men in submissive situations as well as txtspeak or other abuses of the English language. In other words, please don't ask if I want to own you, sit on you, fuck you with a strap-on, or anything else which puts me on the dominant side. And please do try to speak in complete sentences with at least an attempt at spelling, grammar and punctuation.

I am in an open marriage. Because I am married and have a child, my time can be somewhat limited. But this gives us a chance to get to know each other first and I'd like to see if there is chemistry before going forth.

Let me make this absolutely clear: I am not available for 24/7 or relocation. I have a family. They are and always will be my priority.
I enjoy playing but would much more enjoy a secondary relationship of some sort. Even still, the emphasis is on secondary.
To further complicate matters, I won't drive far (e.g. out of town) and cannot host.

Basically, I'm looking for the impossible: An experienced Dom and sadist with a personality and sense of humor who likes SSBBWs and can deal with my quirks. S/he also has to deal with my time restrictions and live near or be willing to travel and provide a playspace if it should come to that. Call me an idealist. ;c)
Last, but most certainly not least, I am not looking to be "discreet".

Been months since I've logged in here and I only did so because a kind (and sexy, may I add) gentleman let me know that someone was using one of my photos for their profile here.  What I found most amusing was that it wasn't even one of my good photos. ;c)

For the most part, I'm actually flattered when my photos are stolen.  However, I did send them a note asking for it to be removed since I don't know what she (or probably he) is doing with or to those who answer the ad and I don't want to be associated with any debauchery I can't at least partake in personally. 

Anyhow, my apologies to anyone who has tried to contact me during my absence and, truth be told, I'll probably disappear again after this.  Right now things are hectic and there's no playtime available so not much point in me being here.  I'll try not to wait another three or four months before my next visit, though. :c)
I can't help but chuckle a bit at the responses I've received to my journal entries here. If you think I'm an opinionated bitch here, I hope you never find my real blog. ;c)

Obviously, if you are looking for a doormat then we will not get along.

I recently found a graphic which comes pretty close to how I feel about saying what I feel needs to be said. I wish I could post it here but instead I'll post what it says:

Being a bitch means...
I stand up for myself and my beliefs
I stand up for those I love
I speak my mind, think my own thoughts and do things my own way
I won't compromise what is in my heart
I live my life my way
I won't allow anyone to step on me
I refuse to tolerate injustice
It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be me
So try to stomp on me, douse my inner flame,
Squash every ounce of beauty I hold within
You won't succeed
And if that makes me a Bitch, so be it
I embrace the title and am proud to be a Bitch

I've now had two encounters with people who have both a Dom account and a sub account.  Why?  Why not just call yourself a switch and save yourself the trouble?

I assume it's because there are some who won't deal with switches and I can imagine that is rather frustrating but I find the deceit of it all rather sickening. 
So I made this new profile and I've been surprised by how much attention it has received.
Some of the attention has been very nice and I've enjoyed getting to know them but there are some which I've found disturbing, such as the following:

HI Sweetness,
Welcome to the neighborhood, Its a kinky but nice neighborhood! The world of BDSM is a huge place with lots of nooks and crannies to explore ,so its natural that you might enter with a bit of trepidation. Don't let it get to ya. Id like you to take a look at my profile and see if you might enjoy visiting with me a bit. Id like get to know you better .You have a very cute picture but your profile is short enough that not very much of the "you " in your personality comes through.
Since you seem to be new here I expect that by now you have been overwhelmed with messages I suggest that you read them all and reply with a simple form letter at first then take your time getting to know a few of the more interesting ones .
Don't allow the feeling of needing direction or the taunting of the Dom's to rush you into things. As cute as you are its likely you will be offered to be under consideration or a collar of consideration very quickly. DONT DO IT! It is really no commitment from a Dom and cuts you off from your options, friends and learning! Don't think the Dom's evil that try to claim you so fast its the inherent competition to have the best .
Another thing you will hear tons about is "Wannabes" Don't worry about that either its not like there are a lot of artificial Dom's out there .We are all real in our own way, there are beginners and those with more experience, there are those that are quite mild and those extremely extreme!And there are those here to see if it suits them in some way. But all are real the key to all of it is to find the right match for you.

Be honest with yourself and the Dom's you talk with and things should work out fine .Take a bit of time to let things settle down and you will begin to see your patterns of interest.
I hope to hear from you soon Take your time and have fun ,believe it or not you are supposed to!

At first glance, I thought this was a nice little email.
As I got to reading, I wasn't so convinced it was nice.  Not that I believe he is necessarily mal-intentioned, just that he has some ulterior motives such as snapping up the fresh meat as they come into the site and converting (or attempt to convert) them to his way of thinking.  The matter-of-fact, this-is-how-it-is-here tone to the email makes it clear that he believes everyone should think the way he does.

He does give some good advice, I suppose, in that it is not a good idea to jump into being "considered".  And maybe it's just me and my quirks that makes me feel like this is common sense and the fact that he feels the need to tell me this seems condescending.

However, I disagree completely with his take on wannabes, or pseudo-Doms, as I usually call them.  "We are all real in our own way", perhaps may be true.  But just because we call ourselves something doesn't make us that something.  I'd like to be a rock star.  If I tell you I'm a rock star, does that make me one?
There are many people out there who seem to think that all it takes to be Dom is an arrogant demeanor and a couple props.  They can call themselves Dom all day long but it doesn't mean that they are anything more than assholes with an account at Castle.

The last thing which really got to me about this email is that it is a form letter.  I noticed this immediately, especially because of the part which states that my profile is short and doesn't show much of me in it.  On the contrary, my profile there is long and full of all kinds of me snarkiness.  
Undoubtedly, he sends it out to every female sub he sees has joined the site.  And if they are new, they just might believe what he has to say, especially since he has tried to make it sound as though it is written expressly to the recipient and therefore is heartfelt advice from him to her, winning her trust in a way which is ultimately false.

He may very well be a nice guy.  I can't speak on who he is.  I just find his tactics distasteful and his advice dreadful.

If you are wondering whether you've seen me before, you probably have. I started here as NaughtyAngel but decided to make this profile to make it more apparent that I'm a big girl. This way, guys who like a little cushion can find me easier and guys who don't won't be offended because they can't be bothered to read before they surf through photos. :c)