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Lyrik - photo 1
Lyrik - photo 2
Lyrik - photo 3
Lyrik - photo 4
Lyrik - photo 5

A lot of things have brought me here to this point in my life - some good and some not so good. There have been things that have taught me what I really don't want in a lifestyle relationship, things that have taught me what kind of person I really am, and things that taught me the beauty in everyday life. I have been hurt by many in the lifestyle - and even though some relationships with those in the lifestyle have ended, I thank them for teaching me what I know now and for accepting me for whom and what I am. What I am is a strong and independent person. I am someone who moved from a po dunk town into "the big city" only to be terrified and yet find herself. I am a Switch - I am not a “twue” Dom and I am not a “twue” slave. I make mistakes and I do my best to own up to them when they happen and I try to rectify the situation. I am one who knows what she wants and does what she can to get it. As a submissive I am new to the lifestyle and I know that I am a little. I know that I can ask a lot from someone because I am VERY bratty and the term S.A.M. has never been lost on me. I am loyal and when I know the lines and where I can dance - I do my best to always be within those lines and be pleasing. I love to do just about anything that I can do to make sure that I am pleasing to my Dominant. As a Dominant I hold a very firm upper hand because I can see the potential within the person under me. I am caring and I will do my best to make sure that they are taken care of and pampered - as long as all lines are kept in check. I am a swift to punish, but only for that which needs punishing. Those under me can never complain of me being out of line or not observing boundaries. I believe in clear communication (both as a submissive and as a Dominant) to be the success to any relationship - even if that relationship does not carry beyond the scene that we are about to carry out. More on the non-lifestyle side I play 15 instruments and I love to read. I like to basically hang out and be myself with friends. To truly get to know me you have to hang out during the awkward and socially inept times. I was a bit of a nerd and kinda packed away growing up and I am also PAINFULLY shy. I will sit in a corner and just watch people to learn and observe before I reach out and try to get to know them. I'm also hard of hearing and trying to learn ASL, but with being dyslexic that can get kind of hard at times. ANYWAYS to end this novel: my name is Lyrik. It's nice to meet you.

You once asked me if I knew what I was. You asked me if I knew what I wanted to do. Then you told me I was wrong for thinking and feeling the way that I do. Well I'm here to tell you that you are wrong.

These are the things that I know:

I am a submissive. I thought that I could top someone but I was wrong. It is not in me. When I top someone it feels wrong - like there is something missing. When I am submissive - when I submit - I know that it is right. I know that no matter what when I am on my knees (no matter how painful it might because of my stupid joints :P ) I know in my heart that it is where I belong.

I am bisexual. Yes I contact a lot more men than I do women to email them, and that is because of the fact that women make me tongue tied. I can't think and I can't speak around them. I do speak with women though and yes - I can see myself in a long term sexual, emotional, and physical relationship with them. Who are you to tell me that I am not bisexual? Who are you to tell me that I cannot have relations with both a man and a woman?

Yes I know that I don't have much of any real time experience - but if I keep getting shut out, how am I to learn? I can learn all I want online, but it won't mean a lick of anything out here in the real world.


I thought you were my friend, the person I could go to, but I guess I was wrong. I do know that I am what I am and that nothing and no one is ever going to change that.