You once asked me if I knew what I was. You asked me if I knew what I wanted to do. Then you told me I was wrong for thinking and feeling the way that I do. Well I'm here to tell you that you are wrong.
These are the things that I know:
I am a submissive. I thought that I could top someone but I was wrong. It is not in me. When I top someone it feels wrong - like there is something missing. When I am submissive - when I submit - I know that it is right. I know that no matter what when I am on my knees (no matter how painful it might because of my stupid joints :P ) I know in my heart that it is where I belong.
I am bisexual. Yes I contact a lot more men than I do women to email them, and that is because of the fact that women make me tongue tied. I can't think and I can't speak around them. I do speak with women though and yes - I can see myself in a long term sexual, emotional, and physical relationship with them. Who are you to tell me that I am not bisexual? Who are you to tell me that I cannot have relations with both a man and a woman?
Yes I know that I don't have much of any real time experience - but if I keep getting shut out, how am I to learn? I can learn all I want online, but it won't mean a lick of anything out here in the real world.
I thought you were my friend, the person I could go to, but I guess I was wrong. I do know that I am what I am and that nothing and no one is ever going to change that. |