I've loved the lifestyle for years, but I don't have any real life ecxpierence really..yet. I'm willing to travel, for the right Master.
recently I've found myself liking girls a lot too, so I'm def into girl play ;)
Ive been told I have issues talking back, I'm working on it thou. Devoting myself 100% to someone is also hard for me, orless we meet and really hit it off.
I love Daddy role play, I just think it's the hottest thing ever, hehe. ;)
anyway. about myself.. ive lived on a farm my whole life, I love animals and I am not into k9. don't even ask. I plan to go to beauty school. I'm currently In my last year of highschool. I don't really enjoy any sports.. maybe cheer, that's about it hehe. <3 I'm really into cars, I have a sexy car :)
I am honestly really sweet. I have a back talking problem, but hey, that's what punishments are for right?!
I love to flirt. but I am saving my virginity for my Master. I want a full time relationship with him, I get jealous easily, but I could deal with they're being more girls than just me. ;).
thanks for reading my lonnng lil profile.
I hate having ADD. This sucks.
deleting this soon. I can never keep my account on here because people think I am fake. Ask me for my , I have a ton of pics, videos, AND VERIFICATION VIDEOS on :)
today is my birthday :)
gosh I feel sick :( night night y'all, sweet dreams
well I found out I can squirt..the hard way..:(
needs to find a good photographer, I wanna get pics done ;)