
locifer501 - photo 1

Hobbies: rIDin` diRT bIkEs, DJ arrANGin`almOST everYTHin` bUt listENin` to coOUNtry,, SATISFACTION wHEn yOu rEaCh it tHEn yOu soLVed the most compLICATed eQuaTiON
Latest News: yoU kNoW reGReT DoESnt` tURn baACk tHe HaNds OF TIme thOuGh You cOulD feEl GuilTy. ,yoU canN`t gEt tO heAVeN iF yoUr sCarEd 0f GeTtin` hiGH ... s0 fuCKin` WhAt i`Ve traVEled aLl oVeR tHe worLD`,tHe slaMmEr 0F tHIs LiFe iS s0 BIG s0 tHAt i cAn tELl yOu oNe dAY 0r iN one dAy tiME abOUt iT `wHo dOsNt` PlAy wEll wiTh oTHers feAR yOUr gHoSts nOt eaRs,DO AS I SAY ,"