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I'm 23. I live in the Hudson Valley. I hate my job. But I love my life.
I'm polyamorous, and I'm sapiosexual (intellectual discourse turns me on). I have a primary boyfriend who likes threesomes more than I do. I'm always looking for friends, but I never have anything in particular in mind. For me it's all about the conversation. That's how I determine whether I want to be with you or not. So message me something funny or smart. Your wittiest line, or some old poem. If I like it, then maybe we can talk about what I like most.
5/15/2011 9:42:08 AM
If you can't spell 'dominant' I'm not going to treat you as one.
5/1/2011 12:50:10 PM
Friend reqing me on facebook when I a) haven't given you my name b) haven't told you I'm okay with it or c) haven't talked to you in OVER A MONTH is NOT okay. I don't give a flying fuck who you think you are, it's not cool and youre only going to get yourself blocked.
4/20/2011 2:20:43 PM
I am an individual. I stand apart from the crowd. I'm the rock that splits the stream. Don't try to force me to be one of many. I'm not that person.
3/27/2011 4:10:39 AM
Okay, seriously, I'm SO done with texting first. If you want me, show it. Is it really so difficult?
2/26/2011 1:40:46 PM

if you dont care about my needs, my wants, and my fears, i'm not going to care about what you think you want. because if you think you can completely possess me by mere dint of your "dominance" you're sadly mistaken. i am not a slave. and i will not become one until i decide it's what i want.


get over yourself. all you're doing is proving to me that you're not mature enough for me.

2/19/2011 7:50:24 PM
I love pretty woman
2/18/2011 2:45:19 PM
I like the concept of fetishes. The idea of something being so vital, so important, that you can't get off without it... It makes my heart race. I can tell that when some people look at me, they think to themselves, "that girl is so young, She doesn't know what she's doing. She thinks she's tough, But she doesn't understand this scene. She's not one of us. She will never be one of us." They confuse curiosity With na?t?I study fetishes as much as I play with them. The word fascinated comes to mind. I'm not afraid To ask questions, To try to find out What drives the people behind the fetishes. Maybe it's not just fetishists and kinksters that fascinate me. Maybe what really gets me Is people in general. I live to know what made people who they are. I don't judge, Not ever. It's not my place, Or my job, And it takes too much effort. I wonder how someone with an amputation fetish, Or a thing for clocks, or a necrophilliac first realised it, when it's not easy to find a place to discuss it. I want to know why there are people, Within what would appear to be The most diverse and accepting community, That seem to think That their kink Is the only kink. I wonder how people Who are so sexually liberated, Can at times be So emotionally repressed. I've never understood why so many people Are afraid to talk about themselves. I don't care about your name, your job, or where you live. All I wanted to know was what you meant when you said "gender queer" Because that's a rather queer phrase, don't you think? I'm not looking to write a paper about you, I'm looking to learn from you. My fetish is words and smarts and ideas. I crave information more than anything else in the world. I might like pain, I might like being abused, I might like being petted after I've had too much And can no longer move. But it all pales in comparison to learning about these people around me, These people who are here for a million different reasons, Who find a home here. I collect fetishes. All I want Is to know about yours. So wont you tell me?
2/9/2011 12:14:29 PM
You can't "practice" dominance. You either are or you aren't. Occasionally blows to your ego or self esteem will change your role, but not always forever. Either way, it isn't something you can practice. Same goes for charisma. Sure, you can "seem" dominant or charismatic if you're a good enough actor, but that's faking it. You're not actually dominant or charismatic. Think about it.
1/28/2011 9:17:07 PM
Dude. I don't understand what you're talking about. I don't even know why you're texting me.
1/28/2011 2:12:01 PM
You are not dominant if you're afraid to lose.
1/24/2011 9:43:26 PM
I am not a fucking tranny you moron.
1/21/2011 5:18:14 PM
I need money. Fuck.
12/27/2010 5:20:59 AM
So, the whole reason for writing a profile is for people to READ it. I get tired of answering the same questions over and over. Especially when they're all right there in the profile. It's frustrating that no one bothers to read. Best way to win bonus points with me, read the profile and then write to me about something in it that interested you, ******************** how many times can I REALLY say "READ MY PROFILE!!!" before I just fucking leave?
12/10/2010 10:06:13 PM
my nipple has been chewed to hell...
12/2/2010 1:46:51 PM
I HATE initiating conversation. So don't expect me to. okay?
11/22/2010 10:55:47 PM

sometimes i love meeting random people from/on the internet. especially the geeky ones =)

11/14/2010 10:20:42 PM

sometimes hanging out here gets depressing, if for no other reason that people around here are fondofjust not responding anymore after a certain point.

11/2/2010 8:19:40 PM
Wooooooooow.... That has got to be the most shallow thing I've ever experienced. I hope you end up severely disfigured. Geez.
11/2/2010 8:03:54 PM
How would you suggest I go about asking a friend to choke me again? He's done it before when we were hooking up... I mean we aren't together anymore but I know he'd like to... I just don't know how to ask... I knind of really need it now....
9/26/2010 8:59:59 AM
can i just point out two things:
1. if i've never responded to a message from you before, and you've sent more than a few, why do you think i'd suddenly start responding?

2. "hey" "hi" and "greetings" are not appropriate conversation starters. even "hey, your picture is pretty" is more likely to get a response. come ON you're supposed to be dominant, act that way goddamnit!
7/10/2010 12:12:19 PM
i'm not going to be on for a couple weeks so don't be offended if i don't respond to messages or whatever.
7/4/2010 7:33:07 AM
The day began with my ex beating me and coming on my face in the back of my car...

needless to say no matter what this is going to be a good day. =)
7/1/2010 7:44:41 PM
Could someone please explain to me why prostitution is ilegal/frowned upon?

Aside from the risk of STIs and rape... i don't see the real issue...
12/24/2009 8:52:44 AM

Merry Christmas!!

hit this link =)


1/23/2009 2:40:29 PM

maybe there's something wrong with me... i wouldn't know... but i think it's common decency to tell someone that you're married and have kids BEFORE you get involved. I mean, I'm really not concerned what you do with your life, as long as you're honest with me. like i WILL NOT be someone's mistress in real life, but if you're looking for someone to talk to online only, i don't really care as long as you are honest about it. I mean, it's not like i go after married men, don't get me wrong, but i'm not going to condemn someone for it if they're sweet to me.

i don't know. maybe there's something wrong with me but really, is it so hard to be HONEST with people?

1/14/2009 10:10:27 AM
is it really sick of me to want a man who won't talk to me for weeks, sometimes even months, and then turn around and vanish without a second word?

or is this just karma's way of playing a sick joke on me?

because when i have a boyfriend, or a dom, or a fuck buddy, and i'm not looking, i find hundreds of sweet people. but the minute i'm single, NO ONE talks anymore. almost like the universe conspires against me!