


Owned by Mawgan



Owners commands supercede others, within real time and online.
kalo is restricted for Owner use only.


"it is not what the woman looks like, but what she is within that radiates her beauty"


Online Home found in GCN chatroom ~ towerofturia
[an Inn within the 6th Gate of the City of Turia, Gor]
[[closed at the moment]]


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10/4/2009 9:08:08 AM
"it is not what the woman looks like, but what she is within that beauty will radiate outwards."

only the Owner would see the both
7/13/2008 3:33:56 PM
this phrase appears on the internal email system -

"No criticism of other users, vulgarity, or illegal activities"

i just have just read total criticism and attack towards my own choice of path to follow.

i dont criticise your choice of path.
7/7/2008 8:09:56 AM
as i wander through the pages, i see a glimmer of light. as it shapes the darkness turning all to gleaming light.
let it be known
that kalo is Owned
5/20/2008 12:59:28 PM
as i journey along the pathway to fulfillment. i stop close to a potters shed.
looking in i see the pots in different stages, still in there frames.

"The Master is an artist. The slave, His clay.
With the whip He will shape, With humility He will mold.
Some may admire her. But only the Master, not even the slave, will ever know her true beauty.
For her true beauty is in her love for her Master."

the potter moulds the pots into shape, as they dry the potter places them on a rack before pushing them into the kiln before its final firing salt is added to form a glaze, then when done brought out a finished pot to be proud of.  its wonderful to watch how a small item of daily use is made from the slab of clay to the glazed and finished item on a shelf.

i am kalo Owned slave of Mawgan