Safe top looking for Ltr,slave I play hard, I know what it is like to be on bottom.

From a past slave:
I want to take a minute to thank you for some ways you have
touched my life and made me smile, memories I will take with me no
matter what happens.

Thank you for . . .
calling me at 8:30 in the morning to tell me I’m not a freak.
being the first lover I’ve ever had to encourage me to play on my own.
not making me feel dumb when you showed me how to bump start your truck.
teaching me stuff about cars.
calling me your lesbian.
hurting me just enough.
using a stun gun on me.
putting a collar on me.
letting me do nasty things to you.
letting me hurt you.
telling your friends how we met.
apologizing for the way you pushed me away in bed one night.
looking at parts of me no one has ever seen and showing them to me.
the way when I said “it’s hard” you softened your voice and said “I know
it is. You can do it.”
peeking inside my secret thoughts and letting me know I’m not alone.
in the middle of so much loss in my life, you have brought me adventure
and pleasure. thank you.
Drop me a note.

 Age: 21
 MELBOURNE, Australia