***Thank you for showing interest in me, but I have found what I have been looking for and have been placed under consideration by ChactawSirhawk.*** I have been interested in this lifestyle for years, and I am just now finally doing something to look into it. I am interested in a kind Dominant/Daddy who is willing to introduce me into the lifestyle, teach me what to do and help me learn how to please him. I am interested in older guys (especially 60+) who are in the Tacoma area. I am a 22 year old BBW just so you know. Like I said before, I have absolutely zero experience, so I need your help!
12/13/2010 4:46:13 PM

Fear- (noun) a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.


Fear is such a tricky thing for me. I am fearful about many aspects of this lifestyle. How do I know if a person is safe? Will I come back after meeting up with  person? Will that person take it to far? Will I survive? No matter how safe you try to be, something can always go wrong. Fear, in part, draws me to want to experiment with this lifestyle, but it also makes it so I am weary. I want to be apat of this lifestyle so badly but my fear is preventing me, but the fear is also motivating me. Fear has been making me think quite  bit. My goal is to one day be owned by a Master, but will the fear even stop there? Or is it something that must be present in this lifestyle?

 Age: 31
 Cape Town, South Africa