f you still have questions after reading these instructions, type /join #Bound by Passions from any chatroom on www.collarme.com
or select us from the chat list. Once here, pm me. Before logging on via MIRC, you must close the website chatroom window. You can't be logged on twice under the same nick.
1. Log into your collarme account on the website as you normally would if you were checking mail, etc.
2. Click "chatrooms" on the left.
3. The flash chat window will open and you'll see a list of rooms. Look on the very bottom of that page.
4. On the bottom of the page, it will read something like this:
"To connect with dedicated clients like Mirc, use the following information:
Nick bridgetsub, Email bridgetsub@, Password a8s77el8psj8ho4ishie8s8soe8"
**Even if that is NOT the actual email you gave collarme when you registered and/or it is not an email you own, copy it anyway. You will be using it to insert in Mirc **
5. Copy all that information (eg email, password) onto a blank notepad page. You'll need it for the next steps.
6. Open your MIRC by clicking twice on the red and blue mirc icon on your desktop. At the top of the page, select TOOLS. On the submenu, select OPTIONS. When a new box opens up, look on the left where you'll see SERVERS under Connect. Click twice on SERVERS.
7. A new box will open and you'll see a list of servers. Click on the Collarme server on the list so that it is highlighted and select DELETE (this will delete the current server)
8. Now select ADD and type the following information into the blank boxes:
Description: Collarme
IRC Server: chat.collarme.com
Port: 6667
Group: (I've left this box blank)
Password: Insert the longass password you copied from the bottom of the collarme chat window into this box. Copy this password from your notepad document and paste it into this empty box.
(Some people have found that retyping the password in notepad before cutting and pasting it into the password box works best. If you do it this way, remember that where 0 appears in the password is a zero, not a letter o)
9. After the boxes are all filled in as above, click ADD to add this new server you just added.
10. Now click on so as to highlight the new "Collarme" server and press SELECT. Then click OK.
11 Now, make sure that the email you were given at the bottom of the chat window page matches the email address in your mirc.
Go to TOOLS>>OPTIONS>>CONNECT. Click CONNECT twice to open another box containing your personal information, such as "full name" etc. Edit the "EMAIL ADDRESS" box field to match the email you obtained earlier at the bottom of the chat window page. If you do not own this email address, then simply make up a suffix to go after the @ sign.
In our example, bridgetsub@ was the email given at the bottom of the chat window which is NOT her real email. Nonetheless, she would still type: bridgetsub@gmail.com
into that mirc email address field. She adds the suffix "gmail.com" after the @ sign.
Continuing With Our Example, bridget would type:
Full Name bridget (never put your real name here)
Email bridgetsub@gmail.com
(nope, she doesn't own this email nor did she give it to collarme)
Nickname bridgetsub
Alternative bridgetsub
(Make the nickname and alternative identical with your collarme account name - you can no longer change your name on this server)
What if these boxes are gray and won't let me edit?
Answer: If the boxes are grayed out and uneditable, make sure you are completely disconnected from the server. How do you tell? If you mouse over the yellow lightening bolt on the top left, it should say "connect" which indicates you're not currently connected. If it says "disconnect," press it once to disconnect.
12. Next, go to TOOLS>OPTIONS>>CONNECT then OPTIONS. Check off the empty "Reconnect on Disconnect" box. Then below that box press the PERFORM button. In the white box type /join #Passion_for_Submission and then check off "Enable Perform on Connect." Select OK. Make sure that this worked properly by clicking on PERFORM. The info you typed should still be there and the "enable" boxed checked.
13. Connect to collarme by pressing the yellow lightening bolt on the upper left corner of your screen or anywhere else you see a button to CONNECT. Alternatively, use File>>Connect.
What if you still did not connect?
***IMPORTANT*** Make sure that website chat window where you got your password code is completely closed before you try to connect via mirc. If you do not close it, the system will kick you for being "ghosted."
14. You should now be online and connected to Collarme. You can stop here or go to an optional step #15 which, given the amount of server reboots, I am no longer recommending.
15. Optional Step to Change the Longass Password:I am no longer recommending this step. Reason: each time the server reboots, people with changed, shorter passwords suddenly can't connect. They have to reinsert the long password. Nevertheless, if you really want to change that long password: Go up to the "status window" i.e. the window with the brown font that pops up when you log onto mirc and type:
/prop YourNick OWNERKEY newpassword.
Continuing with our example:
/prop bridgetsub OWNERKEY pickle
Then you will have to go to TOOLS>>OPTIONS>>CONNECT>>SERVERS> Higlight the Collarme server. Select EDIT. Delete the longass password from that box and type in your chosen password. Click OK.
Why Am I Being Kicked With "Ghosted"
Make sure you close that website chat window before you connect via mirc. You can still look at profiles, but you can't have the website chat window open and connect with MIRC on the same nick. If you are, the system will repeatedly kick you.