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Home for a dogslave.....
Dominant master, severe, demanding, experienced, sometime perceived as cruel but fair has an opening for a female seeking deep level of slavery but who is looking to reach this in a methodical and progressive manner. If you are looking for the real thing then read on....
Are you looking for something different? Are you looking for a way out of the vanilla life and the society, for an escape from the burden of daily human life? Are you seeking for a different way to be, to assume yourself and to value life on every day basis? Are you in need for someone to provide you ownership, strict control, direction, discipline and a purpose...for a structure and a regime you can finally grow from and not fail at the least little difficulties? Are you tired of having to deal with complexities, making decisions and of searching for your own self and place in this world? Are you in need for a new start in life, for an Owner you can trust and for a new HOME for life?
If you are wondering about your place in this world, feel lost in this world and you would answer "yes" to these above questions and that you are tired of temporary situations leading nowhere, then are you READY for something serious, for something REAL....for a CAGE? Are you ready to be taken in charge completely and to be teach and trained to endorse the cage with all that such a deep change entail, not only in terms of advantages and benefits but also in terms of sacrifices from your actual life and unfulfilling freedom? Are you ready for a change?
Do you have enough of a world of emptiness, illusions and superficialities where it is by "collecting" the false friends on a webpage and adding the number of "likes" on a page that it create the false illusion that you are someone and are alive? Do you have enough of a world where a small piece of plastic/metal with microchips inside has become your best friend and an addiction leading to just the illusion of having a life and many friends? Are you beginning of being tired of searching for your own self within a world where the suppose "reality" consist in a world of superficialities used to create the illusion that you are someone you are not? Are you reduced to find refuge in dreams in order to pretend having a life and feeling what the emptiness and superficialities of the Facebook, Twitter and the cellphone cannot even come close to bring to you?
Are you in need for something REAL where the pride, self validation and feeling of accomplishment are not anymore about NUMBERS...number of (falses) friends, number of "likes" or number of phone call or texting in a day BUT where even the most basics and simple things have a real and deepest meaning on you, for you and on your day to day existence? Are you in need for the REAL THING, where there is no need to create illusions from quantities because the daily reality is what it is....REAL and it's lived and felt as such?
If your are tired of the emptiness resulting from the superficialities and illusions of the society and of what the "real" world is providing to you then maybe it is the time for a reality change...for a reality where nothing is about dreams, illusions and pretensions but only and always about REAL needs, REAL functions, REAL uses, REAL feelings, REAL emotions of pride as well as REAL emotions of sadness (when punished for failures), REAL sense of accomplishment and REAL ways for validation. Have you ever experienced the deep feeling which emerge from obtaining something you need for which you know and feel that you have worked and made efforts for? Do you have the slightest idea about how much it is valued and how much it makes you to value everything you have done to obtain and of the level of pride emerging from this? Ironically, while most people tend to take everything as for granted and are totally strangers to the deep feelings of appreciation, value and they just try to fill the emotional void by getting more and more, slavery on the contrary, strip the slaves from whatever false pretenses, unrealistic dreams and time wasting illusions to allow them to focuse on what really matter...the fundamentals, the tangible and a REALITY which is really there and not an illusion. Ironically, slavery is not about quantities, superficialities, unrealistic dreams and hopes BUT about valuing the fundamentals, valuing what allow the slave to fulfill her needs and essence. It's not about a name, an account on a webpage or about meaningless text and phone conversations....It's about something a lot deeper than those...It's about the fundamentals, about a world where everything is REAL...If you want to know how it feel to wear a collar, the chains and the shackles and most of all, to feel and live what it all mean fundamentally to wear them, to inhabit a cage and to learn to function in regards of someone else, then enter my cage and you will appreciate learning taking part of something larger and greater than your usual little self.
In slavery, everything is REAL and connected together. The conditions of existence of the slave are directly conneted and related to her behavior and because of that, she finds tremenduous value in all she does, in all she get and in her uses, performances and accomplishments. That is where she build her pride from. In a cage there is no room for superficialities and illusions, no time for dreams and unrealistic aspirations, no provision nor facilities for the slave to waste her time and lose herself by wandering on the internet, meaningless phone conversations or watch TV....In slavery and in a cage, REALITY is a 24/7/365 thing....no vacation, no exception.....The slave dealing and valuing only what really matter in such reality and assuming her functions as what she really is. It's not anymore about the illusions, Facebook, meaningless phone conversations but about something a lot larger and deeper that those....about real life, about pride and validation, about justifying her existence, about protecting her conditions of existence and her place in her owner's life and about feeling being the ONE wearing his collar, his name and inhabiting his cage. It's not about illusions but about real feelings, real functions, real ownership and knowing that she has a real purpose in this life. A reality a lot more fulfilling than the illusions of a previous vanilla world...and this simply because instead of providing quantities of empty and falses superficials pretensions, slavery provide only what relate to her real needs and functions....no superficialities, no illusions, just what she need to assume herself, to validate herself and to accomplish herself through her functions.
Ironically, most often, the vanilla world can provide to someone everything they want but none of what they really need. On the opposite, in true slavery, slaves own nothing, are nothing by human standards but they find in it everything that they really need.
About me....
Experienced Master/Trainer...I am seeking a female animal in the need for a radical change where she caress the ambition of taking her place in life as the "Man's best friend", as her Owner's best friend...as her Owner's dog. The female I am seeking should actually be searching for a Man to take charge and responsibilities of her entire existence, for a Man to adopt her, give her a HOME and a meaning to her existence...for a Man to Own her . Are you in the need for a radical and permanent change in your life... as an eventual 24/7 dog slave? I am REAL, experienced, sincere and responsible; I am not into cyber, neither a fake. There is a place in my life for a submissive and obedient pet and I know by experience that the female slave, when well trained and dehumanized, make the best pet a Man can Own and the most affectionated animal a Man can love, cherish and give his affection to. Are you a female tired of pretending being someone you are not; a female hiding from what you know you really are, from what you know your true nature and destiny are; a female hiding from her own reality? Are you at a point in your life where it is time for you to stop dreaming and hiding...where you know and feel that it is time for you to assume your true needs and essence? Then stop hiding from reality, accept it and face it...you can be "yourself" and find your true self by taking your place inside the collar of a caring but demanding Master. Do you envy the strong bound between a Man and his dog? Do you jealously envy the love, attention and affection that a Man give to his dog? Have you realized that the "connection" between a Man and his dog is stronger than anything else uniting a Man to his wife or girlfriend, that there is no comparison between the love of a Man for his dog and the love he has for his wife or girlfriend?
If you are inhabited by the need for real slavery and that you envy the strong bound between a Man and his dog then you can stop envying the dogs and be one by taking your place inside this Master's collar and cage. I have an entire and fulfilling future for a female seeking such a position and status in life and in need for a responsible Owner and a good HOME for life... for a serious female in need for being dehumanized, trained and Re-conditioned to obedience, servicing and pleasing her Owner. If you need a real change...if you wish to put an end to your actual dull and empty life and have a new beginning in life as a real female slave and domestic dog, then I have an opening and a cage for such a property in my life.
I am serious with this offer (then no cyber, fakes or men) and I guarantee the safety and health of my dogslave. I am a male, 52 years old, 183 pounds, 5'11", single, caring, serious and responsible. I can afford to Own and keep a female dogslave as my property and domestic animal for her whole existence and to provide for her a HOME to emancipate as the dog she is, a future, a meaning in life and a wonderful and exciting existence as what we usually call as "the Man's best friend", as this Master's slave, as this Master's dog.
If you feel lost in this world as a "woman", then you might feel AT HOME inside a Master's collar, as his dog. My opening is not for a female who want to pretend to be a slave or a dog but for a female who want and need to feel what it is to be a real Owned female dogslave; a female who want to find happiness and fulfillment in living and feeling and having the same existence that real females dogslaves have...for a female who would consider that being given the opportunity of being taken in charge, given a permanent HOME, of being given a place in a Man's life as his personal and domestic dog... would be the best thing that could happen to her and the only future she want. If you have enough of deceptions and frustrations from the illusions and superficialities of human life and society and need to return to the basics, to the essentials and to what truly feed and drive your true essence; If you recognize yourself in this deion, are serious by considering real slavery and having a female dog existence as your only future, then contact me for further details ...
This might be the needed opportunity for a female who has enough from deceptions pretending being someone she is not and who see in the animal species her rightful place and an opportunity to have a new beginning, another chance to succeed in making something out of herself...a female who need to be given another chance to prove that she can still make a very fine dog and be worth keeping and given a HOME permanently....
Be clear, this Master is not looking for a female who want to pretend to be a dog but for a female who is at a point in her life where taking her place in life as a totally sexual and affectionate animal is the only future she need and want. Be aware that your enslavement, dehumanization, reconditioning and retraining will be made on a very progressive manner but that at the end there will be no humanity left in you. The only outcome for the chosen female will be no more or less than a real animal, a real dogslave in all ways, needs and functions. You will be keep at the closest possible place to a Man, being his best friend, his little animal of company...being his dog. If you dream to the day where being a dog will not be a humiliating thing but your most natural way of existence; for the day where interacting as a dog with the people will not be an event anymore but as normal and pleasurable as it is for any dogs, then this opening is for you. You will share your owner's life on every day living, just as all dogs do. If a dog place in a Master's life make sense to you and doesn's just represent a refuge but an opportunity for you to be saved from life and get a chance to prove that you still can succeed in becoming a very fine domestic animal...if so and if you are presently a stray female animal seeking adoption, then I might have a good HOME and a great future for you here as this Master's little animal of company, as my dog. You have difficulties to function as a woman, as a human? you cannot find your true place in the society? you feel lost in this world? Are you portraying out to the world and society a strong willed woman while in facts the slut, the slave and the animal in you are battling to be let emerged? Is keeping redefining yourself every few hours or days between a woman and a slave has become an unbearable dead end situation and that you are at a point in your life where you want and need to go beyond the conventions and preconceived and pejorative views and that you are ready to assume fully your true call and essence as what you know you are and your place is?
This position could very well be the answer to your problems and quest for your place and purpose in life. If you wish to cut all ties to your present life and to start over, the animal species could be a nice idea and the right path for you. If you need to be Owned, cared, loved and given a lot of attention, the dog place in a Master's life might be the best thing that could happen to you. You would need not to ever worry about work, money, bills, school and social responsibilities again...war, poverty and world news would become stranger to you, your mind being inhabited only by your immediate needs for pleasure, affection and attention. You would feel the happiness of the dogs, being one of them and enjoying your existence as your Owner's best friend and household dog...just like all dogs do. It is all about your nature and place in life.
This is for a female who want a REAL change. Not for one who would like to roleplay of play it as a game(yes I keep repeating this). That is about the REAL THING...a long process, a real ownership and a real but progressive dehumanization. As it is the case with any sort of deep changes, don't expect this to be always fun and easy. It's a real process, deeply challenging of your actual references and individuality and its done in a realistic, safe, healthy but firm and severe manner in order to achieve the expected results. I guarantee the expected and agreed results. Yes, there will be difficult moments...Yes there will be highly emotional difficult moments and barriers being crossed....Yes you should expect to eventually reach the depth of slavery and to face yourself having to deal with situations you never though possible and to go through this deep state of shame all new slaves do experience from the realization that they want it and need it even though they feel disgust about it. Yes, as it is the case with anyone going for true slavery, pain, humiliations, degradations, sensory deprivation, isolation, caging and physical and emotional cruelties will not be stranger to your training, breaking and dehumanization process....though always done in a safe and healthy manner and always with as for purpose to lead you to your place...to achieve the expect and agreed results. You should expect REALITY because that is the only way to lead things to REALITY. You would not become a dog because I would tell you that you are one but because you would feel it in all that you are, in all your reactions and in all your functions. That demand a lot of work and training and method to make the slave to overcome her emotional resistances and barriers in order to lead her to where she need to be. While I care and appreciate work, efforts, commitment and a slave whose mind is oriented on the goals to achieved, I have no tolerance for selfishness, laziness, lack of efforts and for a slave who allow herself to pretend being someone she is not....
With me, it's no game, no fantasies, no illusions. Reality always prevail as I am extremely goal oriented and I do make sure to a slave that she cannot forget what she is and that she understand well that her conditions for existence are always related to her behavior and attitude. I provide knowledge, experience, patience, a proper environment, the right conditions of existence and most of all, the proper conditions for her to grow through slavery and to succeed in reaching her place where she belong and which she decided to leave her previous life for. Yes I am severe, demanding....yes you should expect to be treated, kept, used as what you would be....a slave, a property, an animal....and yes you should expect to be trained to please and serve a demanding Master and Owner in all his needs, desires and caprices to his complete satisfaction, no matter what, no matter how humiliating, no matter how decadent....knowing that only your safety and health need to be protected by him, not your self-esteem not your dignity. Yes I am severe and demanding but not stupid. I am experienced and extremely structured and if you are seriously looking for such a change for real slavery and to take your place in slavery as your Owner's dog then I do assure that by setting the right conditions for success, that it will just lead to there.
I am very demanding, very severe and very experienced for reading through what a slave say/express and react and to detect if it is from what she feel and live OR if it is out of selfishness, self absorb or laziness. I am not a crazy sadist but I know how to guide a slave on her right path and how to make sure that she learns to endorse her new reality and way of existence as a caged animal and property of her Owner. While I am swift to punish and discourage any lack of efforts, disobedience, selfishness and lazyness, I am also extremely fair and provide a regime where justice is instilled and where it always prevail. I recognize efforts, devotion, progress and determination. I do provide the right conditions of slavery and existence which would allow you to fully come to assume yourself as the slave, as the property and as the animal you would have came her to become. I guarantee the results.
I am very demanding of my slave but be assured that I am as much demanding of myself. I put a lot of hard work, energy and devotion in the training, care and keeping of my property. I am very patient but firm. Here, you don't fail but you grow toward your place and you succeed in becoming a fine property.
Then if you are really aspiring for the real thing and to reach your place in this world as a true dogslave, then be warned that you should be clear about this because here there will be no way around it and you will be getting exactly what you would have asked for.....a complete new way for enjoying your daily existence...as a complete dogslave. It would take place gradually but understand that it would....
I am here not to destroy her but to lead and help her cross her barriers and resistance because it is not only on my best interest but moreover in her best interest that the expect and agreed outcome be achieved. You don't embark into slavery to fail and bounce back to where you were. Here you won't fail but grow....When the goal is set and accepted and committed by both parties then it will be reach and I do make sure that my slave see her future only where it is....in front of her, not back to a life she freely choose to leave at the first place. I am quite experienced in this and accustomed to deal with these moment of arising difficulties and resistance. I particularly know when to expect them and at which point they arise....and know when it is better to slow down a little to allow the mind to work out a better a level of acceptance and when to accelerate the process to allow the mind to realize and have no other way but to accept what has been done and accomplished. At all time, everything take place in a safe and healthy manner but keep in mind that IT DOES TAKE PLACE....You should expect at time to experience the whole range of emotions toward not only me, your Master and Owner but also about your own perception of yourself being seriously challenged along the way. You will sometimes hate me and find me as being cruel, pityless and mercyless for not letting you fail when difficult moments would be arising, showing you instead ,the way to deal and overcome them. I own a nice house with cathedral ceilings, a fireplace, 4 levels(split level), 3 sunroofs, in ground swimming pool, 4 bedrooms and a well equipped dungeon in the basement. It has a cell with all the needed facilities for a slave's keeping, 2 cages, a Saint-Andree cross, several racks, suspension racks and of course with all the accessories needed to train a slave and keep her under proper control. I am considered as a very fair Master and Owner in the lifestyle. While I appreciate work and efforts from a slave, I am swift to react when I sense a lack of them from my slave or when she start to pretend being a "who" instead of the "what" she is or when I sense that she has difficulties to assess that what she does is making her to become. I am well aware of these little twists of the mind and can easily detect when a slave who experiences moments of difficulties to emotionally, consciously or subconsciously assess and accept to face the reality of what she is, of what she does, of what she is used for and of what she is being reduced into....and that as a natural reaction of emotional refusal she tend to build up in her mind a secret space where she finds refuge and can pretend being a "who" again and nourrish an illusionary perception of herself base on "values" such as moralities, dignity and spiritualities which she substitutes to her reality of depravation, decadence and perversities to blind herself and find recomfort into. When difficulties arise she tend to find refuge in this little illusionary world she built up in her mind and nourrish it with false dreams, false illusions, unrealistic hopes and aspirations which all are allowing her to have a higher perception of herself and by so, to try to escape her mind from her reality taking place. She tend to build up expectations from such a flasified and illusionary reality. That is a common and natural reaction and I am well aware of these twists of the mind and I know how to deal with them, pretty well to bring a slave back to reality, to remind her of her place, of her status and of her purpose in this world. You can expect to learn to assess your reality as what it will really be...with no gloss, no pretensions as you will manage to make the best out of it. You must understand that you will learn to make the best out of your conditions of existence and out of what slavery has to offer to a slave instead of trying to hold on previous references values, moralities, dignity, illusions which all can only lead to deception, punishments, deprivation and pain. Let say that while falses dreams, false illusions and falses hopes are never the things which convince an Owner to put something into the slave's bowls. Obedience, efforts, devotion, hard work, flawless performances are what convince an Owner to fill the slave's bowls. My punishment are not just physical but also emotional.....Usually both aspects are included in a punishment as the goal is that the slave learn from her lacks and infractions and that she grow toward her place from them. It include...deprivation(food, sleep, attention), being ignored, sensory deprivation, having her bucket for toilet needs removed and having to stay in her waste for some time, restrain, confinment, no light, being hooded and not seeing who is using her, bondage, sexual and physical torments...in fact....a combination needed to correct an undesire situation or behavior. I am not a crazy sadist by myself, I am very responsible and I use the appropriate methods in order to keep making my slave to grow to her place. However, it always amaze me to see how very little it takes to convince a slave still holding on previous perceptions, references, moralities and dignity and believing them as being embedded and unbreakable to suddenly come out of her illusions and surprise herself finding value in doing things she never thought possible and that she could ever been able to do. It is amazing to see how such simples things are changing things for a slave from not acceptable to acceptable and to see how slavery is turning them as a necessity.
It is about your future...There is nothing wrong in being a slave; there is nothing wrong in being a dog; there is nothing wrong in being yourself and there is nothing wrong in being happy...If such an opening is what you are looking for, then contact Me...This Master is seeking to fully adopt such a female as his loving dog and best friend for life...
Then if you are looking for the real thing....for a process of progressive transition and dehumanization...Then enter my cage...If you need a new start in life and a way to fix and secure your whole place and future in this world, then enter my cage....It's not just about sex but about a REAL and complete ownership and take in charge of all that you are and will become. If you do really are envying the dogs, then be one....
"Many of my friends are animals owners. So I am...They own dogs and cats. Me, I own a female animal and I can tell you fellow masters that the female dogslave is the greatest and the most affectionate animal a man can own and love..."
"one woman's dream and fantasy is another female's daily existence" Joseph Bean
Master Serge