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This is the USA profile for user Herrlich. Though living in Portugal in Europe, I will keep visiting the US regularly. Recently I was in NYC twice for a one week stay, will be in Florida for a week in September. After retirement at the end of the year I'll be cruising more of the huge country. My main profile here is Herrlich. Almost forgot: I'm looking for a sub. Preferably one that is willing to share life with me in Europe and wherever I travel. Vanilla plus D/s.

Finally! After a long time back to the US. In April to Houston and later Cape Canaveral. Got to luuuv the space thing.

In between travel along the Gulf (of Mexico). Not sure yet where to visit. But New Orleans is a set place.

A few days in the big apple to top things off. Will be much more hectic than Thailand...

As my previous journal entry doesn't show, here's another one.

Since the California trip the next USA holiday will be soonish in April. Starting in Houston (NASA) I will travel along the Gulf and cross Florida to Cape Canaveral. Hope I can witness a launch there. Love the space thing.

Before reaching there only New Orleans is a planned stop for a few days. Others still to determine. As usual I'll be in NYC a few days before jumping over the big pool again.

California is very very impressive. One can spend ages there. Still much to be visited. Some later time perhaps. The initial plan of visiting most states in the US is impossible. One can only get partial impressions in a few weeks time.

Now it's home in Lisbon again. Next trip will be end of July to Thailand and a few days China. 4 weeks to the Land of Smiles.

The next USA trip will prolly be in the beginning of 2025 (Zager & Evans). Then follow the Gulf coast. Houston - New Orleans - Florida. Plenty of time to plan things.

Woohoo... The new US trip is set. San Diego - Los Angeles - San Francico. Plus hopefully a few places along the road. Last week of April and first two in May. Will prolly have to plan another holiday to there for Death Valley and Sequoia Park. But that will come muuuuch later. Going to the Land Of Smiles for over three weeks by end of July. That will be the last big trip this year. Retirement is awesome.

Here's an early notice. My next USA trip will bring me to the state of California.

Somewhere in spring for about three weeks. Very perhaps visit a vanilla friend in San Diego, Los Angeles, Yosemity Park and San Fransisco. There will be several stops along the way. Plenty of places to visit. Hope all can be planned around the last remnants of my work.

Already playing the John Mayall song California regularly. And Hotel California by the Eagles, Going to California by Led Zeppelin, Scott Mackenzie's San Fransisco.

Preparing is part of the fun.

Texas is huge. As big as a large part of western Europe. Travelled there for15 days and still only seen a bit. Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth, Wichita Falls, Amarillo. Huge distances but only a bit of what the state has to offer. Unfortunately a poor time weatherwise but wellworth the trip. Very nice to have met a few lifestyle people. There indeed are real ones among the numerous fakes and wouldbes in CS. Thanks and hope to return the hospitality in Lisbon.

Next stop: Texas. Lots of reading to do. Watching western movies will not help preparing the trip...