I always forget about this site but I always appreciate the conversations I have here when I do manage to remember.

Thanks for looking at my profile, even though there is nothing here haha

Definitely not about that little life. Not interested in a daddy-like figure.

Talk to you soon!
11/25/2017 2:14:52 AM
You never quite expect an essay in ur mailbox at 5am but this is what i was given. Holy.
6/1/2015 11:04:23 PM
Thanks so much for all the questions today and especially tonight! Allergies are killing me again suddenly so now I have a wonderful distraction.
5/8/2014 11:37:18 PM

Sometime when I first joined this site, a person sent me a story. Now I was so nervous at the time it didn't register as something I'd be interested in but I urged the writer to continue sending me parts.


I lost contact with that author but I think of the exciting story every single time I log on this site. I miss the updates.


I wish I would have at least attempted to add them as a friend or something. haha

7/25/2013 8:24:55 PM

Finally comfortable weather. I wanna sit in the cool rain.

7/20/2013 12:43:56 AM

Why is it so hot lately?


When I was a kid I don't recall it ever going past 90F for multiple days in a row.


Heat waves are lame. Bring on the thunderstorms, get this humidity and heat out of here.

5/20/2013 10:26:02 PM
I ignored this site for a long time again. Maybe I really just had a passing interest in this lifestyle.
1/11/2013 10:55:25 PM

Two days of collarme so far

I feel pretty uneducated in everything

This is a learning experience and a learning endeavor. 

Thanks to everyone who is trying to teach me something via messages.

I hope one day I can give someone an answer they are looking for. Until then I'll keep studying!

 Age: 19