
I am an Artist, Graphic Designer, Handyman and a plethora of other things, often at the same time. It has caused several complications when looking for someone because I often find that they enjoy one part of my life but often detest another. I guess I'm looking for someone who I can work with, not just in a professional sense, but someone who's interests compliment my own.

I prefer to meet people in person. It may seem odd, but talking online tends to leave out social elements that tends to lead to messages being misinterpreted.

As far as interests go, I read (Preferring horror, Sci-fi and fantasy), listen to music (just about anything at any point) and play games (roleplaying and video mostly). My other interests haven't quite gotten back up to the norm since I haven't met too many people in the area since I moved.
2/24/2010 9:20:13 AM
It's been a while, not as long as it feels like, but a while nonetheless. Some things have changed while others have remained the same. 

Since I've moved, my social life has passed to the wayside while I worked to get things in order. Now that I have the time/resources, I'd like to get back in the swing of things, but I'm relatively new to the area and thus, not sure of where to start.

A deeper conundrum is that of a change in outlook. Older ideals that I've held for years have cracks from wear and tear while others that were once fluid seem to be solidifying. I'll be updating my profile as I find the words to convey the thoughts.
9/7/2009 5:50:26 PM
I'm now living in Stony Point NY. It's nice up here aside from the fact that when I want to go out, it costs $15-$20 in gas.

I've been trying to get out more often, delving into the social life of NYC once or twice a week, although hopefully I'll be able to more often soon.

One thing that keeps me from getting too into the club scene is that when I meet someone I want to ask them out to coffee instead of a hotel. I guess I'd rather have an experience than an act. It's kept me relatively shy when out in the nightlife of the City.
 Age: 39
 Orleans, Canada