I am Jenn. It is easier to get to know me through conversation. I like computers and art. You should enjoy sarcasm and smartassery if you hope to get along with me. I'm a bit of a music nerd. Heavy focus on industrial and metal. I have a toddler and she's super neat. I run a small internet business and i'm awesome at it. Sometimes I pile all my money up in the middle of the floor and just swim in it like Scrooge McDuck. Or I hire a bunch of hookers to come over and help me make a rap music video and then we play xbox. This bio is awesome.
I had 5 bags of M&Ms for breakfast. Halloween is not a good holiday for me....
Am I the only one that enjoys the slave/master themes on Spartacus? :) Just another reason to love that show.
I found a BDSM quiz. :) Ha, 0% dominant. Apparently I'd rather be vanilla then dominant. ;)