9/3/2007 6:28:29 PM
No married men!  Egads, relationships are hard enough without that obstacle.  It only leads to a dead end road lined with barbed wire and a broken heart.
8/4/2007 3:15:39 PM
Now that things have slowed down to a snails crawl in a maze with salt, I guess I can safely say that the 50+ odd emails I got in the first 24 hrs has ended.
Good that the player element has passed me by, but not so good that men who might be looking for more have also walked along.
Still.. I am ok with that if any one of those 50 plus males who circled like a pack of wolves got the message that it might be a good idea to wait for a profile before letting out a howl.
7/2/2007 9:51:43 PM
So.. this message is to all you guys who have dropped me an email in my first 24+ hours of my life in this name..
You are probably wondering why I haven't responded to your emails.  Here is why.  The one thing I have learned in life is to avoid the people who make contact too early.  It is a pretty big indicator that you assume I am new meat and I don't know what I am doing.
You would be wrong.  I do this.  I always have.  I am not interested in guys who hit on the new target they see, in hopes that one in ten you contact will be the one who gives you that BJ. 
This target is movable.