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faerybutterfly86 - photo 1
faerybutterfly86 - photo 2
faerybutterfly86 - photo 3


*In need of updating*

Just a couple quick things

1. I am not currently seeking a sub/slave

2. I will more then likely not answer any mail from someone looking for more then friendship

3. I do NOT get on here very often

i find it funny the way things work out. In Oct of last year i was a heartbroken girl that wasn't sure of who she was anymore. The only thing i was sure of was i did NOT plan to have another Master after what i'd been through. On another site i was talking to a friend and she told me she would help me with my training as a kajira. She introduced me to a couple of her Gorean Master friends. One of which was always there for me when i needed advice on moving past what had happened. He then opened a RP city and my friend told me that i should come take a city collar because she was. i decided it would be a good idea so i was collared to His city. W/we talked some for about a month and a half and then i had some RL issues come up and i ended up taking a hiatus for a little over a month. When i came back He wrote me to find out how i was. W/we went back to sporatic messages and then W/we started texting (still pretty sporatic) He started writting a book and He let me read it as He was writting, at this point W/we were talking pretty much daily, mostly about His book, but W/we became what i would call friends. One thing led to another and if W/we didn't talk i would miss Him a lot. When He would txt me i'd get a smile on my face. i knew that i was growing fond of Him and as much as i fought it there wasn't anything i could do to stop it. One day out of the blue He told me that He wanted to collar me, ol and irl. He collared me ol (i was a nervous wreck but couldn't stop smiling the whole time.) on 06.17.12 W/we moved in together on 06.30.12 (the decision for Him to move closer had been made well before He decided to collar me)


Looking back on it all i am amazed that i went from not wanting a Master to being so madly in love with Him that i don't know what i would do without Him in my life. <3

For the record i do NOT have a webcam. That does not mean that i am not female. Just saying.


The past 2 weeks have been very painful i have lost my Master and my sister slave. Every time i hear Party Rock Anthem on the radio i have to fight back the tears because that was her ringtone. i am always hoping that if i have a text message its from her, but i know its not she's been forbidden to speak to me and i wouldn't want her to risk getting in trouble just to talk to me. i feel like i've lost my best friend losing her. It took so long for us to get close and now it seems like i fought the battle for nothing. Maybe one day she will come back on here and see my journal and know that even though we can't talk that she is never very far from my heart. i wish T/them all the happiness in the world i really do i just wish i could still be a part of T/their lives even if only as a friend.  Seems like i'm just rambling now so i guess i'm going to stop writing..