Would anyone happen to know of any Halloween or Fall themed events happening in Maryland? |
Will be posting new photos shortly. |
I recently have started blogging now and even though I don't have any serious readers at this time, I remember how good I can be at expressing myself, and how much fun writing can be in general. |
How awesome is it to go through with an interview to be simply hired on the spot? :0) Ultra-tastic! I am super excited to start training within the next week! |
Tonight is when I begin to question my intentions with him: Am I being selfish, and is it the reason why my service seems so bland and salty? =( |
I'm going to ask Master. I wasn't planning on just letting it go without bringing it up to him, but because this may turn out to be something unlike his style, I can probably just consider it a personal choice on my part, if anything. But it never hurt to throw the naked buzzing beggar out in the open to see if he will be stroked by lightning. =D |
Just because you don't like someone here doesn't mean that they're fake; it just means that they are not for you, and as so, you should be so kind as to move on without throwing a historical tantrum about it. Everyone is entitled to what they like. Having trouble finding what you seek here, then maybe there's a problem with you. But, no worries, there's plenty of room for change, if one has the courage to admit it and succeed with transformation, however. |
Currently unemployed and looking to change that. I'm looking into school, as well. If anyone knows anything that may help me get unemployed, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Thank you for reading! |
If you want to talk on Yahoo, and you're not a pervert that has a one track mind, I'd be happy to get to know you.
Why do I want to be a victim? I'm so confused. |
I'm lacking somewhat of a social life, and have no plans for Halloween. If you live in my state and know any good parties for Halloween, message me and let's make friends! :) |
I've been visiting him this weekend. And it has been so wonderful~!
--A Submissive without her Master is like a candle without it's wick; it's flame. ♥ |
((This is my mentor's writting. It is what I follow by, what he has teached me. If you disagree, please feel free to let me know any of which you do not agree with. I am very open minded, and care what everyone has to say. Thanks for reading!))
I have been disgusted by the way that the D/s lifestyle is portrayed in RLC. So many claim to be what they aren't and are either just playing a game or not what they claim to be. My heart goes out to all the submissives that are being mistreated and abused. Getting their hearts broken by the fakes in RLC. If any submissive cares to talk feel free to message or email me. I assure you I will be as objective as I possibly can be. I will not tell you to leave your Dom/Domme, that's your choice to make. I will not flirt or make any passes of any kind toward you.
A little warning and some red flags to look for. The one thing that makes these people obvious is their desire to Icolate their submissives from their friends. This will not be done in an obvious manner. It can come by something as subtle as
demanding you to leave your friends immediately when they log on. This will cause your friends to hold animosity toward your new Dom/Domme. One day eventually they will need you and you won't be there for them or you will leave them in a time of need.
Making you label yourself with their initials is to close off any chance of another possible suitor giving you a better choice they know a decent person won't approach you if they feel you are not available.
Don't ever allow a Dom/Domme to tell you that you have no rights to your limits. A submissive without any limits is a submissive with no self respect.
restricting your freedom to speek with others in our out of pm. Clearly just a sign they are insecure with their control over you and not trust you to be honest and devoted to them. Or affraid someone will eventually talk some sense into you.
Even the demand to address them as Sir, Ma'am, Master, or Mistress. This title means nothing when it's said because it's a "rule". It should be said because the submissive has the desire to show this proper respect.
Basically any time one demonstrates their "great Dominance" shows they are either only playing or insecure.
The most obvious red flag you should see is when they are ready to add you to their so called "family" or take you on as a submissive because they spent thirty minutes chatting with you. Just like you should be smart enough to get to know them thoroughly they are taking on a huge responsibility with you and any one that actually is in this lifestyle for your best interest and going to be making such a commitment is going to get to know you very thoroughly as well. Just like in real life. You would never jump into such a commitment hastely.
If you notice none of them things you witness in RLC are even remotely feasible in real life. If it isn't reasonable in real life chances are these people have never lived this lifestyle in real life.
They should cherish you and realize that your submission is the most valuable thing you can offer to them and they should apreciate it for what it's worth. These people are actually pretty intellegent and know brainwashing and mind control really well. That's not the quality you want in a Dom/Domme. I can not say there are no true Dom/Dommes in RLC but unfortunately I have yet to met any that I personally have felt deserve the title.
Last I must include a disclaimer that everything I've said is of my own opinion. What works for some may not work for others. So before you say I'm wrong realize this is only my opinion based on my position in this lifestyle and those I know in this lifestyles community. So don't waste your time telling me that your Gorean slave don't apply to my rant. If he/she's happy living like that than you have my blessing. But... Be sure they are really happy and getting what they truly want and need out of this relationship
----Celtic Vampire |
Yes I do believe that Dom and sub are equals. Even though it's an exchange of control. That definately shouldn't lessen the value of the submissive. In some ways the submissive has as much or even more power and control than the Dom. Therefore the Dom and sub has to be equal. A dom that actually feels he's more valuable than the submissive is likely to missuse his position and not treat his submissive with the value, love, and admiration she deserves. |
It seems ..that a lot of doms here tend to think that I do not know my place. I am a sub, not looking to be a slave! I don't want to be just bossed around and punished. That is bondage! Not the only thing in this lifestyle. They confuse the two. I want someone who actually cares. Who will guide me in the right direction. Who will take care of me, for I have a hard time doing so. I don't want to be beaten because I did something that annoyed you. I don't want to be punished for speaking my mind or disagreeing. Once again ..I AM a sub! I have rights. And I have every right to say no if I don't want to do something. Though it is very very important to keep an open communication, and trust between a sub and dom ..if there is none ..there is nothing there. |
I pretty much accept people for who they are. But there are some things I can't stand. Smoking is one of them. If your going to smoke, fine, but don't do it right in front of me. I don't do it for a reason, and for you to smoke in front of me is shortening my life, thanks to you. :)
Don't spit/wipe anything at me. That is disgusting!
I know there are more plenty of things I don't like, lol, but none that I can think of right now. To be continued-
I hate people who use you/stab you in the back, one of the main reasons It is hard for me to trust others. I've been kicked in the teeth too many times in the past.
I don't like fighting. I'll do it to protect myself and the ones I love, but I don't like it. I love wrestling, but not the real thing. Though I do hate it when someone wants to start shit with you ..then they have their friends jumping in....NO NO NO! :) One on one please!
Animal abuse. I HATE IT! If I see someone fucking with an animal it makes me so sad and angry that I feel like murdering the human being. This might sound strange, but I actually respect animals more than I EVER will for human beings! |
I've worn a collar before. It wasn't anything special that was given to me. I liked it. I think a collar could be given to a special someone by a special someone. If I was given a collar ..heheh..it would be one of the most specialest thing anyone has ever given me. |
I love to dress up. Japanese gothic scene especially! I am very into the gothic style and I am also a cross dresser. ^__^
I wont wear boring boy clothes they have now these days. More of the classic type. Old fashion. I look really good in black and into gothic clothes, so I've been told by my ex's. :D |
Well I wish to finish school and then take some classes. I think I will work with animals. I love them a lot! I also like history, photography and traveling ..so who knows. :)
I want to get my shit together for the future. ^_^ |
I am very shy in real life. I find it hard to trust people. But I will warm up to you if it is meant to be. I can't really control it. I am a very stubborn bratty person. :P When I am use to you I can be annoying. Too playful. So if you don't like clingy people, don't get to know me. lol
Also something everyone should know about me is that I have a life friend...he is my best friend/roommate and we are going to continue to live together, so if you want to meet me he comes with the package.
I don't like posers, fakes, animal abusers. People who have no respect for anyone (not even for themselves) who like to start drama. I also can't stand religious people. If there not open minded. If you are in a religion ..and you are the type who will force your belief down peoples throats. Please don't talk to me. I am very open minded, and I have a low tolerance for those simple/closed minded people.
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