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i have been rescued and i am owned by EroticorCruel on this site and i have been in the lifestyle for 6 years. or what i thought was bdsm. below, tells you what i went though and should sever as a warning to all submissive's, or potential slaves. My Sad Story with a happy ending. The man that owned me before used a coat hanger to give me a abortion three times, the doctors don't even know if i can bear children. i was not really interested in being a pain slave. he just wanted his own version of a slave. he was just wanting a punching bag, a female to beat the crap out of when he choose. to make babies when he wanted and then torment her when he please. My current Master told my old abuser what he was doing was wrong, know one ever stood up to my old abuser (i will explain more latter on). i was lured under false pretenses, the old abuser told me he wanted a sexual slave... it was nothing like that when i committed. i was gagged bent over a saw-horse, bound and then raped in my ass for hours as i bled. i heard the old abuser call his friends over and then they took their turns in my holes. he left me there for 3 days, peeing on myself, and hungry and thirsty. the old abuser when done my put me in a dark box for days, like a trapped animal. i thought this was death box. a few hours after that i was given instant oats and a bottle of water. that is all i was ever given. sadly this lasted for year, 3 total. i was never allowed to speak and was gagged about 90% of the time. my voice is a bit squeaky because the old abuser used to step on my throat and crush me from breathing. after a while my old abuser side it was time to go to a the club. the old abuser would let man after man use me without know if they were safe. the old abuser would torment me saying "i hope you get ill or get aids so you can die a slow death" the old abuser would never fuck me. he would just let other do it. on sunday we were at the club and my old abuser was whipping me, then caning me. when this guy approached my old abuser and told him that is he kept up the strokes that he was using that he could cause some damage. my old abuser told the guy "to fuck off na d he will do what he pleases to his property." the guy left and then came back with the club owner. both of them where very concerned for my over all well being which was kind and loving like. i missed the care and concern. when the club owner took my old abuser away from me. the other guy removed my gag and if I was ok. i don't know what it was but i said "please help me' and i started to cry. something i haven't done in over a year was cry. i though it was hopeless with this old abuser. when my old abuser came back from talking to the owner of the club, he demanded the the guy next to get away from "his" property. when the guy said no, my old abuser raised the cane he was hitting me with the guy next to me. the threatened him hat he would beat him if he didn't move away. the guy next to me the moved in front of me and said "she is not going anywhere with you." when my old abuser raised his arm to swing, the guy lunged forward and knocked out the old abuser out with one swing. this guy is now my current Master EroticorCruel. he has taken me in and for the past year he has gotten me medical help and tested, feed me, clothed me, almost adopted me. i have the choice to sleep in a bed, but i always seem to wake up with My Master looking down at me from his bed curled in a ball at the end of his bed, so My Master has bought a child mattress to keep at the end of his bed when i end up at the end of his bed. i am in debit to My Master for saving my life. it has taken me a year to learn on how to love, how to cum, how to talk. i will forever be in debit to My Master as he is teaching me the wonderful joys of BDSM. about 2 months ago i got this art work done, at My Master demand. now i stand or bend for a few hours a day as My Master stares at me of stands near me and strokes my skin. it is a wonderful feeling. Looking for friends really, not looking to leave my wonderful Master. Master very much has tattooed me into a work of art and i love me for it

OMG i am as big as a house and i am having twins..  My Master has been enjoying my pain and suffering. he has also not me no drugs for the birthing... he is such a sadistic man.. i am just so drawn to him...  well the good news is My Master is getting married !!!

yeah.. i am so happy for him... me and kate have gotten along very well... but i told My Master that i would still be here if he wants me...

Oh he said he has to much invested in me to let me go anywhere :)

i also want to say i have learned that sleep at the end of Master's bed is much better for my back.. and i tend to stay there all night.  i am also used to clean up any cum that may spill from the cunt of kate.  Master has said that his seed goes in one of two places, and if he see it anywhere else he is going to tie our tits up with fishing line and light it on fire (it is very  painful). 

Master's cum must go into our unprotected fuck holes of down our gauntlets

well i have decided to have the baby but i am not keeping the child.  Master helped me contact an adoption agency so we know the baby will go to a good home.

things have been very busy for bot of us with Master traveling more now with all the trade shows and me with school...

sorry for the short update and long break but i guess it nice to say that my time doesn't revolve around the computer :)

Why I can't just go to my parents...

Since birth I have had the cards stacked against me.   My mother is a druggie and very poor and bounces from shelter to shelter... my father the bastard left when i was very young, never knew him, no care to even go look for him. Things are not that simple when people say "ask your parents to help"  Not everyone has the pleasure to grow up in a loving home.

For once in my life I feel safe, a place that provides the basics needs to survive, and than some.

I have a master that cares deeply for me, my well being, takes me shopping every now and then, has supported me in getting my GED, and in 2012 I get to go to college for accounting.


wow.. i had to write.... My Master found out today that i can have children, well not really children. but can get pregnant... but i am confused really.. i don't know if i want to have one. My Master is so busy with work, he brings me in to help with the phones.  my ears and jaw hurt cause it so busy on the phones.


but .... this is where the mixed emotions come in... My Master was feeling really horny and when we closed up about two weeks ago, he took me in the back room and brutally fuck me so hard it was painful and torn and the blood was used more for lube till i became wet.  don't get me wrong that it was good, but My Master extremely selective on who has sex with.  and well i didn't know but my most recent round of STD testing came back clean.  so i guess master was happy not to use a condom.


this is why we both are unsure on what to do at this point.  cause My Master didn't pull out and cause i was not on any BC, well i missed my period...... SOOOOOOOO


now i think the stress will make it unsuccessful.. but My Master said the choice of life is in my hands.  i know he will support me in what i choose.   and he is pro-choice, but i am very mixed on what to do.  my friend said she wasn't ready to be a mother so young, but she really wouldn't change it if she could go back.   i don't know if i want children.. i really like it when Master's nephew comes over for a few hours, but i am more excited when the child leaves...


i guess at this point it will be a wait and see game. 




like really?  if these show up you are blocked


*** The sender of this message has triggered our bulk content filter and has been prevented from sending additional messages at this time. We place these limits on our messaging system to prevent abuse and maintain the quality of our online community. You should not conclude that this user is fake or illegitimate merely because they have triggered the filter. ***

sorry for the long break, My Master's mother had past and he was very close to his family. it has been very hard on him and i am unsure on just where things are going to go from here between us.  he has been really withdrawn.  but he has been a bit more clingy as well.  there are still some emotions that he is still working on.

i want to say thank you for the follow people for there support; Jason for drexal hill, douggy from rosemont, ken and stacy form wayne, trish and terry from media,and collin from bala.

Master wanted to express a warm thank you for being there for him and with my continuing training.

sorry everyone i been gone for a while.. i was in a bad car accident with my Master's brother. we got t-boned and i have been in the hospital for a few weeks in and out of consciousness.  i have been home for about a week and will able to get back to though that have written. 

ok i have gotten done with the first 18 pages... dose anyone know when i will stop getting 2 pages a day??????

i am so excited!!!

My Master and i just got back into town from boston.  kelly and i were not planing on going anywhere but when My Master came home on wednesday he told us to pack a small bag we were all going on a trip.

while we were all in boston we went to the isabella stewart gardner museum. i really enjoyed the art works as did Master and kelly.

we also went to newberry street.  i felt so out of place, things were expensive.  but Master brought us to get our hair and nails done cause we were going out to eat later that night. i felt like a princess all dressed up. i even felt really sexy when we we went to agent provocateur.

My Master had bought kelly and i these dresses and i got this corset from this collection called harri. Master got kelly a classic corset.

went to eat at this place called sorellina??? the food was so awesome! My Master got me deer meat.. i wasn't to sure what the venison was but after i down it, cause it was so good he told it was deer meat.

well i need to unpack and go to bed. i just wanted to share.

with my limited hours i have not been able to respond to everyone yet. i still have 4 new pages of email to go though and more each day.  i am trying to do the best i can

sorry everyone, My Master is limiting my computer hours.  i still having for form letters come in, asking people if i will top them.. i am only looking for friends, nothing more.  if you can't tell me your intentions then you will never be able become my friend.

when someone reads to many stories and believes it this one gets VERY SICK RESPONSES.


a slave according to the Webster's dictionary states:

Definition of SLAVE

: a person held in servitude as the chattel of another
: one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence
: a device (as the printer of a computer) that is directly responsive

to another


maxriboss on 3/13/11 at 9:00 AM:

Your old abuser sounds like a sick freak, but, I do hate to tell you  as a SLAVE he owns you, and can do what he wants with you, even kill you, a slave is nothing but property, an animal, sounds lame but look through history slaves were put to death for even the smallest of infractions, if you give yourself over as a slave next time make sure you either explain what you want out of the relationship or find out what the other person is looking for or you deserve what you get!!!!!  Or better yet let your master look up the word slave for you and read it to you so you can undrstand its meaning...

look another winner sent another nice message.


subforherMaster on 3/13/11 at 1:12 AM:

DUDE, and I do mean dude, yet I can not believe i am even entertaining sending this message due to how full of crap you are.

i never got to finish a high school. but My Master is helping me get my GED. if you are a dominant sending me a message, i would expect you to at least ck your spelling.  

here is a real winner.  if you can't ever remember sending a person a message ,   you send the same form letter 5 minutes latter.


i don't have to give out my yahoo or my email to anyone My Master said. this is a very bad daddy, one everyone should look out for. this person can't even tell me his intentions! i am not his to demand anything from!


sorry everyone, but if you are going to send me really stupid shit, My Master go ahead and post it for everyone to see.  if you have a problem with that contact My Master @ EroticorCruel


Recent Message History:

OverDaddiesKnee on 3/13/11 at 12:09 AM:

huh? forms letters..  no clue what u mean  dude...  i dont see yahoo name


so as  stated... ur fake...  the  message baords have u posted as a nice story line  tho..

ECsultslave on 3/12/11 at 5:24 PM:

ok i got your first email, but if the form letters are going to continue, you will have to request My Master permission

ECsultslave on 3/12/11 at 5:22 PM:

i have both, but what are your intentions?

OverDaddiesKnee on 3/12/11 at 4:33 PM:

Hmmmmm interesting profile... so whats your yahoo name.. u have webcam i hate email tag..unless your a guy then i hear some lame excuses why u dont have free yahoo and 15 buck

OverDaddiesKnee on 3/12/11 at 4:28 PM:

Hmmmmm interesting profile... so whats your yahoo name.. u have webcam i hate email tag..unless your a guy then i hear some lame excuses why u dont have free yahoo and 15 buck

time to start prepping for dinner bbs

Thank You to everyone that wrote kind words.

 for everyone else, if you don't like the tattoo, take it up with My Master. i.e. cheyennebrave

for other subs and slaves, do your homework and if your 'master" claims to have had a past slave, try hard to take to her or him.  ask for referanceces, make a safe call if you are meeting someone at there place.  know the address a head of time, and give it to a friend, that way you don't end up like i did.

i am sorry, i can't  to chat unless My Master gives me permission