Obey - I will always follow my Master’s direction keeping his wishes as my bond in service. My heart will not only follow the intent but also keep the spirit of my servitude and pledge. My mind and spirit will always seek compliant communion as my true objective in service as the outward sign of my love for my Master.
RESPECT - Beginning with my own heart and all that I am I will value that which is my Master’s. I will enter into a spirit of admiration for life, for my purpose and conduct myself with a pure sense of esteem to all; especially Master and all that concerns him.
DELIGHT - Pleasure, Happiness, Amusement and Satisfaction are all expressions of the promise I endeavor to bring to my Master. Obedience is but my first important promise to please my Master. I pledge my heart to learn, anticipate and live my life to satisfy with excellence my Master’s needs and desires. My existence will conform as my promise in action to gratify, comfort and uplift Master’s life by my actions, attitudes and my true heart that seeks always to meet and exceed Master’s expectations.
Excel – I understand I am not perfect, that human beings are flawed and that in their hands perfection is a fantasy that is at best conceptual and contrived. Therefore I must accept that I must always learn, grow and correct my flawed life, my thinking and behavior in order to achieve excellence. In so far as I seek to outdo my best I must recognize that excellence will always be a moving standard of achievement and that no being no matter how accomplished can improve moving past their currently flawed existence. To that end I pledge to always be honest about my mistakes and seek to repair and improve my attitudes, behaviors and constructs in order to become my best for myself and therefore my Master.
Resource – I will always seek to be resourceful. It is my place to be a resource for my Master, to use all that I am in order to be ingenious, imaginative, practical and creative so that I am capable of bringing Master the Obedience, Respect, Delight and Excellence that he seeks from me. I hold as a value for myself that I will be a constant resource for my Master so as to present a capable loving companion, servant and love for his life.
As part of my promise of service I will commit these ORDERs to memory and expand their meaning as I learn, grow and love in service to my Master.
Created by Morpheus24u / REP November 24th, 2012 with a special slave in mind.