

'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain'
Arthur Gordon Pym

Middle-aged mom... blissed-out and mind-blown through pleasure and pain. I seek the insights and friendship of like-minded people.

I am enslaved to my Master, Daniel (Designeddesires), my Mentor, Friend, Guide (and fellow geek), and enjoy the many great benefits of his experience and infinate patience. Two souls, one entity, joy absolute.

Whereas, I am all things vanilla, I am also all things everything else.

Who am I?

I have been described as many things, none of which seem to go with anything else. I am an eternal optimist, a bit of a sprite, a community leader, a conscientious medical professional, a mom, provider, sultry slave and mischievous vixen. I often lead to serve, but always serve. I am intelligent, caring, and intense and go well beyond the surface of my skin.

I believe that seduction begins with the mind and cascades out to lots of delicious places, arousal and release being a happy incidental consequence of great journey.

Some things that I like:

~Thunderstorms….the louder the better.

~Looking for salamanders under muddy rocks.

~The crackling of a nice fire and the chirping of crickets and tree frogs.

~ Examining pond scum under a microscope.

~Washing the car in the rain and soapy sponge fights with my boys.

~Walking through puddles instead of around them.

~Swimming at night when you can’t see the bottom of the lake when you dive or the top when you resurface.

~Lemonade stands, garage sales, and antique shows

~Dissecting History

~School plays, choral concerts and art shows

~Fifty 9-year-olds on stage with recorders and none of them actually remembering the tune.



~ The feel of His large hands when he caresses my face.

~That look in His eyes when he has become aroused beyond his containment and I know he is going to take me *now*.

~The change in his breathing just before he releases.

~The smile and growl of claiming

My primary family is all things wonderful and vanilla. My children are my greatest source of inspiration and motivation and I love, nurture, protect and support them in all ways, financially, emotionally and intellectually.

I aslo have a secret life where I have been deliciously tortured in many sorted and sundry ways, each adventure making me hungry for more. I seek insight and clarification into my own mind, camaraderie and friendship… that “feel-good” feeling of connecting with someone who understands.

For those of you who have loved ones who don’t know… I understand the need to keep and cultivate a secret garden, especially when you need that emotional release. But, I do not feel comfortable being an accomplice in someone else’s potential misery. Just a heads up.

10/7/2012 1:55:28 PM

Today I was strolling through profiles as I have done for the past 7 years or so and a sudden flash of insight came to me.


Subs never get to be an expert at anything D/s related. Sure..pottery and soap-making, perhaps. Yoga.. Thats a really good one to imply plyancy and ability to hold oneself into um... shall we say convenient positions.


But anything with real D/s in it..nope. Doesn;t matter how many years we've been on the recieving end... or been a demo-chicks for classes on the subject or actually how well we use them on others. Subs don't presume to place quality measures on what they know.


Placing "expert" next to canes and crops anything else for that matter makes a sub seem pretentious and inherently diminishes thier "subby-ness"


Doms however..


That is one of the things I love and admire about my Master. He's been teaching D/s clasees and techniques for 25 years and he would be the the first one to tell you there is *always* something else to learn. Every playtime is different. Every person is different and even the same person is different on different days. I have to say, for someone who never claims to be an expert at anything, he's pretty damn good. And hurrah for me. :-)


8/15/2012 5:41:03 AM

I wonder what Icarus was thinking.


His face warm against the sun, feeling his wings melting around him, feeling the warnings of his pursuit, and flapping all the harder, staying his course knowing that the sun was everything. 


What was he thinking as he plunged toward the sea?  “I was there. It was so beautiful. It was everything I dreamt it would be.”

6/20/2012 7:54:23 PM


Baggage is a quirky thing. It holds your most cherished possessions, your memories, your destination and thoughts of where you've been. Baggage gives a man character. It says he's lived well and kept the best of what his hard work and good life has reaped. 

A woman's baggage does pretty much the same thing.

 My baggage calls me "Mom" . And I thank God and the powers that be that no matter how heavy my baggage has gotten, I've had the fortitude to carry it wherever it needed to go. 

Now, at just 50 years old, I am reaping the rewards of baggage well cared for. And I couldn’t be prouder and more happy. 

My Master had the foresight to be attracted to my baggage and helps me carry it here and there. He reaps rewards other men can only dream about. Then again His baggage carries bondage gear so I guess that goes both ways.


Just a few rambling thoughts.

5/24/2012 5:58:09 AM

This is what defines my Master and why he is SO friggn **HOT**.


Duty, Honor, Country...

An excerpt from MacArthur's Thayer Award Acceptance Address at West Point. 1962

Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn...

...They build your basic character. They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense. They make you strong enough to know when you are weak, and brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid.

They teach you to be proud and unbending in honest failure, but humble and gentle in success; not to substitute words for actions, not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress and spur of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm but to have compassion on those who fall; to master yourself before you seek to master others; to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep; to reach into the future yet never neglect the past; to be serious yet never to take yourself too seriously; to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of true strength.

They give you a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a freshness of the deep springs of life, a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of an appetite for adventure over love of ease.

They create in your heart the sense of wonder, the unfailing hope of what next, and the joy and inspiration of life. They teach you in this way to be an officer and a gentleman...


11/4/2011 5:26:57 PM

Ever walk into a room where your teen children are playing on the computer only to have them minimize the screen before you can tell them dinner is ready? 

Well, I found myself today doing the same thing to them as they asked me for a calculator for their SATs tomorrow.. 

 Got to wonder who has the most exciting content..

8/9/2010 6:04:44 PM

I'm not sure I could ever trust anyone who defines themselves based solely on their kink. The first things I look at in a potential friend is their non-kink interests, their base. I think it is fairly easy to be a good slave at a play party. The expectation by all around is to support the endevor to be a good slave or at least act like one.

It is far more challenging and rewarding to be a good slave, albeit more subtly, in a fine restaurant or museum. And believe me, there is plenty of submissive delight to be found in dining experience and plenty of kink to be found in a museum.


 There is one scupture at the MFA Boston that defines my fantasy of "Master" . It is a small Japanese bronze of a god copulating with a subjectified female while minions are crushed under his sandals.

Can't find a picture but.. yum.

7/1/2008 6:05:27 PM

My hair Bondage Experience


I’ve been contemplating a unique irony.


Last night my Master and I got a room at a rather lovely hotel away from the masses that tend to follow our rather busy lives. The focus of our play was to remove corn-row braids plaited into my hair a week or so ago while on vacation with my children.


First of all, I hadn’t planned on having corn-rows. I just wanted someone to put my hair in a single braid in the back so it would be out of the way during dodge ball bombardment. I asked if anyone braided hair and an hour later POOF corn-rows.


 Having my hair corn-rowed was a unique experience. It felt as if this woman was doing shibari on my head, my hair pulling everywhere whenever I lifted an eyebrow changed my expression. While she was doing it hurt so wonderfully, but ohhhh after a few hours the pain of the completed do became somewhat cumulative. I kept patting my head, pulling and fidgeting with the braids. One of the ladies saw my distress and told me not to worry, that in time they would loosen up on their own, that I’d have to pay $70 to have it done in a salon and I should enjoy them. Undoing them would be like ungifting.


It occurred to me that one of my favorite things was Daniel brushing my hair and running his fingers through the long soft curls, not to mention grabbing a full large hand of my hair and forcing my lips up to his to kiss me His way. He couldn’t do that now! It felt as though I was wearing a braided hat glued tightly to my head. Nothing flowed, nothing moved. Oh my goodness, I thought. I’m in hair bondage!! Hair abstinence!! *sob*


I called him on the phone and told him my plight along with a picture, long light-brown hair plaited into many small African corn-rows. He laughed and thought about it and said not to worry. I should consider it an assignment to keep them in. Not being able to touch or brush my beautiful long hair in his absence would be considered a form abstinence. When I got back we would get a room away, he would put me into the bath tub, personally take each one out, condition my hair back to normal, bath me, and oh yes do what He does best. After all, says he, he likes to take good care of his property.


And ohhh..Last night was GLORIOUS.


Now the irony. This was one of our most intimate Master/slave nights. No suspension, or rope, floggers,  whips, or canes, (well..some pretty intense bite marks), but all and all as innocent and vanilla as a new snow. Yet, I could feel my submission as deeply as I could feel our combined soul. In our quiet discussions near the end of the evening we agreed that this type of play was a in a higher plain of existence from our standard D/s fare of the whipping, flogging and fireplay we usually engage in when playing in public or in the dungeon. And He was so pleased in me that we could find such a deep and fulfilling haven on this new road.


I think how curious, the full circle in which I’ve come. For two years I’ve been gorging myself on everything BDSM in contrast to my vanilla life and here I find that the higher order of play was hidden where I started. How glorious to be a slave.

3/17/2008 8:11:39 PM
(Desiderata..Things to be desired or strived for.)


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrman 1926

3/16/2008 8:39:09 AM
So there I was.. topless, my Master on one side and Jay Wiseman on the other, each with rope and me their sole focus...

Good Lord.. sometimes life hands you a perfect jewel.
2/10/2008 5:49:43 AM
Peace at Hand

There is something about
Being pushed up against a wall, face first
Cheek resting on rough wallboard 
Breath caught in your throat
Listening to the growling in your ear
And trying to remember your own name

There's something about being
Pushed up against a wall
Your back flat up against it
Staring straight into eyes that see through you
Swallowing hard
Waiting for your heart to start beating again

There's something about
Being made to crawl across the floor
To a seated Man, staring into your eyes
Not letting you not look at Him
Not letting you stumble
Drawing you to Him without a word
Trembling, a whimper caught in your throat 

There's something about
Being pulled up by your hair
Feeling that hand slink up your neck
Into your tresses, close to the scalp
Grabbing, gripping it, guttural sounds emitting from His lips
The pain not nearly as strong as the urge
To cry or bite a hole through your bottom lip 
There's something about 
Being bitten 
Especially on the back of the neck or nipple 
Feeling His teeth so close to piercing you 
Wondering, as you cry out, if He will, this time 
Wondering, if you're going to bleed for your Submission 
There's something about 
Being bent over the back of a chair, without warning 
Without pretense, without question 
Having your skirt flipped up, cool air hitting hot skin 
Your cheeks blushing, with the same color of your ass 
As He warms it with the striking of the palm of His hand 
The tears you cry not cooling you 
The tears you cry because He has found you 
There's something about 
Those words He uses 
Those names He calls you 
Those phrases meant to elicit a response 
And you do respond 
All of you responds 
And your body betrays you, always 
There's something about 
Being thrown down and taken 
Not against your will 
For your will is to be there 
To please, to submit, to offer, to relinquish 
And you cry out for breath, for more, for Him 
And you know you are home 
There's something about 
Being dragged into the shower 
Forced to your knees 
Hissed at for silence 
Growled at to be still 
And awaiting the flow 
That you know 
Marks You as HIS 
There's something about 
Kneeling quietly beside Him 
Your body reddened, coated, tired 
Your mind silent, for once ~ for a time 
Your head bowed, your eyes closed 
Your lips quivering as His fingers touch you 
Your submission, unquestioned 
Your Peace at Hand
Author Unknown
11/17/2007 4:36:38 PM

Angels in the Dark


Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: God is my judge.


“You said you felt like you’ve finally found your way home. Well, tell me then, who wired you this way? And who will judge you?”  August 2006


(I am a vessel.)


“God puts me places..places where I need to help.”  I hear myself saying softly to him as I lay peaceful and complete in his arms my body molding seamlessly into the softness of his chest..perfect symbiosis, his warmth filling me as I remember the blue-green of his eyes, the natural musk of his scent, the sound of his heart beating through me.


He saved me, I thought to myself, as I molded more closely to him, feeling the damp hairs of his chest brushing along my nipples. If I could I would crawl right through him, melt into the core of his being. He doesn’t realize the epiphany.  How he saved me.. from the only person who could ever really hurt me in the first place..myself. He was put *there*, *then*  for *me*, and how much I love God that He did that, that I was worthy, the God that held steadfast while my definitions changed and rearranged.


An angel. How ridiculously sublime.  He touched my face and pulled me from the abyss, grabbed my soul and held it tight, unwavering in his strong and gentle arms. Could he ever know the part he played with a look down and an outstretched hand? Can I tell him just where I was letting myself go and how he brought me back? The place I swore I would never go again. I was a rock. I was supposed to be a rock. I promised myself. There was so much confusion. I wrapped myself into the comfort of the chains, holding on tightly, watching, too spell bound to leave, yet invisible to everyone in the room. *Everyone*. I felt myself becoming smaller with each passing minute.


Then He was there. His presence pulled me like a magnet.  I felt myself next to him, kneeling at his feet, his warmth surrounding me like a cloud. I looked up and saw him looking down at me, his sole focus. It felt as though someone was playing an odd joke with time and space. Everything slowed. I was frozen and my eyes glazed as I watched his hand reaching ever so slowly downward. Such large hands. The first thing I felt was the warmth of his hand against my face, then his energy running through me. Then everything went dark. The room went completely silent, all sound lost in a haze that took over my being. I melted into him and there was only need and hunger, seemingly insatiable hunger. I felt myself rising, floating upward, guided by his will and then with the first warm, gentle kiss, love and belonging. Home.

 Age: 18
 BC, Canada