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DanniDelirious - photo 1
DanniDelirious - photo 2
DanniDelirious - photo 3
DanniDelirious - photo 4
DanniDelirious - photo 5
DanniDelirious - photo 6

Hey If you've seen me on here before my name is Danni Delirious. I go by Danni, Dannu, scarlet, and Violet. I play table top games such as D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, and War hammer 40k. I also play online games, I'm a pc gamer (PC Gamers Master RACE). I usually stick to Mobas such as League of Legends, Smite, Dota, Dota 2, and Heros of the Storm. I sometimes stray into survival games like ARK or Minecraft. I love playing bass and writing music. I used to be in multiple bands but my move to Greenville,SC was the death of my musical career. I plan on going to college for Criminology/ Forensics, mainly Anthropology. My career goal is to do Facial reconstruction for cases involving unidentifiable bones or bodies. I love art and solving puzzles this seems like the most fitting job for me. I love cooking and originally planned on becoming a sushi chef. My mother is Korean and Japanese, through my life my mother hasn't been around much (she's a lawyer for big companies over in Asia.) Ever since I could walk I've been helping my mother in the kitchen. My favorite part of cooking is making something out of basically nothing. I like BDSM but I've never had it completely rule my life. I'm not opposed to the life style in the slightest, I've just never been given an opportunity. For the last year I've been dating an abusive asshole. He constantly blamed me for everything and anything that isn't my fault. Like his car not turning on while I've never once driven his car. Just a bunch of stupid bullshit honestly. I hate him, but I still love him and that's the worst part about this shitty situation. He hit me occasionally and recently threatened to kill me. He has a lot of mental issues if that wasn't apparent yet. I have trust issues from this honestly. When I was 9 I was introduced to the BDSM community by force. My aunt's now husband raped me and held me captive for a few months while my aunt was out of the country for 2 months. I was forced to be his slave and tortured. He finally let me go under the conditions I don't report him or he'll kill everyone important to me. It's been to long to bother mentioning it to the authorities at this point. So I just moved on, because what's the point of being depressed over shit I can't change? Well now you know a bit about me, If you want to get to know me message me. Any messages that come across as rude or crass will be deleted without being responded to. If you want to be a part of my life the door is wide open. Just don't try to take advantage of me in any way, that will be your biggest mistake. Love Danni
As of today at 10:48pm my abusive ex boyfriend is now dead to me. Hurray single and suicidal at last <3
Hmm I need someone who can keep me on edge..
Yep its official, guys just suck in general...if anyone can prove me wrong and is up for the challenge,I dare you to take me on.

Hey guys I went and supported a friends band and ran into almost my whole fan base. It was nuts! I had guys all over me, chicks asking to touch my boobs, me signing auto graphs, hopping on stage with them to get the crowd pumped. stage diving, moshing, skanking, crowd surfing, and doing flips off of the walls(litterly). my fan base jumped from about 3k to 17k. night guys hmu!

Yay! Finally stopped being lazy. Going to bleach my hair and dye it tonight.
Why am I so ugly..

does anyone wanna skype? v.v i'm sooo bored! my skype is: Emorose91342

Why does jesus hate me so? I have a fever of 101.3, headache,my whole body hurts, stomachache, i keep puking from coughing so hard, and my nose is runny. I don't get how i'm so freaking sick! I haven't caught a cold or the flu since 4th grade! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

There are strangers in my house. there are strangers in my house. THERE ARE STRANGERS IN MY HOUSE.

I came across an old paper I wrote for my first dom... her's an exerpt from it:

"For me, my sexual submission is not something that has a reason. It's a feeling. It is what I feel, what makes me feel good, what I enjoy on a primal level. I suppose it is easier for me to understand both sides, since occasionally (though rarely), I like to switch it up and be a bit dominant. Sometimes, I like the control of dominating. Usually however, I enjoy a different kind of control, the control of being a submissive.  Submission is not entirely about lack of control, but about feeling like you have a lack of control, while knowing that you do. While I am in a submissive role, I in the end, have control over the situation. Nothing is done unless I agree to it. And if I say my safe-word, that activity stops. What I enjoy most is the feeling of being taken in any way he pleases (unless I use my safe-word).

            But submission is not a light switch. It is not all or nothing. It is not on or off. There are an infinite number of gradients in between. And a submissive may be at any one of those infinite points on any given day, and prone to change. So in order to help conceptualize what submission is, consider it to be similar to a dimmer switch, rather than an on/off switch. The light is turned on gradually, or off gradually. The submission may vary from day to day. What was agreeable yesterday may not be agreeable today. What was offered in submission today may be more or less than what is offered tomorrow. That’s at least my personal view of submission." -Danni

Best show ever, I have the hangover from hell though :(

I push my f****** boundaries for him and what do I get in return a f****** guilt trip. you tell me but we're moving too fast last night you didn't seem to have any problem with that what's the difference between last night and today? looks like it's time to find a new guy -_-. 1 who isn't a f***** McAsshole.

i need help with a song, is there any girl or guy that is willing to do clean vocals on a metal song with me? message me if you do

I think i just found the guy of my dream... now if he would only message me back :(

so my pictures were reported again lol. sorry to break it to you but they're real. My eyes change color I gain weight and lose weight. IM FUCKING HUMAN GOD DAMN IT. I take it as a complient when you idiots say " oh my god she's like way too fake!! like no way those are her real eyes!?" dude.. just because, unlike you I am attractive and special, doesn't mean I'm fake.


Sorry for my ranting everyone...


Danni Delerious

Well I'm now Collared, bye for now guys
tonight was great went to a metal/ punk show and broke my right hand. started a bunch of mosh pits. broke some girls nose. my hands are all cut up and I have bruises up my back and shoulders. tonight was great haven't done anything like this in a while. too bad I can't play bass for a month our two..
Bored hmu
Some one should call me :)

Hey everyone i'm in a new band as of november 30th,2012! it would be appriciated if you could support us :D All links to our stuff is below:

first song will be up by the 28th of december. But keep an eye out for little random videos of our daily lives running up for the moment when we start shoot our video. :) i will have a bass video up by tonight so please support the band and spread the word! We would love it if you did.



Hey everyone i'm in a new band as of november 30th,2012! it would be appriciated if you could support us :D All links to our stuff is below:


first song will be up by the 28th of december. But keep an eye out for little random videos of our daily lives running up for the moment when we start shoot our video. :) i will have a bass video up by tonight so please support the band and spread the word! We would love it if you did.



I hate my room mate, when he comes home my combat boot and his ass are going to have a long fucking talk.

My Band and I have parted ways. Currently looking for a new band. message me if you have any questions

It's freezing here :( some one warm me up ^_^