
crospun - photo 1
I'm going to try and keep this as short and to the point as I can while not leaving out too much relevant information. I've been involved with BDSM going on 5 years now and during that time I've experienced and tried many different things and the primary interests that have emerged are:
  • DD/lg
  • Impact play (top)
  • Roleplay
  • Erotic hypnosis (top)
  • Mindfucking (top)
I haven't found a huge laundry list of likes and dislikes to be terribly helpful in determining compatibility though. I like doing to women the things they want and especially the things they crave but hate at the same time but I also like pushing the limits and testing the edges of a sub/bottom's comfort zone. I have little interest in doing permanent damage or subjecting someone to any kind of extreme degradation. Other than those limits, its a blast finding what works, what doesn't and what's right on the edge for any given person I play with in this fashion. My goal is a long-term, committed relationship

5/18/2016 3:57:50 PM
After some time in a committed relationship and then living abroad, I'm back in the bay area and single.  I've been on a bit of a hiatus but am now getting back into BDSM and the local scene again.
8/27/2012 4:48:55 AM

I can be at turns

  • a playful critter, frolicking with childlike glee
  • an overly serious buzzkill, acting as protector and guardian
  • something resembling the Joker (more the Nicholson egomaniacal sadist than than Ledger cold sociopath).
  • a version of Jim Carry's crazed, hedonistic alter-ego from "The Mask"

Not all these are appropriate for any given person or situation



8/9/2012 2:43:19 AM

Four hours of high-energy dancing at Bondage a Go Go tonight, my legs will be taking their revenge on me shortly.

8/6/2012 7:13:55 AM

Trying to practice flogger accuracy on a couch pillow, cat keeps trying to catch the falls.  Fail, its whats for dinner.

8/4/2012 1:36:39 PM

The chat client here doesn't seem to work with one of my browser add-ons so I don't see requests just fyi.

7/27/2012 12:31:12 AM


  • For the right person I can be sadistic, however only with a sense of humor.  I actually can't do this and be all Darth Vader'y about it, that doesn't work for me.
  • I have a vigorous imagination which for some could be a very, very good thing
  • I don't feel a need to hurt the ones I love, in fact any LTR prospect will need to be comfortable receiving love, kindness and compassion.
  • Innocence is a precious commodity, don't ask me to destroy yours in the name of adventure/change
  • Physical pain and fear I'm fine with inflicting (and evidently more talented at than I thought), emotional pain as well to a point.  If you want someone to destroy your self-esteem/self-worth however, keep on looking.  
  • I understand cynical and bitter (trust me I've been there), but if that's your primary, closely held world-view we're probably best off not talking
  • I am active and in very good shape, if you are not (or not at least on the way there) then for anything serious we probably are not the best match
7/22/2012 2:15:58 AM

I look at my description and think to myself "Hmm, is there a dancing banana or something I could stick in there to lighten it up a bit??"

7/21/2012 7:23:26 PM

I'm often suspicious of the accuracy of personality profiling but reading this its like someone ransacked my memories and wrote up a summary:


Its not all puppies and rainbows though, I've definitely had my share of the difficulties listed as well as experienced the positives.


Next stop the Ouija board!  Err, maybe not.



6/7/2012 2:21:29 AM

I read this on recently and it sums up my goals quite well:

The Duties of a Dominant

Being Dominant/submissive is a state of mind. It is not a sex act, it is not a game, and it is not a role. It is a state of being, and is totally asexual (neither male nor female).

First and foremost, a Dominant is always a Gentleman or Lady.
There is no excuse for being impolite or rude to others. Save this for the submissive that needs and requires this of their Dominant.

Second, a Dominant must always be in control.
Drugs, even alcohol, are mind and body controlling agents. They affect relationships, and most importantly can affect a scene, therefore taking away the control the Dominant MUST have.

Third, a Dominant is always honest.
To lie is to show you cannot be trusted and a submissive must be able to trust you, to respect you. Every submissive knows that not every Dominant is super experienced and will respect you much more if you tell the truth. Be honest with a submissive about your level of experience with others and the submissive. The submissive can even help you to gain experience, and make it really an enjoyable learning process. Tell the submissive up-front if you do not wish a monogamous relationship. Most submissives understand, and even expect this in a Dominant. You may not get "that" submissive but you will not loose her/his respect.

Fourth, a Dominant accepts responsibility for all his/her actions.
Everyone makes mistakes. Do what is needed to make amends, and correct it. Accept and admit the fact that you messed up. To seek an excuse for something going wrong or hurting someone will cause you to lose respect.

Fifth, a Dominant expects, but does not demand, respect.
No Dominant demands strangers to call him/her Master/Mistress. Respect is earned over time. Demanding Master/Mistress on your name means nothing. It is a word that when not earned is meaningless, and makes you to others appear to be a petty, childish fool. Those that know you and respect you will call you Master or Mistress when you earn it, not before. Remember, to other Dominants you are not their Master/Mistress, you are their equal. Do not DEMAND them too EVER call you that.

Sixth, a Dominant knows and understands the differences between needs, desires, and wants.
The submissive may want a 24/7 relationship with an understanding Dominant. The submissive may desire a short relationship with a crude rude person. The submissive may need a stable sharing marriage with children.

Duties of a DOM

It is the duty of a Dominant to control his/her emotions. To punish a submissive in anger or to lash out to anyone is abusive.

It is the duty of a Dominant to remember that submission is a gift. To misuse this gift is abusive. When the submissive is not free to take back the gift it is no longer a gift.

It is the duty of a Dominant to watch over and protect all submissives. This does not mean to protect them from finding some other Dominant and to keep them for oneself.

It is the duty of a Dominant to take only a submissive that will match him/her.
A submissive that is not into whips should not belong to a Dominant that loves to whip submissives.

It is the Duty of a Dominant to take only the amount of submissives the DOM can properly handle, control, love, comfort, and care for. Do not keep a submissive hanging, giving false hopes. Free and release the submissive so the submissive can get along with finding the right Dominant.

It is the duty of a Dominant to watch and monitor the scene carefully and to ensure the submissive is not being harmed either physically or emotionally. At any time the slightest thing can go wrong and the scene is ruined for the submissive and pleasure becomes actual pain.

It is the duty of a Dominant after a scene to ensure the submissive is emotionally stable. During a scene the submissive is filled with hormones. Afterwards the body reduces them and may cause severe depression to the extent of being suicidal. The submissive must be made to understand the depression and or emotional release is normal and expected. Normal emotions will return in hours to a day. Anything longer is a sign of emotional instability in the submissive and must be corrected before doing another scene. (A Dominant can also experience this depression after a high from the scene.) Each reacts differently, some stay high for weeks and when they come down seek the scene again to regain the high. This also can lead to problems such as longer, more intense and dangerous scenes, with unknown Dominants.

It is the duty of a Dominant to know and understand what the needs, desires, and wants of a submissive are. Failure to do so may harm the submissive emotionally and mentally.

Responsibilities of a DOM

It is the responsibility of a Dominant to insure an unowned submissive is guided to a Dominant that is suited to the submissive's wants, needs, and desires.

It is the responsibility of a Dominant to insure the submissive knows what being abusive is. To insure this is to insure the submissive knows when to call it quits.

It is the responsibility of a Dominant to ensure the submissive knows what the submissive's rights are.

It is the responsibility of a Dominant to teach the submissive information about the Lifestyle. The best method is to teach the submissive how to acquire this information and where he/she can get it. An ignorant submissive can be an embarrassment to a Dominant.

It is the responsibility of a Dominant to insure the submissive grows and develops under the Dominant's ownership, in both the lifestyle and the public life (i.e., job and family). Being submissive only means being a "doormat" when the submissive has made it clear that is what the submissive is looking for.

Dishonorable Acts

For a Dominant to allow a submissive to be actually harmed in ANY way is dishonorable.

For a Dominant to allow a submissive's rights to be violated is dishonorable.

For a Dominant to play with and discard a submissive just for amusement is dishonorable (exception is a submissive that has declared this is the treatment they need).

Unless the submissive has declared them selves to be unowned, another Dominant's interference in a relationship is dishonorable.
To chase after or scene with another's submissive without the other Dominant's permission and full knowledge is dishonorable.

No Dominant can be expected to live up to the above 100% of the time. Others will respect him/her for trying, and the harder he/she tries the more respect all will have for the Dominant.

Written by: LES IS MORE(m) Copyright©1998, Re-edited by Quiet_Dom 2012

– Quiet_Dom


4/8/2012 3:12:36 AM

Good lord, some many people here seem to take this way too seriously for me.   I sometime feel like I've stumbled into an x-rated version of this:

Just sub in butt plugs and leather restraints for the fake swords and spells.

 Damn people, c'mon can't we laugh at ourselves a little bit at least?

 Age: 27
 Noneya, Illinois