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For more information see similiar profile name here under CosmicCunt.  I'm a full time caregiver for a parent with late - mid stage Alzheimer's and am seeking those who wish to belong to a multi sub slave, long term, female led, power exchange relationship.


This is a time to remain very aware. 

Keep close watch over those who seek to distract and otherwise keep you busy whilst they rape and pillage our government and our republic.  It is the oldest trick in the book - keep them busy and in fear, meanwhile they shall help theirselves to a sizable helping of the American Taxpayers monies and benefits.

Whilst government programs are being cut, WATCH WHERE THE MONEY and BENEFITS GO.  A simple diversion tactic. 

All the law suits will keep people occupied while more and more of our liberty is stripped.

Consider:  while the 'parents' have allowed the 'undisciplined child and friends' to run wild, the greater world wide community will have no problem 'spanking' the errant child and holding the 'parents' accountable for not parenting.  IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE.

Be care full, be watch full, be account full and "do not go gentle into that good night."

Be proactive and be ready for the change which is most certainly here.


Ms. Cosmic, tell us how you really feel about the most recent election results...
Supress Woman - Cosmic

Supress woman, keep them down.
We can't afford to have them sniffing round.

We shant afford them educated to who we are.
We darnt feel we can live up to their par.

Work all day, buy expensive toys.
Who cares if we do 'play' with the boys?

No judgements here cause girls are too critical.
Can't have the exacting or the cynical.

Thank God for porn,
it is our right.
Otherwise we would fight fight fight.
Too bad they don't know that power makes us strong,
giving way to our libido over long.

Keep us in societal shackles.
Cause ya'll to fearful of the woman's cackle.

What submissive man has learned,
is sex by Woman is to be earned.

We have it all, yet much is waste.
That most man is scared and cannot embrace.

What's to lose, which is not already lost?
Might as well be the coin toss,
as many of you mother fuckers just picked an unconscionable boss.