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CosmicCunt - photo 1
Currently available for discussion for the purpose of YOU SERVING ME IN REAL TIME and possible get to know dinner dates with My mother! I'm a full time caregiver for a parent in the middle stages of Alzheimer's and inbetween a rock and hard place. I won't be able to care for Mom on My own for much longer and the prospect of having to place My best friend and last close family member in a nursing home is heartbreaking. Be easy and kind and honest with Me and you shall receive the same in kind. Be anything else and no quarter shall be given. This next chapter is going to be AMAZING! I embrace this living style with enthusiasm, joy and honor and I would like to meet special people to share this time with. I care not if you are dominant or submissive or slave, only that we align and that you prove yourself to be reliable and supportive. In the coming weeks, I will work to share Myself in My journal in order to find that right connection. Seeking live in partner(s)
  • Conscious
  • Grounded
  • Positive
  • Stable
  • Creative
  • Kinky
  • Traveled
In the interest of time and effort, I will only respond to those inquiries of substance and interest. Thank you for taking the time to read My profile and only contact Me with right intention. Be safe and FACT CHECK people, there are some SERIOUS TIME WASTERS on here!

My sentinels they begin to arise.


????????????????????????Senate Advances Pete Hegseth




Where is the experience necessary for the job as Defense Secretary -


Someone who holds contempt for federal workers?

Taking the jobs from federal works and directing the money to make it great for Corporate America. 

Why is Pete Hegseth even being considered for this postion? NO management experience for the manager of 3 million federal workers?  What?  How?  A man who furhter displays a loathing for diplomatic relations with the nations of the world we share.  Secretary of Defense unequipped to understand the necessity of healthy  diplomatic relations in The World.  If that isn't enough, he thinks women should not serve in the military becasue women detract and or are ineffectual, or worse, weakening the military due to the accomodation of women because they bleed...and are  a source of rape.   This is a vulgarly poor arguement for eliminanting representation of the human condition within our military and all of life through the elimination of the female gender.  Just another ATTEMPT TO REMOVE A WOMANS GOVERNANCE OVER HER BODY.  TO DIFFERENTIATE.  TO SEPERATE. 


Removing women in the military is NOT on the table.

Removing a womans sovernty is NOT on the table.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REMOVE HEGSETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of men who do not show up is unbelievable. 

You will never serve Me if you do not do what you say you will do.



It is important to know that while I am seeking, finding and sharing, My time is not My own and I can and will only continue to engage those who understand and accept these circumstances for what they are - limited.

I am a full time caregiver.  Not part time, not some time, not the times I choose.  I have minimal pockets of time, not of My own, when I am able to engage those who wish to be a part of My family and household and life.  Once you are here and serving, we are full time engaging and living these moments together.

It's tough.  I get it - BELIEVE Me.  However it does not change that your position is to make yourself available to Me at MY times of availability.  This will not be a hurried process, nor will it be slow, but I am not free to just get up and do the hokey pokey any ole time!

If you wish to be considered, at least have the ability share when I am available and understand that when My charge is unwell, everything goes full stop for about two weeks while I nurse and care for MYSELF and My charge.

Just a little information for those who have no clue about Alzheimer's I've included some information below.

-Any trauma to the head:  1. letter from the IRS or arguement, 2. head cold, COVID, headache, 3. head hit on the corner of the t.v., fall off a bar stool, slip on ice - these are all significant, affect the head, and depending on the intensity and duration of the impact, determines how long it will take to recover.

For those who care, Mum had covid and is doing much better.  It will be another week or so for full recovery - and yes, I am relatively okay, considering.

A grateful thank you to those men who continue to display great character and worth to Me and in turn, to Mum.  There is one who continues to provide strength on the most darkest of days. 

There is a thought I've been considering for some time regarding My household and that is about other women participating in and around with My slaves.

I enjoy the comraderie of women so long as we have an understanding.  As with any relationship trust, respect and communication are paramount; transparency and accountability are key.

I am willing to entertain another dominant woman participating within My household, as well as mentoring another woman regardless of how she identifies.  Ground rules to be negotiated.

The subject of politics came up during a recent talk with a submissive man and it quickly went to the subject of abortion, and I had some marvelous revelations on the subject of politics and religion and sex.  I paraphrase in part and the rest is history...

"I voted for Trump - his heart is in a good place"

"I think his heart could be in a good place yet he took action to ensure that My right to sovereignty over My body was abolished.  What the fuck is that?"

"Well, he didn't do it to you." 
"Yes, yes he did.  He placed two Supreme Court Justices to help overturn Roe v Wade."
"Ruth Bader Ginsberg didn't really believe in blah blah blah"
"I don't care what she believed in, no one has a right to control My body."
"So how long?  How many weeks?"
"How many weeks for what? There are NO weeks.  This is not anyone else's decision."
"Well, that's murder." 
"Who says?  You? Your friends, your church, your politics?"
"Do you believe in murder?"
"Who are we murdering?  Do you have leather cowhide seats and shoes on your feet?  How about all the meat which you eat - that is murder - terminating life - where are the rules?  Why  is it murder if I am terminating the propagation of cells within My body?  Are we murdering cancer?  Who told you you get to choose what is okay to call murder and what is not?  Who told you you could decide for Me?  I terminate those cells in My body from manifesting and it is My right to do so."
"I didn't say murder."
"Yes you did.  You said at what time, how many weeks does it become murder.  You are now classifying Me as a murderer if I conduct business on My body."
"What I am saying is, you cannot speak to Me about this subject.  You have no idea what you are talking about.  No one is telling you you have to pay $500 a month for a life, if you conceive with a woman.  No one is controlling your sex! You do not have a right, no one does and it's none of your business.  Is this an issue of the Bible?  Who told the bible it had ANY business in My cunt?  This is My body.  No one gets to decide what happens with it except for Me. Period.
 "Well what if you want the baby and the mother doesn't?"
 "Tough cookies!  TOO bad.  That is not a decision for you to make and you don't then get to have some tantrum and make Me have a child - that is bloody bullshit!  What the fuck are we talking about?  You don't get to claim some part of My sex just because you have a constant erection and implanted in Me.  You made a D O N A T I O N.  Once you implant your seed, you gave up the rights to that seed.  Once it passes to Me, it then belongs to Me.  What are you, some indian giver?  If you want some commitment to My sex, then that has to be in some kind of sex prenup. I can sign right on the dotted line, I, Ms. C do agree to have one sub ______ pour his seed into My cunt and thereby give him rights over My cunt to then decide whether I and My body, agree to have or have not to bring forth life from My body.  
Anything else is Psychological Rape and I don't agree with that!  
Can you imagine going to the bank and depositing your funds and the bank says, hey we reserve the right to borrow your money indefinitely and with variable interest depending on whether we are making a profit."  LOL
 At one point in the discussion, I had to ask:
Why the fuck do you believe you have some dominion over My cunt?  Do I have control over your cock?  Legally?  lol
Here is the last arguement and listen up here boys and girls - who the fuck are you to decide what life is of value and what life is not?  Human life is more important than all other life forms???  Are you seriously going to pander that self righteous malarky on Me?  lol  
Humans are SOOOOOOOO self absorbed and elitist and primitive.
And please, shut the Bible thumping door right now.  I will pay the price with My maker in My own time of this you can be assured and THAT, My wayward PRIMATE is NONE of your concern! 
So I ask again, who gave you the right to get all up into My stuff and stake some claim over it?
Why do you think you have ANY rights over My body and what happens with it? 
Take care of your own junk and leave ours alone!
No apologies offered.
Here is a novel idea;  how about a bar code (back of your ID) which tells all about you, drugs, diseases, health  issues, whether or not you grant authority over your cunt/dick to a sexual partner, NSA, marriage minded.  Then we can just scan one another and be done with the charade!

We all know this time of the year - sometimes happy, sometimes sad.  I'm comforted knowing that every Christmas I've had has been blessed by My mother and her love of Me.  No more gifts, no more memory or shopping or preparing or sharing - yet when My mother was in her right mind and health, WOW did she put on a show for her one and only!  Sometime leading up to Christmas, My mother would arrive with a S T A C K of presents, all wrapped in the same paper, piled at least 4 feet and wrapped with large ribbon on both sides.  Atop the stack, would look like firecrackers were going off with so much fluff and stuff!  Christmas morning I would always have to open two to everyone elses one because I had so many gifts from here.  Of course she would make a stack for each of her special people, but there piles were smaller, maybe sometimes halfway up the' tower for Powers' lol  I would always be very smiley and gracious becasue I knew how loved I was - not about the amount of gifts (for many were the very simpliest of novelties) but because she always made My existence about Pomp and Circumstance.  I have known a very deep and abiding love by both of My parents and I am grateful and I miss them very much.

Merry Christmas to all.  Even if it is not that merry, know you are not alone and your life and person have meaning and importance.

May this New Year bring us all the joy we can handle - wellness body, mind and spirit.

As always, thank you for sharing with Me and My very best to you all.

I remember the last time I was asked if I would participate in a threesome.

I enthusiastically exclaimed, Yes!  After which I followed, that I found it extremely heady to consider more than one man paying Me attention at the same time.

For some reason, he didn't understand the appeal.  lol  


Ethical BDSM, an interesting concept and I enjoy chewing on this a bit.


A supposed vocational slave offers their self.  They present a wild origin story and present day scenario for their enslavement to you.  Later it is determined the so called slave is a liar and a fraud who has shared false information and received only truth from you.

Now imagine this slave was infact already enslaved, no way out, a prisoner for all intents and purposes to another.  The slave is given leave by their Mistress to 'play' on Collar as a means of entertainment and or even as a cruelty or punishment.  The Mistress can read and or respond to any email from you she chooses or she may not.  However, she does read and lead her slave deeper into the deception.  The slave has been instructed to not expose his Mistress.

Is the slave responsible for being a liar and fraud? The slave is to obey, afterall.

What does this say about the Mistress?  She is well within her rights to have her slave behave as she desires, yet what she asks her slave to do is an affront to another, it V I O L A T E S.  She has directed a deception.

Is this ethical behavior on her part? Does anyone care? 


Take Masters who train a slave out of being able to act on self preservation.  Lets say they want to test this and they command the slave lay out their arm to be run over with their car.  The slave obeys, bones are broken and the slave has no further feeling in that side.  It is within their right to do so, yet what could possibly be the reasoning behind such an act?  What is ethical about training a slave to do something which causes harm to their self or another?

I've come across the notion of supremicists within this realm, on opposing sides of the tracks, who justify dismantling another human being in an effort to degrade them beyond all else. Training a slave to submit to all manner of what can only be considered to be torture.  Perhaps they believe one human is less human than another.  Perhaps they have some demons of their own to work through. Or perhaps they are uneducated or scaredy cats or they themselves brainwashed with outdated beliefs since birth.

Is this ethical behavior and do we really care, as a group, society or a people? 

Some of this sounds like corrupted power to Me, yet who am I to judge?

" Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

Just because we can do something, does that mean we are not accountable for doing it?  Such fine lines we dance between in the theatre of our likes and loves.  Of course, ultimately it is up to those involved to determine what is right and wrong, for the course.  The same can be said for any of life's avenues.  Humans have the right to do unto another if permitted.  Humans have the right to allow another to do unto them.

Does this also mean one human or a group of humans have the right to violate another? To decieve or to manipulate or to mutilate and how does one determine where the line in the sand is drawn or even is there sand?

Where do ethics come into play or do they?  Surely we see every day, examples of our global society grappling with the concept of ethics in everything we do.

By permitting 'each to his or her own' are we not in essence saying, "I don't want you to tell Me what to do so I wont tell you what to do?" 

I wonder how this makes us better, or if it even matters.  Perhaps we are too wounded or too neglected, too needful or too out of control to embrace andor be embraced by ideas of greatness. 

Perhaps the final frontier is indeed paying attention to our mental health.

I believe the difference between a slave and a submissive is in the consent.  I believe in consensual slavery and that a Master/Owner has the final say.  I also believe in emotional intelligence and in ethics.

I'm not sure emotional intelligence or ethics really matter in the grand scheme of things, yet they matter to Me and as with all things, in degree.

What if the determining factor for whether good or not good prevails in the world is held in the balance of the scales of how many people believe in good and how many believe in not good? How many practice good and how many practice greed, deception, intolerance, bullying?

Imagine if what you believe, is what will happen. 


Okay, well another one just dropped out of the running lol  When he submitted himself to Me he claimed he retired in May and would be able to serve then.  I said, great, get in touch a month ahead of time.  lol  Well, we did speak once a week for an hour over the course of many weeks simply getting to know one another.   When asked how I wished to be served, I said, don't stress it, just serve Me as you served your previous Mistress of 17 years and I'll taylor you to My liking as we go.  Honestly, any man who has served a woman, knows what to do out of the gate.  The details WILL work out quite simply and speedily once under My control.  After all, do these guys honestly think I'm going to invest time into them with no return?  LOL  Ya'll are playing with Me LOL  I am NOT a fin domme in any sense of the word, however My time energy and aura are priceless and if there is going to be MY involvement their will be ROI now!  LOL

So, I did My basic CSpace research which happens with any slave who happens to catch My interest - especially when they have issues and or otherwise raise suspect to Me.  Low and behold I found several other profiles across the US fitting the same descriptors!  When I questioned the self proclaimed slave, he had no idea what I was talking about (go figure lol) and yet the profiles were exact!  lol  Note to all the liars and losers - mix it up a bit or Meta Mama is going to find you out!  LOL

Okay, so lady dominants, beware of the cali multi running round seeking a Mistress and due to retire in May.  He gets you interested, feels you out with all the regular promises one makes to very controlling women, then when it doesn't fit his fancy, another Mistress pops in his chat frame and tells you he has been a very naughty boy and is actually being controlled by another and so sorry but he is unavailable...but will let you know if he comes back on the market!  

ROFL  Some of you guyz are a riot AND turds!

ANY FEMALE DOMINANT WHO WISHES TO CONTACT ME PRIVATELY - I WOULD BE HAPPY TO DISCUSS ANY and ALL TURDS.  I shall not give personal information on the subject obtained, however I will be sharing My experience with said slaves and sharing how to spot them.  REMEMBER:  Text search is your friend


Meanwhile, here on planet earth I continue to hear from and share with some terrific sincere and caring men.  I can only hope that we continue to come to know one another and to share more in the future.  Thank you for being the bright lights you are.  Keep up the good work and keep making those fantasists stand out like the sore thumb they are!  Kissesssss

I'm Thanks giving to all whom have shared with Me and whom give a care for Me and Mum.  I appreciate the love and the kindness and this most certainly trickles down and into My mother and My care of her.  We are doing as best we can and we continue to be most grateful for one another and every step we make. We have good days and really super tough ones - and we do it together, still.  Thank you for sharing and caring.

As with most of the holidays for the past decade, we will be having a quiet time this next week.  Running around as usual, but then some down time as all our people have dispersed.  These times seem to have the greatest impact on us and our engagement with one another as we remember when our people where here and of different, more joy filled times.

I hope each of you have an enjoyable and restful holiday.  Be safe and well.

We have taken another downshift here.  Last week I was beside Myself with how to continue carrying on and doing what I am with mum.  New behaviors are emerging or shall I say deepening.  More fear, more dependency, more suspect, more taking off, more refusal, more aggression, more silence at least for My part.  In some ways, we are coming full circle - with I processing an entire lifetime of family and friends,  opportunities and challenges, where I have come from, who has supported Me along the way and where I am going from here.  Meanwhile she slips farther and farther.  I understand what the doctor meant when they said she needed social engagement first and foremost.  While she may not be able to complete a thought - not one - she has a need to be seen and engaged with.  I feel her whole being crying out silently for reason and meaning and death.  I need ...  well, I need.   Stripped bare I am, emotionally, mentally, physically.  Feeling that theme of the Phoenix Rising around Me at this time.  Lots of fire and brimestone, and dragons breath and POWERS restrained.


The gall of the so called experienced male domestic household servant types - more often then not seeking their next victim for exploitation.  They play to anothers desires, and build a repetiore of information on the women of CollarSpace.  Women tend to be sharing types and often give personal information about family, friends, work, pictures, personal tastes, you name it, and those parasites - they seek it and FEED OFF of it.

It is a dangerous person who asks without giving, seeks without meaning, uses for their own desires and has no ability or intention of follow through.  Deception at their core.

They leave a bad taste in ones mouth and give good, well intentioned men a harder time of it.

When you think of a man here who has literally thousands of screen names - just popping off down the list of his many names, daily, monthly, whatever, in every state, every country, COUNTLESS IDENTIES, throwing out a line to this woman and that, all around the world, gathering sensitive information - critical I imagine sometimes - it is frightful to think of the power this person holds behind the scenes.  Who is he?  Who does he associate with?  How does he use this information?  It would be great to think his antics here are for amusement only, but I can assure you there is nothing amusing about being duped.  There is nothing amusing about someone sharing intimately, gaining your trust, building false beliefs in them.  Nothing amusing about a man submitting himself to you through your desires and through your need.  Imagine a man who says, "hey your mother has Alzheimer's and I have personal and meaningful connections with people who can help - I can help - If you permit Me to serve you to the best of My ability, I will help care for and provide for the well being of your dying parent."  I know - if it sounds to good to be true, then it is.  Still, when you are in the thick of confusion and the unknown, that is when these parasites go in for the kill!

It is lying, it is fraud, it is deceit at its basest level and it is promoted here thorugh this medium.  I enjoy CollarSpace - I really do appreciate the opportunity which is afforded in order to meet people of similiar mind.  I am grateful for the men I have met who continue to add joy and benefit to My life.  I don't know how to fix this aspect - the preying aspect - the illness which spreads and infects.

It is unfortunate that sad lost souls such as this british parasite continue to use this as a feeding ground for their sorry existence and thus I shall continue to attempt to educate others here.  I am a formidable woman and the likes of this cockroach wont undo Me, but I do feel for My sisters and brothers deserve better.

Dont we do that which we do to feel better, to give and take more, but where is the ethics behind using another person, AGAINST THEIR WILL?


While ideally seeking live in, I have no objection to be being served on a part time basis provided we have an understanding.  This can only be determined by speaking by phone at a time of convenience for Me.

I was reminded of My father tonight.  Soon to be the tenth anniversary of his passing.  I miss him.  I miss his laughter and his guidance and his honesty.  I never did meet a more honest person and he is responsible for teaching Me what not lying, cheating or stealing means.  I remember when I was young, he said, "when someone takes from someone else, they are in essence saying that they deserve that thing more than the person whom they took it from."  Once put into that light, I realized I never deserved something more than another person.  I will work for it, I will fight for it, I will not deny another in order to have it for Myself.  

He was full of wisdom.  He lived in the fast lane and caught fire.  When it burned it burned it all.  From the ashes, he resurrected himself and lived an honest life.  He loved Me enormously and told Me there was nothing I could not do. 

I was born ready.

Thank you daddy for giving Me the strength to be bold and to love deeply and for never EVER settling.  RIP

Never mind the brit who I spent far too much time with only to determine that he preys on women as a CollarSpace occupation...but then to be followed by the next group:

  1. He doesnt fix his phone and therefore cannot communicate effectively.
  2. He cannot share his availability properly or set aside proper time to converse.
  3. He doesn't show up for the meeting - 1st time because he was sick and waits to tell Me at the appointed hour.
  4. He doesn't show up for the meeting - 2nd time because 'I worry him' and waits until the appointed hour. LOL
  5. He verbally attacks and berates when I show the least bit of consideration.
  6. He then contacts Me under another screeen name, different state, 15 years older.
  7. He tells Me we are not well matched. LOL


Next one...

  1. 1st meeting - mandatory work schedule change; notified one or two days prior- accepted.
  2. 2nd meeting - computer virus effecting communication until last minute; contacted day prior. I had to find suitable PAID option as replacement - accepted.
  3. 3rd meeting - had to care for a family member, contact made day of and two hours prior to scheduled meet time - DENIED.

aND Next...

Meeting scheduled for 18 day visit in November after a few months of build up....then POOF!  I didn't even get a Dear Jane letter on that one!

Oh yeah, almost forgot about the local chap who was more than willing to mow and weedwack one fine weekend a month ago... POOOOOOOOF!



Regarding the first two subs...what they dont realize is it matters not that they didnt show up.  What matters is that they wanted Me to believe in their ability and desire and went to great lengths to convince Me of their worth and intention.  After I went to considerable lengths to prepare for our meetings, then to not show and cause not just Me an inconvenience but inturn My household - well that is INTOLERABLE.  Slaves My arse!  Bottom toppers is more like it!

As of yesterday, 103124, I finally completed the work I had planned to complete with the first two gents.  It has taken Me TWO MONTHS to do what I could have done in two weekends with these men.  By making committments which they did not keep, they cost Me time and money and lots and lots of harder days with mum and FOR mum.

Had I not made the plans with them, I would have a. made plans with others b. hired the help I need ahead of time c. restructured My schedule to accomodate a lack of assistance.

Instead, My household has been stressed out trying to play catch up which means mother and I have had a stressed time, which means I DON'T TRUST YOU OR LIKE YOU.

Ya'll are inconsiderate and you have been dealt with more than fairly.  You know what to do if you decide to get serious and stop playing around.

Do what you say.  Say what you do.  Obey.  Simple.

And for the love of Pete - stop making plans with women unless you intend on following through!

A 4 wheel break job and a panty job! What more could a girl ask for?

This past weekend I had the EXTREME pleasure of being served.  He showed up in the wee hours of the morning and over the next several hours demonstrated a front brake pad, rear drum brake, and rear shoe job!  So interesting and I love knowing how to save Myself some cash in the future, as well as how to properly prepare the components of the  brake system in order to have them operating at peak performance.  I feel knowledgeable and grateful.  My favorite new find is Anit-Seize - so neat and in copper no less!

After the brake job and LOTS of sexy stories, off we went to a Halloween party where he dressed as a she (wig and all) and mum and I were dressed as cowgirl and asian empress.

Later on, after I got 'her' good and tipsy, I took advantage and traced those super silky lace pink panties.  It was SOOO HOT to feel 'her' squirm underneath My touch and move erotically.  I felt desire course hot for a moment or two.  lol  

Thank you dear for sharing your talent, knowledge, and sweet sissy side.  It was fun and you are a hero in My book!


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Former US Army Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley

4 Star General



Whenever a person applies for a position, we usually make inquiries into their references and previous work performance.  From thiswe get first hand input on job performance, teamwork, punctuality, adherence to company policy and so on.  

Let's take a look at the references of some of the top aides and cabinet members regarding Former President Trump...



National Security Advisor

Dir. National Intelligence

TWO Secretary's of Defense

Secretary of Homeland Security

TWO National Security Advisors

Secretary of the Army

And the list just goes on and on and on and on.


People need to do some serious homework and stop reading one word signs at the red light.

I don't mention the men who say what they mean and mean what they say and follow through with meeting Me.  I have absolutely no complaint with the real deals I have found here and there are enough of them to keep Me busy for a LIFETIME. 

I'm simply a greedy wench.




RESPECT building



TRUST building



COMMUNICATION is the key to laying a solid foundation.

Cowards?  Dolts?  Flakes?  Predators?  Time wasters?  Inconsistent at best.

Its weird to have people request a time for speaking, give you their phone number and then close their account before the appointed time.  Such odd behavior and it certainly gives one pause when engaging here.  Then there are those whom you have spoken with many times, shared video chat, Q & A, moving towards a meeting, only to - never contact you again once you request a meeting.

You are not sincere and genuine.

Where have all the cowboys gone - the one with social graces, honor, integrity?  There are a few here of course and they are greatly appreciated but the rest ...need relationship therapy.

Thank GOD there are a few men here who are moving in the right direction!  I fear I would lose all hope if not for their persistence and welcome demeanors.


VOTED YESTERDAY!  Wow it feels good to know it is done.

I've always marveled at the lost opportunity and lackadaisicle approach to citizenship by those who choose not to vote.  Indeed, they often are the ones with the most protests.  Chit or get off the pot I say!  

Too many think it is their right to be born, right to have rights, right to complain without productivity.  Of course I agree, we do have the right to not participate, but that IS participation in and of itself though I tend to believe it is almost passive aggressive in nature and not courageous or dare I say honoring the priveledge we receive in this country and many others.

I'm more of the mindset that it is our duty as Global Citizens, to do our part to contribute to the human condition positively and proactively.  I know, I've heard all the arguements and it still doesn't pass muster with Me.  Take Jehovah Wintnesses - they dont' participate in ANY voting as they believe mans laws have no place under God's laws.  Imagine that!  A whole section of society that profess not to partake in any governing over their lives.  While I can intellectualize their choices and appreciate their contributions as they are - it BLOWS My mind they remain silent so to speak.

The examples go one and on.  At the end of the day - "IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF AND MAKE A CHANGE".

Get out and VOTE!  Better still, go get yourself an absentee ballot and VOTE TODAY!

Inbetween spouting off about those who have seriously inconvienced Me with their deception, inability to veryify andor cancellation policy and that of sharing about Me mum and our life together, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming with a thank you to those men who accept Me as I am, appreciate Me and are grateful for what I offer of Myself. 

There is one particular man from across the pond who has demonstrated an uncanny ability to soothe Me with his willingness to be what I need and require and when, and he continues to charm Me with his boyish manner and keen intellect. Kisses for you dear.

Ladies - feel free to contact Me anytime to discuss your experiences here with the unfavorables.  I have an open door policy when it comes to protecting our interests and there are some parasites here who make it their lifes work to penetrate our defenses  in an effort to conquer through deception.  It is a rotten business and sours the landscape for honest and true relationships with men of distinction here.

I was reading some journal entries of other dominant women and was alarmed at the amount of similarities to their journeys here.  Are we all speaking to the same men/man?  Its a fact that Mr. Mindf*ck is spreading his disinformation seed all over.  So I have started reaching out to other women.  Do you hear that you VOCATIONAL  POS PARASITE?  One way or another, you will find your breeding grounds drying up. You messed with a very nice but very dogged lady and while I forgive, I never forget an injustice.  So while you are creating or discharging both submissive and dominant entities, I will continue to contact other women and asking for them to reach out to Me if they wish to exchange notes.  Mind you, we too have form letters, so dont get your hopes up that energy is being spent on you - energy is being spent protecting women from predators such as yourself and energy is being spent in sisterhood ensuring men of worth have clear passage.

Time to buckle up boys, Mama's Got a Brand New Bag!  Good luck! lol

LOL Some of ya'll are just pulling My leg now...

..."Another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust...yeah"  

I'm learning to embrace this process.  No doubt other dominants will agree, this 'finding' process hones you to a fine instrument of decisiveness and determination and deliverance.

One unfortunate aspect, at least in My experience, is that the nincompoops flood ones bloody inbox with so much wasting of time that they bury the sincere inquiries.  Oh well, THANK God I have some hopefulls in the wings.  Let's say a prayer they fly true and straight!


I've been wanting to say a word to all the dominant and submissive men I've had the pleasure of speaking with here who are or who have been caregivers (admitely I don't often speak with women caregivers).  The amount of you who have cared for mothers and wives, Mistresses and sisters, daughters, grandmothers, aunts and on...  You have surprised Me with your care and your strength, inturn sharing your strength with Me and adding to My own convictions and care.  THANK YOU for all that you do!  You all are true gems and what would the world be like if not for the men who care for us?  For those of you whose loves have passed on, My heart goes out to you as you journey foward after the battle you have endured.  May you find peace and kindness and mutual hearts to heal after the storm.  For those of you who continue on as I do, nurturing those whom we love and care for, may you find the strength to continue giving your grace and goodness.  I hold a tender place in My heart for those who give of theirself and I pray for us all ways.  May God bless you and keep you and those whom you love, in grace. You are not alone and you are loved.


Dignity and Grace for our aging Elders in the new term, over corporate greed and SELF INTERESTED narcissistic dictating fascists! 

I am an Independent and have voted equally for Republicans and Democrates. 

In My lifetime, I have never voted for a liar or a thief or a convicted felon or an insurrectionist.

Team work makes the dream work.

No one ever lost because they helped another.  ~ Leave the sorting to God and get busy helping your fellow man.

I know WHAT I am voting for and who I shall surround Me.  Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?


100624 Predator alert!

Our English fellow is on the hunt.

Be Aware - Real men PHONE CHAT and share pictures!


If yall do not have an updated profile how do you expect Me to trust you?  Your age, location, etc would do well to be updated prior to contacting Me.  Collar updates regularly enough and if not an update within your profile you can certainly update your JOURNAL to proper information.

If we set a time for speaking, meeting, doing and you don't show up and no reason given...what is the point?  For those of you who have My personal information, chivalry is not dead.  If you are not smart enough to figure out how to apologize, what is the point?  With that said, I am not in the habit of opening closed doors.  What is the point?

Remember, VERIFICATION.  You don't get close to Me and My home without exposing yourself to Me. 

BIGGER and Better!

I would love a mechanic type of person from time to time.  I'm a vehicle enthusiast and have some knowledge but not nearly anything to brag about. I would love to rebuild an engine side by side as project.  Last year I sold My beautiful vintage truck.  Sigh.

I DO so love MUSCLE cars though just about anything that comes acrosss on Mecum will do.  To have ones breath taken away by the pull of a powerful engine is mightily exciting.  The first car I ever drove was when I was knee high and it was a lovely Mercades.  Then onto the Jaguar...  My first car was a custom 500 with a suicide knob...and boy could that baby go! That was the car of My first speeding ticket!  I was crusing down Interstate 93 doing 120, when I moved My hand away from the side rear view mirror and to My chargrin there was a state trooper, hot on My tail, lights flashing (no siren) just keeping pace with Me.  I won't forget that troopers face for the rest of My life.  He didnt make eye contact and just said, "I have a ticket for you and you will need to pay it by this time or show up in court.  If you show up in court, I will tell the judge that you were doing WELL OVER 80 MILES PER HOUR and you will have your license taken away."  I paid the ticket and got a radar dectector.  lol

Still, I have a relative hot spot for all things mechanical.  This brings Me to My love of steel...but THAT is another topic for another day!  



I see the master mind f*cker is back at it again, polluting NH and Eurpoe and the rest of the country and planet with his lies.  Yes, no less than 50 profiles plus, all the same, all with the same bullshit about honor in service.  I think it is fine if you want to play games here, but don't dupe people into thinking you are sincere and genuine and get information from them.  It is a violation. 

This is not a man who appreciates women, this is a man who is a predator and preys on women to exploit them.  Honestly I am surprised this community allows parasites like him to continue to dilute and pollute.  Someone tried to tell Me women do the same thing.  I find it hard to believe any woman would find pleasure in polluting the web for 25 years plus, here and on fet, dom and sub, making up an identity and full blown schemes which last months on end, with the sole purpose of betraying women.

What a waste of breath.

Live in.  It really doesn't need be complicated.  You want to serve and you do it.  Simple.

I'm going to attempt to take My mother out dancing tonight.  About once a year I will bring her out late night.  The last time was New Years, two years ago and then a year before that it was with some friends in the club and then out for an early breakfast.  She always brings a feel good feeling with her and makes everyone around her feel special, seen.

Mother has a gift of graciousness.  Always the first to ask what your name is and introduce herself.  I always marvel how straightforward and outgoing she is.  I remember as a child when she would hear someone's last name, she would then say, "A nice polish name"...or " Is that of slavic origin?"  Being an English major, this was one of the many gifts she possessed in her tool bag.  

Lately, her love of flowers has seen her gifting Me with lifes bouquets.  She picks up a pretty leaf, then finds a flower, a stone, a piece of yarn and she walks over and says, "I have something for you" and she hands Me her bouquet of loveliness.  All day long, as I run around making this, doing that, her gifts can be found all around.  I tried to start a book, as these bouqets often don't last too long.  One day, the bouqets will be all gone and her lovliness in My life.

Ladies...You are welcome and encouraged to apply if you are honest and can obey.  This is a real home and a safe harbor.   I am not personally interested in women sexually, however I am not entirely adverse to the idea of shared intimacy with time.  Mainly, women have entirely unique qualities they bring to a home and to service which I can and do appreciate.  I respond well to women who are straightforward and even a bit tomboyish.

On another note....

Some of you gents are real doozies.  The up side is that this has made way for some amazing men to move front and center.  You know who you are - you delight Me and inspire Me and your supportive nature and devotion make all the difference to Me and inturn to Mum.  Thank you.


I see a foot slave...toilet slave...a humiliation slave, lets get real for a moment.  While I appreciate you all have your specialties and preferences, I have to wonder where are all the administrative slaves, the bookkeeping slaves, and refinishing slaves? lol  I'm looking for My own personal TEAM! 

Trust in Me when I say, you will be a creative lot and busy busy bees!



As you can imagine, SERVICE is My love language.  If you are not contacting Me to SERVE ME, REAL TIME and PROVE YOURSELF, I am uninterested in sharing more than a brief hello.

Who knew so many here were full of bull crap?  I honestly didnt believe a friend when he said that the amount of submissive men who actually show up from this country is laughable, never mind from another country.

You guys are something else and unfortunately really sour the landscape here with your empty promises.  Good riddance I say, but what a waste of brain cells.  Regardless, the reigns are tightening up.  Funny thing, sincere men don't hesitate when called to action.

Most of yall kid yourself into thinking your are submissive or slave (LOL) and that you worship women or worse yet, you convince yourself you are different from all the rest.  Stop lying to yourself and everyone else.  You are here to satisfy you and only you and are ruled by your cocks and expend every effort to satisfy YOU.  Help Me, again laughable.

True submission is not about you.  If you believe your submission is a gift to be treasured, pass Me by.  

Watch out ladies!  Get proof straight away and know that geniune and sincere men are not only a rarity, they have no issue verifying who and what they are straight away. They are supportive and uplifting, seeking out the ways in which to be of service and benefit to you.


Not interested in marriage and certainly not interested in anything casual.  My sexual style is closed sexual polyamorous - polyfidelity - poly monogamy.  I'm creating not only a household, but a family of like hearts and minds. I always wanted a big family and missed that mark by miles. Now I get to create one from the ashes - so to speak.

Regardless of your persuasion and inclinations, these relationships made are to be life lasting.  An organic unit who will care for one another, support and grow together until the end of our days.  Sounds kind of warm and fuzzy does it not?

I have enough property to keep us in good spirts and to support our endeavors.

Must embrace flora, fauna and communal living - or at least willing to give it a go!


In speaking with many here, the reduction of stessors often comes up.

Check your Thyroid TSH levels!  Mui importante!

The Science of Breath - life changing, affirming and regulating!,to%20the%20lungs)%20respiration%20occurs.


Girls and guys - want to know when a woman bleeds every month?  Know her birth day.  This is a golden nugget of knowledge society keeps us from knowing in order to keep us enslaved, fearful and reactionary.  There are variables, of course.  Stress....hormonal imbalances....medications....being in close proximity to other women, either in family or work.  If the other women are more dominant, they will set another womans cycle off or if their birth day is near to yours, then they can trigger yours.  You're welcome.


One supposed slave interview done and gone.  He didn't understand the concept of trust, respect and communication. Oh well, his loss.  Next!

Today was the first day My mother asked what My name was.  Startiling rights of passage this is.  Thank GOD I'm in therapy!  We are coping. Every six weeks or so another down shift in life.  Still, I'm so very grateful to have this woman who has given UNCONDITIONAL LOVE all of My life.  It is nothing for Me to sacrifice for those who give of their self to Me.

I'm about JOY and LOVE, healing and experiencing, SERVICE, POWER EXCHANGE and MY WORLD.  While I can and do explore the depths and shadows of Myself and others, I'm most serious about sharing with people who LISTEN and do what they are told.  While I may dance on the edges, there are simply some places I have no desire to go.  Some of those 'been there done  that and have stock in those T-shirts' kind  kind of dark places.  Others are the kind where only pain, lies, deceit and harm come into play.  I'm not here to break others down.  My power, if you will, My control likes the light of day to shine down and upon in glistening delight.

Lastly, looks like I may have offended some with My cunt life choice post.  It is unfortunate that some were offended. Personally, I only speak like that - brass tacks and bold - when I get offended.  I'm OFFENDED that anyone thinks the law has business with My body.  I'm offended anyone thinks they have some right over My body.  Can you imagine what men would have to say if we placed fines every time a man committed infidelity or created a law about their ejacualtion practices?  LOL perposterous that anyone thinks it is okay to create a law which takes a human right away from rather than giving to.  Life is sacred, but yall don't get to choose for Me. The only thing that laws on womens bodies does, is makes women break laws and jeaopardizes our health mentally, physically, spiritually.  The fact that any of yall can live with those consequences just demonstrates how truly barbaric and primative man can be.  With this said, I realize it is not everyone who believes in these arcane practices.  But there are obviously enough of you to have women still being treated like second class citizens.  Be careful what you ask for and wish for cause KARMA IS A BITCH!

Bonzo or bozo, both are such a clown.

One brings you up, while the other drags you down.

Feeding off your energy, making it up as they please.

Their mere existence, a form of online disease.

Be prepared to provide identification / reference.  Much of what occurs will be taking place at My home so if you cannot provide an ID, you have no place serving Me.



Conducting interviews for live-in.  I don't have time or energy to spend on anything outside of finding the right fit for My home so please, unless you are applying to serve full or part time ASAP, pass Me by.  Let's get down to the nitty gritty...

Rolling interviews conducted now and at My time of convenience.  Considerations will be made but I have a short fuse where lack of communication is concerned.  Seeking FLR, TPE 24/7/365 live in.  

My search is two fold - for Myself and as an extension, for My mother.

Regular service includes preparing meals, maintaining home, and personal care for all.  Full time care attendant for mother.  She is fully functional, simply unable to reason out sequential action and with cognitive impairment for decision making.  She cannot be left alone, loves music and dancing, educated,  a lady (with a fresh mind) and beautiful in her own right.  Specifically, I seek a person who would primarily be responsible for watching over and serving My mother so I may proceed with My own endeavors.  My mother will not be controlling you.  You will belong to Me.

Once you make contact, be prepared to discuss your distance and how you intend on getting to Me, your current work requirements, all.  We move to phone interview, inperson interview and trial run.  It IS that simple.

Creating My household - Chat. Meet. Do.


Lifetime position - Primary care attendant for My mother with Mid/late stage Alzheimer's.  Google it.  36 Hour day.  Live it. 


Requirements:  Genteel.  Never use harsh words or swear.  Affectionate.  Exceptional grasp of the English language. Knowledgeable and amenable.  Must like dogs.  Short day trips - movies, lunch, thrifting.  Ensuring proper daily exercise.  Naughty nice school boys to the head of the line.  


This position works well for someone who likes to be in the home and on hand, actively engaged in domestic duties, preparing meals and calmly engaging mother with leisure activities. 


I will be responsible for My mothers personal and grooming needs until such time as a slave is well and thoroughly installed.  Personal services may then be granted.



Keep OUR laws off of MY body.

Or be prepared for US to start making laws for YOUR body.

The only reason why it is not the law of this land that a woman may do with her body as she sees fit, is because MEN do not stand up for our rights as WOMEN.  Don’t play games with Me and tell Me you are all about respect for women and women’s rights and you LOVE AND WORSHIP women and then tell us we don’t have what if farking takes to govern our own bodies!  Bloody hypocrites! Don’t tell Me it is the politicians, women, men, or any other such thing which makes the law so.  It is because of YOU and your primitive mind set and ideologies which remove My Sovereignty over My body. 

I’m an independent.  I am prolife and prochoice, when it makes sense and does not infringe on another free person’s rights. 

You don’t get to choose what is right for My body.  You and the law HAVE NO BUSINESS IN OR ON MY CUNT!  

God gave this Power to women.  We are made for it and with this God gave us the ability to deal with this Power – without Men.  Just like Men are given their own Power and the tools to appropriately deal with it.

Now, if you continue to come after My body and My rights, be prepared for Me to come after you and your body parts. Any sexual or domestic offense committed by a male against a female, automatic SNIP SNIP!  You don’t want Me playing around with your cock and balls without consent?  Then STAY OFF OF MY DICK!

Men competing in Olympics, or women’s sports.  This is a no brainer people.  We are a tad more civilized than legalizing and celebration of the beating of women.  Come on!

Chat, Meet, Do.

Serious inquiries only.

You will belong to a house of Women who rule and men who drool.  Most of your life will be made up of the mundane, caring for and otherwise suffering for My best life and those whom I care for.

You will be intelligent, positive, respectful, mannered, useful, handy and soluble.  I shall have no drain on My person whatsoever.


Our new passports have just arrived.  Time to consider where we will be spending My birthday and the holidays this year.


Ok ok ok.

I don't want to be online for any more time than is necessary.  I've decided there will be no nursing home and so I ramp up My efforts to find the right mix for a live in.  Let's get the communication right.  I need to speak to you at a time which is convenient for Me.  I will make some consessions, but if YOU CANNOT BE ACCOMODATING TO MY SCHEDULE than we are not going to go far and you are wasting My time for engaging someone who wants to make the time to get things moving!  I need.  Please do us both a favor and only contact Me if you are READY WILLING AND ABLE.  

My suggestion out of the gate is we take this relationship association on for a set period of time.  Give matters a chance to work out and work up.

I am not a menu providing dominant woman nor am I able to allow someone to control any aspect of Me outside of our engagement with one another.  I've come too far to be handing over any reigns to any untried handler and after all, I am responsible, legally, for a life.  So until you demonstrate who you are and I come to trust you, I will be running My own show all on My own.

This is what I am talking about!


Id love to have dinner with your mom and then worship your feet"

This is how you get in the door people!  LOL

Just for fun!

There is a lovely toilet in TX that has Me wiggling My toes for joy of them being licked clean!  lol  I know it is not everyone's thing, but I have nice toes and they SOOOOOOOOOOO love to be licked.  Mayhaps I shall start with the list of likes for yall to drool or ewww over!  lol

Number 1:  Likes to have feet washed and massaged and licked and sucked!  My toes delight in pampering.  Yum!

Cosmic -

  1. a.  of or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone.  b.  of, relating to, or concerned with abstract spiritual or metaphysical ideas.
  2. characterized by greatness especaillyin context, intensity or comprehensiveness.

Cunt - the femle genital organs.  Cunny, Cunty, What a beautiful cunt is she!  I've reclaimed the word!  My cunt is lovely!  lol  A brief history of the C-Word

The etymology of cunt:  a very delicate monosyllable

Old English


A very warm and grateful send out to those who have contacted Me to share of their own story and their strength and well wishing.  This was quite unexpected and I appreciate the consideration shown and stories shared.  My very best to you and yours and thank you for the kindness, it means much and has indeed given Me some strength in carrying on.  xox

Any MALE OR FEMALE who wants to contact Me about a submissive male  servant or dominant male whom they met online, and wonder if they are a MONUMENTAL GAME PLAYER, is free to contact Me.  Once verified , I will gladly share the information I have and possibly save you valuable time and energy.

Well, well, well... A very deep and sometimes disturbing subject indeed!

I've had the need to take some time off.  I've been duped and while it is hard to admit that a woman of My age and intellect has been bamboozeled, I'm comforted knowing that this type of thing happens to many of us, most especially when we are vulnerable due to life circumstances or state of mind and that I shall be wiser for the game played.  

While undertaking the supreme challenge of finding a right sub for Myself, I happened upon the GREATEST ONLINE MINDFUCKER that ever was and I discovered he has been playing around here and Fet for over 14 plus years and at least 31 profiles on CollarSpace to date!!!

VICTORY!  I finally was able to find them out though I must say I was led on a not-so-merry chase full of intrigue and suspense, aliens, judges, the government, medical organizations and secret societies! LOL  It takes all sorts.

After all, I have to laugh at Myself and how vulnerable My state of mind must be to have gone down that rabbit hole. I would not change the knowledge gained through the experience though I am seriously butt sore.


I have a phone, pictures, telegraph, google chat, skype and every other possible means of communication and verification including but not limited to a car! We chat, we verify, we meet or part.  

I'I'm going to answer a few questions that perhaps I will not get asked these repeatedly.


When you ask me why Im here, my reply is this:  I get off on extreme time wasting liars. NOT!

I'm here to find lifestyle relationships which reflect My wants, needs and desires.  I'm polyamorous, meaning Im looking for more than one relationship, sexual and or otherwise.


Okay, now, for the million dollar answer, what is a cosmic cunt and why did I choose it?

Part of me finds this telling that I should be asked to explain. 

Pay attention now....



cos·mic ˈkäz-mik 

All set with game players and time wasters and dream killers.  

I don't lie, cheat or steal.

I am looking for the right slave.  Correction, I am looking for a right connection and a decent human being who knows how to treat a woman, and wants to explore together.  A right male is MORE THAN ENOUGH to be by My side and in reasonable good time.  I am looking for a live in relationship, not email, phone or text. I'm dominant and that isn't going to change.  I feel no threat from a man who knows his mind and has the ability to speak up for himself and be a team player.  Welcome.  We can co-rule our own little world together.

My mother lives with Me and has Alzheimer's.  You serve Me, you serve She.  You are with Me, you are with her.

Be real and ready to communicate effectively and get to know one another in the flesh.  

Be terrific in your own right.  I require a man who is strong enough to champion Me and I offer nothing less in return.







I detest the world of text and email is little better.  How do we get to know one another?  Talking by phone is good, sharing space is better.  Nothing replaces breathing like air.  

I'm here seeking now and am looking to install a slave in reasonably short order.  I've no intention of playing with ya'll for months on end.  We talk, we meet, we do.

While different aspects are new, unclear, or undefined, this is not an impossible ask.

This relating we do touches on our core and when we text and email, we are agreeing to open ourselves to misinterpretation.  We have lives going on, usually complex and not meeting our inner needs, we are over tired, sick or caring for others.  We dont have the luxury of seeing one another at work or at the pub to work things through.  We need to listen and give the benefit of the doubt until or unless discussions implode.

Have you ever heard that the more ingredients in a food, the worse it is for your body?  Bingo!  The more division we put between us and our get to know, the harder that climb and claiming is going to be because their is more opportunity for misunderstanding.