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A recent friend and I keep going back and forth on how collarme is a faceless confessional. I thought I would have fun with that. So no, my pics aren't of me. So to continue with the nonesense, since that is truly what these profiles are. Here are some naughty ( and downright corny) nun jokes. Ahem. One day there were four nuns in line for confessional. The first nun said, "Forgive me, father, for I have sinned." He asked how. She said "I saw a man's private part." He told her to wash her eyes with holy water. The second nun comes in and says, "Forgive me, father, for I have sinned." He asked how. "I touched a man's private parts." He told her to wash her hands in holy water. Then he heard the third and fourth nun fighting. He asked why they were fighting. The fourth nun said, "I'm not going to wash my mouth in the holy water if she is going to sit in it." Next Joke... Three nuns die and are at the gates of heaven and St. Peter pops up and says "Before you enter heaven you must each answer one question correctly". The first Nun was asked "Who was the first man on earth?" to which she replied "Adam" and was allowed into heaven. The second Nun was asked "Who was the first woman on earth?" to which she replied "Eve" and was allowed into heaven. The third Nun was asked "What was the first thing Eve said to Adam?" to which she replied "Ohh! That's a hard one"

I tend to the fire.

The passion burns,

It threatens to escape.

I hold my breath to keep from fanning it.

Containing the beast.

My thighs are singed.

The coals white hot....beg for release.

Oh if not for the chains of my heart. The wildfire would consume all.

For those willing to take the Naughty Nun to the next level....


I find myself a bit wide eyed after my first bdsm convention. What can one truly say after visiting wonderland. For those who have never attended I would like to include a brief description of what it was like and why I am so fully fascinated now.


Let us start with the classes. The first class I took was anal torture. Nothing like a true sadist who can crack jokes while using sand paper, icy hot, and candle wax on a subs asshole. Next class was teasing and denial, it is not everyday you get 2 women and a man to climax together 2 hours in. Covert play was fun as well. I cannot wait to tie a mans balls to his ankles and go for a walk, not to mention the 10 minutes I played with the class toy as we passed a remote control around the room turning on and off the egg that had been firmly placed up his tight little ass. It was a joy to watch every muscle in his body tighten as you turned it on. The look of concentration on his face. How his lips would get tighter as he tried not to moan. Mmmm lovely. Blindfold play was also a fun class. Watching two men try to anticipate whether pleasure or pain would be delivered next. The mind games were magnificent.


Then we come to the dungeon. Oh my now we are truly down the rabbit hole. You walk into a room that starts out with a few privacy screens. Before your eyes see anything you can hear the crack of the bull whip, the moans of pleasure and pain. The smell of it hits you as well. It is nearly as alluring as fresh made cookies. It pulls you in saying, "this way to something wicked and fun."


When you finally get past the screens a new world opens up and yes things are truly Topsy turfy. The first thing I saw was a machine That was almost like a blow up air mattress with person suctioned in between the layers. The latex or rubber getting tighter and tighter around his body a crowd gathered around as a naked man dry humped the man in rubber who was helpless to move.

Next, we had a giant jungle gym with 40 year old "girls" in their school girl uniforms with teddy bears climbing, giggling, and playing. Inside the structure was a woman with a gigantic balloon and leaf blower. She would blow it up to a certain size then a naked person would jump into it.It would shrink around him or her until the air was put back in then another person would join. I believe they got 5 people pushing and playing naked on the inside before it popped and they were "born."

Beside that we had naked people running in gigantic hamster balls. A naked fairy passed me as I watched the play, and I had to admire in wonderment her needle wings.

There were large suspension areas with tall industrial strength steel girders where men and women were dangling from locked cages, chains, and ropes. One was cellophane wrapped to a cross. Scattered everywhere were tables, poles where people were bound being flogged, spanked, paddled, caned, tickled. Someone was on a rack being stretched and had a single tail biting her tender flesh.

Another pet was crawling around with a big wooden piece tight around his balls dragging as he crawled. There were women with their legs bound to their thighs and paw mittens crawling awkwardly on all fours as their masters took their puppies for a walk.


Some of the tables had very gory scenes going on as designs were cut into subs. Blood cupping made a huge mess, and I watched as two subs with huge smiles were sewn together. Branding was going on as well and I watched in fascination as the violet wand was used.


In fact I was too fascinated to pass that one up and stripped down to allow the maker of that wand to use its many attachments on my body. The metal electrified cane definitely got my attention. lol. I simply must have one someday.


Next we had the lube wrestling, and the pony track where pretty little ponies were giving carriage rides.


Most fascinating of all to me was the fire play. Watching the flames run over the skin.... I simply MUST try it sometime. My body instantly reacted to the kiss of the flame even though it was not on my own skin.

Be wise and look not at what is but what may be, can be, and will be.


Have you ever felt the seed of change germinate within you? I am not what I was yesterday. Soon I will sprout my wings and fly, and all the fools who saw only what the surface held will be but specks as I soar.  In my 28 years I have accomplished so much. I am not proud of the prizes, but more of the personal rewards. I am proud of the changes I have witnessed in others. I am proud of the moments I was a safeharbor in a world of torrential storms. It is not what you get in life.... all you can hold can be torn from you. It is what you give freely, lovingly. That warmth is yours to keep forever. What have you given today? Did you look at someone and see the caterpillar or the potential to be a butterfly?

"Pass these Sirens by, and stop your men's ears with wax that none of them may hear; but if you like you can listen yourself, for you may get the men to bind you as you stand upright on a cross-piece half way up the mast, and they must lash the rope's ends to the mast itself, that you may have the pleasure of listening. If you beg and pray the men to unloose you, then they must bind you faster." - Homer


Such a lovely thought. A man so tightly bound as to protect him from the sweet temptation a woman may present. A voice, soft, welcoming, liquid velvet drawing him close. What wicked words may she whisper to make him never wish to leave. Ah to be a siren who "enchants all who come near."

"Let dangers go: Thy war shall be with me; but such a war as breaks no bond of peace; Speak thou fair words, I'll cross them with fair words. Send thou sweet looks, I'll meet them with sweet looks; Write loving lines, I'll answer loving lines; Give me a kiss, I'll counter check thy kiss. Be this our warring peace, or peaceful war." -The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd

"In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice". - Marquis de Sade


An excellent quote. I cannot help but to wonder if I shall ever know true virtue, as I have delved deeply into vice.