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chenoa1 - photo 1
chenoa1 - photo 3

Registration Number: 200-503-445
I am what I am. I am honest,faithful,tell it like it is or i feel so am pretty much up front. though i may not always remember things or say things the same way.I enjoy serving,playing on the net on other site. some sites is only for role play while other sites i try to make and have friends. i give respect where it is do.. a Master and slave thing is different on line then it is in real to most. to me it is pretty much the same thing. once i take the collar.
I do not ever give total control over myself. I never have nor most likely will I. for it does not show the trust that we should have with in each other. and trust is very important to me.please do not try to rush me or Connor me into anything for all it will do is push me farther away.
I do know what it is to be owned in real and to be a slave. yes at times I can be bratty and I am stuburn and hard headed.i am far from perfect. so please do not always expect me to play nice.I will at times need to be reminded.
I do have health problems. and do my best in all i do.I have had a heart by pass and do have kidney failure. but i do the best i can and try not to let it stop or interfere with me. so at times i do and will need to be told to slow down and not over do things for i love to help out.
I live with friends and help out as much as I can.
we can get to know one another and see if we are right for each other to make sure as best as one can before things are finalized. or as they say put in stone. I do not like or care for players. nor will I do sadist Masters again.
I want and will do a one on one for that is what my heart and soul craves.I have been in this life style a very long time. over 25 years. so there is times i will push my limits on what i can get away with.such being bratty. if I have not covered it all then please feel free to ask.I am willing to share thoughts, feeling and experiences with any that wish.
thank You all for reading and taken Your time and perhaps Your interest.
chenoa is my Cherokee name and what i perfected to be called. perhaps there is hope with in the life. or at least with in the path of the gods and goddess. do not seek to change something that is not able to be change. but accepted the love unconditional that is offered. You that i speak of knows my heart and
body. do
you dare know my soul? do you dare to offer what is will never change with in this ones life? is the collar a circle or is it a ring of promises?
will it be un broken? or will it be solid as in a stone or rock? what does the heart measure to you? how much value is one worth?
answer honestly and you may find Your hearts desire,. answer falsely and you may find your hearts tormentor..
Do not play with my heart or games.. i am not here for that.. i wish to find true love and a Loven Master that cares and knows what it is truly like to have someone that loves them for themself and not for what can perhaps be given to them. I am not int the pain you may wish to give on a daily basic's.there is more to being a Master then the pain you can give your sub or slave. **Warning: any institutions or individuals using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects - you do not have permission to use any aspect of my profile or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. if you have or do, it will be considered a violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications. **

It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this or you may copy and paste this one.


what is it to be someone's property?

when you wake in the morning is the owner or slave the first thing you ache to see if they are not there with you?

you ache to hold them in your arms? to hear their voice? the smile they hold with in and let shine for you?

do you do all you can to make the owner happy?

as an owned slave. i ack to hear His voice, to feel His arms around me, to breath the same air that He feel his touch, see His smile,hear the happiness that beats in His heart and soul.
to be near Him for his pleasure and enjoyment.
i bask in His pleasures and happiness. His touch even the light brush of His fingers along my face. the caressing of His along my hair or when He entwines his fingers in my hair and pull my head back as He captures my lips in his. i melt at his every touch, his words.and squirm just waiting his pleasure and  enjoyment that he not only allows and gives to me. but the ones He allows me to give him.
 the love of a good true Master or owner goes beyound the words of simplisty. ever touch,every word,ever feel,every emotions.

even in a M/s relationsship. it is the little things as well as the bigger things that are shown and done that makes it so special. each one means more  and more in there own little ways. the love and care that He gives to His . it is pure and simple.
His understanding and caring, his listen.His tendreness.even his harshness at times of teaching or correcting.
you know not only in your heart and soul that you are his property and that you belong to him and him alone for what evey his wish it. when you look for him when he is not there as well as when He is. you ack for him.though you may not understand some of the things that he may wish. you are willing to sunder all you are with out question. for He has captured your heart and soul..

thank You my belove Master for capturing this slave..

is it wrong to love someone with all your heart and soul, just to be told there is nothing you could do.

being a slave means many things to many people and who can say it is right or wrong..
I personaly think noone can nor has the right to deside for another if that person 
is a slave. only the person in question can choose what one wishes to be..
being a slave  finds the happiness of serving of being of help and needed.o feeling
that she is usefull if nothing else that . that just perhaps in some way she has a
purpose in this world..

she finds pleasure in serving her Master and pleasing Him in all ways that she can.
she loves and enjoys as well as hunger and crave her life as a slave.. for with out
it she is nothing and no good..she has no reason to go on if she can not be true to
her self and what she is...

though she has been as she is for many years she would not ever change any thing about
it even if she was able to..

being a slave means more then just seriving drinks and food.. it is turning your way of
life over to another.. to be able to trust another in all things that is best for you
even though you may not agree with it. to love fulling .. to give all that one has to the
best that they can and not hold back anything for the owner or her share your
even your worst fears with your Master... to trust Him/Her in all things....

knowing that the fears are sometimes the hardest t face and yet facing them in a way
by sharing and asking the Master for His wistem and guidance to help over come them.
to trust some one that much is a gift in it self .. to give all of yourself, your needs,
your wants, your hunger and craving to another to control.

is it done because one is a slave or is it done out of love.. a
person can be a slave to
many things in life. money,love,sex,work even the slightest materal things.
in a way we are all slaves to something.. it is just that some chooses to accept their
way of life in serving another..

they find the pleasure and freedom that very few people may find in life.. to find the
contientment the joys of life the peacefullness ,the pleasure,the fullfillment of pleasing,
serving, sitting and talking and just sharing with another person.. to find and
understand the trueness and pureity in life..

to become or try to be everything that you can for another. to know the joy you bring or
give to another not because you may have to or told to but because you want it,
you hunger to,you crave it more then anything else. you ach with need and hunger to
please another human being .. weither that may be the slaves Master or Mistress..
to give because you crave it and need to give all of yourself ..

the hunger driving you to be the best you can,

to this slave it is more to her then an online thing.. it is her life what she lives
for.. her Master is her world, her life the very reason why to wakes each day..
the very reason she fights to go on no matter what life may throw at her... so be fore
closing and sending this.. this slave thanks the goddess and gods above for allowing
her this life and finding her heart in soul in a Master that her everything..

even though she knows the last few lines may not be so right now it is in her heart on
 how one would feel being who and what she is...

her pink mystery exposed
a seeping musk of wanton need
a beating cadence throbs
her hooded pleasure

tan curves accent green sheets
a surreal glow casts flicking light
from candles like stars
in silent space

she is left to wonder
what He will take
what He will give
the past brings memories
of ice and wax and tongue and cock
of frozen clamps on hardened nips
of short nails drawn up
full breasts and down to cunt

He watches while she waits
as if she is caught
in spun web
helplessly wrapped tight against the ties

 I enter you completely
Stretching and filling your body
And being with My hardness
Tasting the masculine scent
With each thrust and exclamation
Your hands gently on my face
Sweat dripping from My chin
Eyes locked in the embrace of smiles
We climb the mountain together
Into the abyss of your surrender.

 My gaze burns hot,
blistering your soul as if lost...
lost in need...
lost in a lake of flame...

I find you.

and time again...
I find you.

exactly where you are...
your state of mind...
your unfocused focus
seeing only Me;
knowing only Me...
only in our moment.

 It was I
who told you of the Zen saying...
One breath,
one lifetime...
its all the same to eternity.

 This is how you feel;
for My touch...
for My acceptance of your offering...
of yourself
in entirety.
you are that breath;
that lifetime...
held in the timelessness of My gaze.
 you await
patiently poised;
balanced beyond belief...

only be,

I want to be On your mind,
Under your skin,
In your fantasies,
Everywhere you are,
Every place you feel.
I want you to Smell me when you breathe,
Taste me on your tongue,
Sense my heat behind you,
Feel my breath on your neck,
And my touch on your skin.
I want you to Imagine
I am there When you close your eyes to sleep.
I’ll be in your dreams.
When you touch yourself,
You’ll feel my fingers lightly.
I want to crawl inside you,
Invade your secret places,
Take hostage your desires,
Spread wide your limbs
And tie you up with need for me,
Until you’re a captive of the heart.

why do we submit?

why is it they submit to another, is it for the control over me i give to another? to have control over my body? is it for the ways of given myself to another for the need and want of His love , His care,understanding,His gently ways ,what He is able to do to my body and soul? for the pleasure and freedom that it brings to me, for the peace of heart and mind that He grants me?
or is it even for the women in me?
 to me my submission is all of the above. it is a gift that i give with all of my heart and soul. the pleasure and craven and the need with in me.
 it is the ways of me. my uncontrolable need to give myself to another, to please another and fullfiiling them fullfills myself. it is wrong? not to me.. it is right and the way it is. the way it should be..

I chain you

I release you
from inhibitions
from fear
from the callous world of indifference

I chain you
to my voice
my touch
my soft kisses against your flesh

I release you
to watch you bloom
seeing the craving in your eyes
setting free the sighs from just one touch

I chain you
like a foggy mist
obscuring all
but that which I allow

I release you
to your unsteady knees
seeing the hunger on your lips
quiet stillness while you wait

I chain you
with your bottom raised
for sweet pain to slice thru pleasure
wetting those nether lips

I release you
allowing your fingers
to wade across your river
and tread on your swollen ache

I chain you
claiming your sweet gift
nurturing your tethered need
bonding your elated ecstasy


aching desires of a kajira...

sitting  as  i wait for my heart's love ,the one that make myheart beat faster with just the slightest though of Him. squiring  as the sight of His name brings the fire in my belly to tinkle and spark.the sound of his voice making my toes curl as my heart races against my ribs while my blood flows hot as melted lava running across the earth, through my viens.  bending my knees  to His will and wishes as i shine in the purest of pleasure in the simplest of His wish and desire. aching through out my body and soul with lust and desire, a craven hunger that is untouched by any yet that only He can tame and control. that one He knows just how to full fill.

my heart and soul soarring in the basking of His love and tender care and touch. At His correction and punishment when I am desirving...
i pray ever day to the gods and goddess thanking them for their guidance to the one of my heart desires and to the detiny that is my  life..I thank them for allowing me the pleasure of being in His heart and soul, as I am honored and grateful to bear his steel... thank you my belove lord and Master  for the pleasure and honor You have granted and  allowed this kajira....

ponderings of a slave's thoughts...                                                 3/19/2010 12:59:33 AM

though some of us never had the chance to choose the ways of this life. i would not
changed my past nor my way of life for anything in this or any world.

I have been asked many times in my life so far on what i would change in my life. and
though my life was hard and differnt form many others.. i honestly would not change it
for to change any part of my way i was raised or my way of life would change the
person that i am.

so how do you know what you seek with in a Dom or Master/Domme or Mistress/ or
even a submission or slave...

for each one of us is differnt .. though we all have feelings and is human .. gggles well
as human as we can be.. or perhaps as normal as we can be.. but what is really normal
in this world? to me .. what may be normal for one person may not be so for me. and
vise a versa. what may be right for another  does not mean it is rigt for us all.. but yet
is that not what made up the United states.. the indepents of every one, their believes 
their thoughts and feeling being differnt? if that is so, then i wonder why one would tell
another that this or that is not right  just because the person may not think it is.. so i
wonder.. where is the real freedom?

is the freedom what a person believes it to be for themselves as it is with some of us
subs, and slaves. we know the freedom of love and serving with our heart and soul
cause either that is how one was taught and believes or how one chooses to live their
lifes. with out all the pain of the world or restrictions of the way others would have us
 think and act and believe...

so know i ask .. who am i?

am i just a person not meant to be loved because my life is about serving , making
another happy and in return loven them with all my heart and being? does that make
me a bad and unworthy person?.....

I do not believe so... but a person to love  and know what love is...

thoughts of a slave...

even after many many years of being a slave. one that was raised as a slave at a very young age . it is still a wonderful thing to be and to learn. you are always growning and learning new things. be it someting you may never have done before or even a new owner and Master.

it is never easy. and we make mistakes with each of out steps  in learning. specially with a new owner. as hard as we may try  to do what is right. we still make mistakes and then we end up not only feeling like the crap that is flushed  away. but we feel like we are not good enough, not worthy,not pretty, not wanted, not needed, and not loved . either the mistake is ours or from another. we are the ones that pay that price.

when i was first put in this life and i had lost every thing i know. my home,my brother,my sisters, my relitives and friends. told that from this day forth all i knew was no more.that my life had changed. it now belong to another and was no longer mine to live. those words was hard for a young child to understand.
even today after 30 some years are hard to understand at times.  to learn on your own the simplest of things  you feel like you are on top of the world when if fact you are told you should not be proud of what you learned.

to be raised with in one way and not learning how to hate,or jelious. an then thrown ino a world where it is all around you in one way or another. to understand it  or attempt to understand your feelings, when you have only loved and pleased.can drive a person mad. to be thrown in a world that they may know nothing of.and so each day i struggle with am i good enough? am i loveable, why would any one love me? why am i here? for what means? to be beatting every day and know no love and tenderness? do i deserve the love and kindness of another?will i die from the next beatting? what happens now that my body is no able to take all the pain an owner thinks to put me through? will i be beatting for not being able to take the pain as well? will my next owner promise me the world i never had only to take it from me cause i am not worthy or good enough?

is there love out there for me or am i even ment to ever feel or be love? at what price is it paid? can i even now pay the price for the love and tenderness, the kinness, the gentleness ? is all my life am i only to know the harshness of the whip,or belt,or paddles, the,electric,of knifesrunning down your flesh as your blood follows the kiss of the blades..though i am not one for pain. i know if i do nto take it then i would be killed  or if i am lucky i would be lift out in a world of unknown ways.

so now what is one to do? left in a world that is unknown to her and the way she was raised. how does one make sure she is good enough and worthy...........