Getting to know someone !
Funny how getting to know someone can be a real task. I mean you don’t have any idea of the person on the other end. Now if they have a bio you may know a little about them but omg that is just a tip of who they are or what they want and desire.
What I am finding is everyone is afraid to open up and say what they want or who they are out of fear you won’t understand or you will judge them. This is for good reason to. How many times has someone said I like it when you pee on me only to hear that’s gross.
No one wants to hear their kink is gross and there are all kinds of kink out there from daddy daughter to playing like a puppy or dressing like a pony and pulling a carriage. Some enjoy being strung up and whipped like a slave from the old times some like being cut.
All in all there are thousands of kinks and no one should be shamed for what yours is and you should not be ashamed to share it with those who will help you in your journey, now that the kink is out of the way comes the really hard part.
How do you open up about the everyday you. The one who works and lives or has kids or is married and open. The one who is not happy and just wants to have someone care about them again. How do you talk about that to a stranger do they are not a stranger anymore.
You have to take chances. You have to just hope and take a leap of faith. Will you get hurt sometimes yes you will but without hurt and pain there can be no pleasure and happiness. So with that I ask how do you get to know a person ?
This is from my fet page and I would ask do you think I am a gentleman or a sex fiend. After all both sights are about sex BDSM to be exact. Not talking about sex would imply you are vanilla and don’t belong here. So with that said enjoy getting to know someone. |