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Brain - photo 1
Mainly here for the forums.

This is a nice word, I really like it.
Excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife.
This is funny
A Bottle of Merlot

A man asked a waiter to take a bottle of Merlot to an unusually

attractive woman sitting alone at a table in a cozy little restaurant.

So the waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, "This is from the

gentleman who is seated over there." and indicated the sender with a

nod of his head.

She stared at the wine coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the

man, then decided to send a reply to him by a note.

The waiter, who was lingering nearby for a response, took the note

from her and conveyed it to the gentleman.

The note read:

"For me to accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your

garage, a million dollars in the bank and 7 inches in your pants".

After reading the note, the man decided to compose one of his own in

return. He folded the note, handed it to the waiter and instructed

him to deliver it to the lady.

It read:

"Just to let you know things aren't always what they appear to be, I

have a Ferrari Maranello, BMW Z8, Mercedes CL600, and a Porsche Turbo

in my several garages; I have beautiful homes in Aspen , Miami , and

a 10,000 acre ranch in Louisiana. There is over twenty million

dollars in my bank account and portfolio. But, not even for a woman

as beautiful as you are, would I cut off three inches. Just send the bottle back."
A masked man walked into a sperm bank, pulled out a gun, and told the secretary that this was a stick up and to open the safe.

The secretary replied, "You idiot, this is a sperm bank, there's no money here!!"

The masked man insisted that if she did not open the safe he would shoot her on the spot. Reluctantly, she opened the safe and stood back. There in the open safe were two vials of sperm.

The robber pointed his gun at the two vials and ordered the secretary to drink them both or he would blow her head off.

When she had finished drinking the second vial the robber took off his mask. There stood her husband with a grin on his face!!

"See Doris", he said. "that didn't kill you, did it?!"


Once upon a time a married couple celebrated their 25th marriage anniversary.
They had become famous in the city for not having a single conflict in their 25 years of marriage.
Local newspaper editors had gathered at the occasion to find out the secret of their well known "blissful marriage".

Editor: "Sir. It's amazingly unbelievable. How did you make this possible?"

Husband recalling his old honeymoon days said: "We had been to Shimla for our honeymoon.
Having decided to go horse riding , we both started the ride on different horses.
My horse was pretty okay but the horse on which my wife was riding seemed to be a little wild.

On the way ahead, that horse jumped suddenly, making my wife topple over.
Recovering her position from the ground, she patted the horse's back and said "This is your first time".
Again she climbed on the horse and continued with the ride. After a while, it happened again.
This time again she calmly said, "This is your second time" and continued.
When the horse dropped her the third time, she silently took out the revolver from the purse and shot the horse dead !!

I shouted at my wife: "What did you do you psycho. You killed the poor animal. Are you crazy?" .

She gave a silent look and said: "This is YOUR first time!!!"."

Husband: "That's it. We have lived happily together since then. "

If you want to know more about my interests click on the journal links
YouTube - Cosmos Episodio 3 parte 1/7

Discovery - First Time Machine

World First Time Machine - Time Paradox 2/2

Watch this, there are two parts.  He interviews a public relations executive of CIGNA insurance, former executive that resigned.

Wendell Potter

Untitled Video warcrimes 1, warcrimes Ustream.TV: 9/13/08 02:18PM PS

Op-Ed Contributor - The Origins of the Universe - A Crash Course - Op-Ed -

The Bush - Nazi Connection

YouTube - Large Hadron Rap
YouTube - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: truth about the Bush presidency 2

See the first images of proton collisions from the Large Hadron Collider

and read our physics editor's report from CERN:


 And watch our whistlestop video tour of the LHC here:
Nothing democratic about American stolen elections, watch it, especially what Kennedy says about 'conservatives' !

Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007

Greg Palast author of Armed Madhouse (now out in the expanded edition paperback) and Robert Kennedy Jr. speak Rove And Rove’s Brain, ‘Should Be In Jail,’ Not In Office-RFK Jr Read the article at

CBC Radio | Quirks & Quarks | September 6, 2008

Past Shows

September 6, 2008

Download an MP3 of the entire program (22MB).

The Large Hadron Collider

Listen to or download the mp3 or Ogg files. (what's ogg?)
YouTube - ESPN 2008 NFL Draft: Buffalo Bills  

YouTube - Sarah Palin has her own crazy pastor (ala Rev. Wright)
Apocalypse Soon: How Is the Universe Going to End? 

Media Ignores Massive Voter Purges by Republicans — While the media focuses on the antics of McCain's chosen VP battleground states are purging their voter rolls. In Colorado, one fifth of all voter registrations were dropped. Florida is refusing to accept 85,000 new registrants -- overwhelmingly blacks. Ohio & Nevada are scrubbing tens of 1000s of voters who lost their homes.More… (US Elections 2008)
Bills Dominate Seahawks 34-10 [6:45 PM] reports: 'The Bills knew how important it was to start the season fast and they sure did thanks to solid special teams and just enough plays offensively. That goes along with a hungry defense that suffociated the Seahawks offense and you get a big Bills win over a quality opponent in impressive fashion.'

Bill Maher | September 5, 2008 | NEW RULES
Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy with Mark Crispin Miller
Electronic Vote Tampering Is a Real Flipper: Diebold Talks Garbage! "It's Not a Clock Function! It Changes Votes!" |

YouTube - GregPalastOffice's Channel
YouTube - Scarborough reacts to Palin news
YouTube - Sam Harris Religion is a failed science
 YouTube - Bill Maher | New Rules | August 29, 2008
YouTube - Swing Out Sister - Waiting Game                                                    
The Katrina Myth; the Truth about a thoroughly unnatural disaster
 YouTube - Powers of 10

 YouTube - From Quarks to Outer Space

Popular Comics: The difference between women and men!

Federal government involved in raids on protesters

Sunday Aug. 31, 2008 11:46 EDT

Glenn Greenwald

As the police attacks on protesters in Minnesota continue -- see this video
of the police swarming a bus transporting members of Earth Justice, seizing the bus and leaving the group members stranded on the side of the highway -- it appears increasingly clear that it is the Federal Government that is directing this intimidation campaign. Minnesota Public Radio reported yesterday that "the searches were led by the Ramsey County Sheriff's office. Deputies coordinated searches with the Minneapolis and St. Paul police departments and the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
YouTube - George Carlin - Religion is bullshit  
YouTube - Route 66 - The Manhattan Transfer  
YouTube - Manhattan Transfer Boy From New York City     

YouTube - NAT KING COLE ROUTE 66            
 Australia suffering 'man drought'

By Phil Mercer
BBC News, Sydney

Australia's coastal regions have been hit by man shortages

An analysis of new census figures has shown that Australia is suffering from an unprecedented "man drought".

The statistics have revealed that there are almost 100,000 more females than males in Australia.
 Evolution | Beetle drive |
Given the need for male and female organs to fit together, the researchers suggest that selection of horn size might be the main method of speciation in Onthophagus. Horn size determines penis size. Penis size then dictates vagina size. That stops crossbreeding between groups and provides the reproductive isolation that groups need to evolve into species.
Religion – “The God who wasn’t there”
 Genomic Advances on a Grand Scale  - UCTV--University of California Television
(#14496; 57 minutes; 5/7/2008)

For more than two decades J. Craig Venter and his research teams have been pioneers in genomic research. Regarded as one of the leading scientist of the 21st century, Venter discusses how he is applying tools and techniques developed to sequence the human genomes to discover new genes of microbes from around the world.

J. Craig Venter Institute

For all programs in this series, visit:
Frontiers of Knowledge  
YouTube - Republicans and military men on John McCain
YouTube - Pro Life is Anti-Woman - George Carlin
YouTube - Swing Out Sister - Waiting Game

YouTube - Swing Out Sister - Fooled By A Smile                                       

Swing Out Sister -  Twilight World       
ESPN 2008 NFL Draft:Buffalo  Bills        
birth of the universe                                                       



The Elegant Universe                         

It took a billion years for humans to evolve. 
UCTV--University of California Television                                                   

YouTube -
YouTube -  How big is the Universe?        

RFK Jr. w/ Greg Palast - Exxon Valdez

UCTV--University of California Television
Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy with Mark Crispin Miller
Larry King talks with Bill Maher about the 2008 veepstakes and the relationship between religion and politics.
 YouTube - McCain's Mansions
YouTube - Swing Out Sister - Fooled By A Smile                                   

YouTube - Swing Out Sister - Waiting Game
The Things Women Go Through to Attract Men ... | Sex and Relationships | AlterNet
 YouTube - Trailer For Bill Maher's New Movie "Religulous"
Bush's Dirty Little Medicare Secret :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
 YouTube - NFl themes 

                - NFL on CBS ( ( Stereo ) )

Buffalo Bills News and Discussion (Two Bills Drive)
YouTube - George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.
YouTube - Barack Speaks To HQ Staff & Volunteers
YouTube - How big is the Universe?
It took a billion years for humans to evolve. UCTV--University of CaliforniaTelevision
The  Elegant Universe  

Watch  the birth of the universe
ESPN 2008 NFL Draft: Buffalo Bills                                                                                          

YouTube - Pure Foods with Christine Cushing                                                      
Living Forever: The Longevity Revolution -
“Extreme” rain follows global warming  

Aug. 7, 2008
Courtesy Science
and World Science staff

                                                                            Heavy rain is coming more of­ten as glob­al warm­ing con­tin­ues—an in­crease that is out­strip­ping sci­en­tists’ pre­dic­tions, ac­cord­ing to a stu­dy. 

The find­ings imply that warm­ing-induced changes in the glob­al wa­ter cy­cle could have more dras­tic im­pacts than ev­er im­ag­ined, its au­thors said.

The find­ings “re­veal a dis­tinct link be­tween rain­fall ex­tremes and tem­per­a­ture, with heavy rain events in­creas­ing dur­ing warm per­i­ods,” wrote the au­thors, Rich­ard P. Al­lan of the Uni­ver­s­ity of Read­ing, U.K. and Bri­an J. So­den of the Uni­ver­s­ity of Mi­ami, Fla. 

The re­port is to ap­pear in the Aug. 8 is­sue of the re­search jour­nal Sci­ence.

Al­lan and So­den used sat­el­lite ob­serva­t­ions and com­pu­ter sim­ula­t­ions to study the rela­t­ion­ship be­tween trop­i­cal rain­fall and changes in Earth’s sur­face tem­per­a­ture and at­mos­pher­ic mois­ture. 

The ob­serva­t­ions point to a di­rect link be­tween warm­er cli­mate and an in­crease in ex­treme pre­cipita­t­ion based on both sat­el­lite da­ta and sim­ula­t­ions, they wrote. But the ob­served in­crease in ex­treme rain­fall is larg­er than the in­creases pre­dicted by sim­ula­t­ions, sug­gest­ing the pre­dic­tions are too low, they added.

The pair warned that it’s cru­cial to find out the cause for this dis­crep­an­cy as soon as pos­si­ble in or­der to un­der­stand glob­al warm­ing and its ef­fects on the wa­ter cy­cle. In past stu­dies, sci­ent­ists have also sug­gested global warm­ing may wors­en the im­pact of hurri­canes and wild­fires.

YouTube - NFL Network 2008 NFL Draft: Buffalo Bills                                                        

What Russian Media is Reporting About Georgia — "...Georgian troops attempted to storm the city much as Hitler‘s Panzer divisions blazed through Europe. Also noteworthy is the fact that Georgian tanks and infantry were being aided by Israeli advisors, a true indicator that this conflict was instigated by outside forces."More… (World News)
Russia: Again Savior of Peace and Life - Pravda.Ru

09.08.2008     Source:     URL:

Is Mars Between Ice Ages?

"Mars is not a dead planet -it undergoes climate changes that are even more pronounced than on Earth."

James Head, planetary geologist, Brown University

The prevailing thinking is that Mars is a planet whose active climate has been confined to the distant past. About 3.5 billion years ago, the Red Planet had extensive flowing water and then fell quiet - deadly quiet. It didn't seem the climate had changed much since. Now, recent studies by scientists at Brown University show that  Mars' climate has been much more dynamic than previously believed.

The truth about South Ossetia War, Georgia attack, and Russia's responce

Sat Aug 9, 2:47 PM Pacific
John McCain Says He Needs More Sleep - The Jed Report

I almost (but not quite) feel sorry for McCain's campaign staff. How can they possibly spin this as a positive? (Emphasis added.)

McCain said he would concentrate on getting more sleep when he can.

"If I put in three or four 18-hour, 20-hour days in a row, I'm not sharp. It's just a fact," the Republican senator from Arizona said. "I'm more sharp if I get a little rest."

McCain said he feels best sleeping until 7:30 or 8 a.m., as opposed to his usual morning drill of rising at 5:30 or 6 a.m.

"It seems to help me to get up a little later in the morning," he said, joking, "Sorry to bother with that intimate detail."

Earth to McCain: the presidency is a 24/7 job.

Keep in mind that this is a guy who already doesn't work weekends. Even reporters are amazed at his light workload.

This is just another piece of evidence that John McCain is the candidate who isn't ready to be President. It's just August, and he is already complaining about the grueling pace of the campaign.

Does he have any idea what's in store for the next occupant of the White House?

::: :::

Update -- Over at Daily Kos, cookiesandmilk made a poignant comment that I want to highlight:

I think the people working 2 & 3 jobs to keep up in this Bush/McCain economy need more sleep then this beer fortune heir does.

So true. Talk about out of touch. The fact is, McCain isn't doing one of his 2 jobs, he's doing the other one at half strength, and he's whining about it. Meanwhile, lots of American families are every bit as tired as he is, but without $100 million in the bank.
“Extreme” rain follows global warming

Aug. 7, 2008
Courtesy Science
and World Science staff

                                                                            Heavy rain is coming more of­ten as glob­al warm­ing con­tin­ues—an in­crease that is out­strip­ping sci­en­tists’ pre­dic­tions, ac­cord­ing to a stu­dy. 

The find­ings imply that warm­ing-induced changes in the glob­al wa­ter cy­cle could have more dras­tic im­pacts than ev­er im­ag­ined, its au­thors said.

The find­ings “re­veal a dis­tinct link be­tween rain­fall ex­tremes and tem­per­a­ture, with heavy rain events in­creas­ing dur­ing warm per­i­ods,” wrote the au­thors, Rich­ard P. Al­lan of the Uni­ver­s­ity of Read­ing, U.K. and Bri­an J. So­den of the Uni­ver­s­ity of Mi­ami, Fla. 

The re­port is to ap­pear in the Aug. 8 is­sue of the re­search jour­nal Sci­ence.

Al­lan and So­den used sat­el­lite ob­serva­t­ions and com­pu­ter sim­ula­t­ions to study the rela­t­ion­ship be­tween trop­i­cal rain­fall and changes in Earth’s sur­face tem­per­a­ture and at­mos­pher­ic mois­ture. 

The ob­serva­t­ions point to a di­rect link be­tween warm­er cli­mate and an in­crease in ex­treme pre­cipita­t­ion based on both sat­el­lite da­ta and sim­ula­t­ions, they wrote. But the ob­served in­crease in ex­treme rain­fall is larg­er than the in­creases pre­dicted by sim­ula­t­ions, sug­gest­ing the pre­dic­tions are too low, they added.

The pair warned that it’s cru­cial to find out the cause for this dis­crep­an­cy as soon as pos­si­ble in or­der to un­der­stand glob­al warm­ing and its ef­fects on the wa­ter cy­cle. In past stu­dies, sci­ent­ists have also sug­gested global warm­ing may wors­en the im­pact of hurri­canes and wild­fires.

Ape Genius from PBS Nova
A PBS Nova presentation on the growing cultural intelligence of the greater ...
53 min - Mar 18, 2008 -

(20 Ratings)
- - Rate: - Related


ESPN 2008 NFL Draft: Buffalo Bills



birth of the universe                                                    

The Elegant Universe                       

It took a billion years for humans to evolve. 
UCTV--University of California Television                                         

Women More Likely to Have Second Thoughts on Tattoos                                                    

Earth: The Biography | National Geographic Channel

A new series by National Geographic begins airing this evening exploring the biography of the earth. The first part of the series discusses Volcanoes, one of nature's most awesome and destructive forces, but they…


YouTube - George Carlin - Religion is bullshit

March 18, 2007 (Less info) George Carlin May 12 1937 - June 22 2008
Thank you George Carlin, your insight was of huge importance for the human race, you will be greatly missed by many.
You are forever in our thoughts.                                                                                      


The Shrinking Influence of the US Federal  Reserve - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

By Gabor Steingart in Washington

Humiliation for Mr. Dollar: Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Bank, faces a general investigation by the International Monetary Fund. Just one more example of the Fed losing its power.

The United States Federal Reserve Bank, or Fed, seems as much a part of America as Coca-Cola or Pizza Hut. But at least one difference has become apparent in recent days. While the pizza chain and soft-drink maker are likely to expand their scope of influence in the age of globalization, the US central bank is finding that its power is shrinking.


The US Federal Reserve.

No Fed chief in US history has been forced to submit to the kind of humiliation that Ben Bernanke is facing.

This is partly down to circumstances. Inflation is going up and up, and this year's average will likely top 4 percent. But this time Mr. Dollar is also Mr. Powerless. He can raise interest rates in the fall, or he can pray, which would probably be the better choice. At least prayer would not prevent the US economy from growing, a highly likely outcome if interest rates go up.

After years of growth, the United States is now on the brink of a recession, one that is more likely to be deepened than softened by a tight money policy. Investments will automatically become more expensive, consumer spending will be curbed and economic growth will slow down, immediately affecting unemployment figures and wages.,1518,562291,00.html
Brainy people less likely to believe in God
Written by ANI   
Thursday, 12 June 2008

London, June 12 (ANI): Intellect can help you get better grades, a good job and even boost your attractiveness with the opposite sex, but it surely cannot make you a religious person, says a new study. 

The study, led by Professor Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, suggests that people with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God.

He added that many more members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

A decline in religious observance over the last century was directly linked to an increase in average intelligence, he claimed.

Professor Lynn further said university academics were less likely to believe in God than almost anyone else.

A survey of Royal Society fellows found that only 3.3 per cent believed in God, at a time when 68.5 per cent of the general UK population described themselves as believers.

Professor Lynn said though most primary school children believed in God, many started having doubts as they entered adolescence and their intelligence increased.

"Why should fewer academics believe in God than the general population? I believe it is simply a matter of the IQ. Academics have higher IQs than the general population. Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQs tend not to believe in God," Times Online quoted Professor Lynn, as telling Times Higher Education magazine.

He said religious belief had declined across 137 developed nations in the 20th century at the same time as people became more intelligent.

However, Professor Lynn's claims have been branded "simplistic" by critics.

Professor Gordon Lynch, director of the Centre for Religion and Contemporary Society at Birkbeck College, London, said the study failed to take account of a complex range of social, economic and historical factors.

"Linking religious belief and intelligence in this way could reflect a dangerous trend, developing a simplistic characterisation of religion as primitive, which - while we are trying to deal with very complex issues of religious and cultural pluralism - is perhaps not the most helpful response," he said.

The study is published in the journal Intelligence. (ANI)
Bush Refuses to Read McClellan’s Book, Calling It ‘A Book’

Puts Chances of Reading Book at Zero
                                                                                                                                                  On a daywhen Washington was abuzz with the news that former White House spokesperson Scott McClellan had published a tell-all memoir, President George W. Bush offered his personal reason for not reading it.

“I have no intention of reading Scott McClellan’s book,” Mr. Bush told reporters, “because it’s a book.”

Mr. Bush said he was “surprised” that Mr. McClellan had written a book to criticize him because “if you’re trying to communicate some criticism to me, a book is pretty much the last place you’d put it.”

The president said that he thought the chances of his someday reading Mr. McClellan’s book were “zero,” adding, “If I didn’t read the Iraq Study Group’s report, I really don’t think I’m about to read Scott McClellan’s little book.”

Presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota observed that if Mr. McClellan honestly expected his memoir to somehow reach Mr. Bush’s nightstand, “that demonstrates just how little he knows George W. Bush.”

“Scott McClellan would have had a much better shot if he had put his memoir in Xbox 360 format and then slipped it into a package labeled ‘Grand Theft Auto 5,’” he said.

For his part, Mr. Bush said that there was in fact a book published this week that had caught his eye: the new James Bond thrilled entitled “Devil May Care.”

“Now, that book looks like it could be good,” he said. “Maybe I’ll have Laura read it to me.”

Online Daters Face Obstacles | WebProNews

Should meet early on

Couples who meet online do not always work out because they select partners who are not compatible and they develop emotional ties before meeting in person, an Australian university researcher has found.

Women were more likely to choose the wrong partner as they become attracted to humorous comments and witty emails, according to psychologist Matthew Bambling from the Queensland University of Technology.

"Just because they can write a clever comment or a witty email, doesn't mean they will be Mr. Right, that's for sure," Bambling told Reuters. He says people will highlight their good points while covering up anything negative.

"Few guys for example would say 'look, I'm a middle aged alcoholic who's been married five times, pick me'. They're going to present themselves as a good catch," Bambling said.

Bambling said it's easy for people to put too much emotionally into an online relationship before they meet in person. "They often become quickly emotionally involved and invest in the other person before meeting. After meeting they move too fast because an emotional relationship actually started when they began interacting online before meeting, in which time they build up a fantasy view of the other person," he said.

Bambling recommends people can avoid the problems of online dating by meeting after the first few emails. This helps to avoid over investing emotionally or creating a fantasy about the other person.

He suggests meeting over coffee instead of dinner in case thing don't work out because it's less awkward and less pressure than sitting through a whole dinner.

"The main thing to remember is to make real life contact as soon as possible if you are interested in someone because it is here that you will know if a relationship is a possibility, said Bambling.

YouTube - Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.                             


YouTube - ROBERT KENNEDY Jr @LETTERMANEnvironmentalUpdate                                                        

YouTube - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: truth about the Bush presidency 1

The Ultimate Rules of Online Dating

1. Thou shalt not use thy real name, at first. Don't give out any of your personal information when you connect with someone online. Remember, there are thousands of predators lurking online looking to gain a woman's trust and become a part of her life to later drain her bank account or worse. Don't let this be you!

2. Thou shalt meet your online date for the first time in a public place. Remember, a guy you meet online may seem like Mr. Perfect and any girl would want to invite Mr. Perfect home, but remember, you haven't confirmed that your online love is truly Mr. Perfect yet. That's a process that's going to take time, so make sure you meet in a public place for your first date.

3. Thou shalt be aware of fake dating profiles. Remember when your mom told you that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is? Well, it goes for everything including dating profiles. If a man online seems to have every single thing you're looking for, beware. Remember, the Internet is a place where people can hide behind usernames and passwords and Mr. Perfect2008 that's caught your eye online may really be Mr.SweetheartSwindler2008.

4. Thou shalt not have a virtual online affair if you're in a real-life relationship. Here's the test, if you've got a significant other and kids waiting for you at home when you leave work every day, you should not be chatting about sex or other romantic topics with someone online. In essence, you're having a cyber-affair, so don't do it.

5. Thou shalt not create an online dating profile if thou art married, engaged, living with someone or in a relationship where you refer to the other person as your boyfriend or girlfriend. Don't use the Internet to troll for an affair. If you're unhappy in your relationship, end it with dignity instead of engaging in the deceit of infidelity. � Tasha Cunningham, 
Related News:15 May, 2008 - 09:295 Reasons a Man Falls Out of Love15 May, 2008 - 08:52The One and Only Reason Men Don't Listen to Women in Relationships13 May, 2008 - 07:29How to Build a Solid Relationship With a Guy One Step at a Time08 May, 2008 - 14:16Inside a Guy's Mind - Why Men Are Attracted to Women They Can't Have08 May, 2008 - 08:51Is America Being Too Easy on Barbara Walters?

How to Avoid Being Dominated By Your Man

It is not uncommon for a girl complaining of being dominated by her guy. There are many cases in which the guy may be suffering from small insecurity problems that makes them dominate over their girl. With this insecurity, these guys start asking all sorts of personal questions to their girl and will want details of all past relationships and of the conversations the girl has with others.

Though this attention may be flattering to the girl in the beginning, this dominance can become a serious and negative character in the guy. You are sure to get fed up with this as you lose your privacy and find it rather irritating having to answer all unnecessary questions from your guy. This is why it is better to maintain dominance in such men, so that there is a chance for a successful relationship between both of you.

The first thing that has to be done is to maintain your space and distance from the beginning of the relationship. Tell your guy there is no need of you answering all his questions relating to the people you talk to. You have to explain to him that you have a life of your own, and that as you don’t interfere in his life and who he interacts with, he does not have the liberty to interfere in your personal matters too.

Instead of being too submissive towards your guy, it may be required to play hard to get sometimes to avoid being dominated by him. Make him wait when you go for dates so that he will realize that you are not one that likes being slated instructions. When going on dates, instead of letting him pay the bill all the time, you too can pay the bill so that your guy knows that you have the capacity of looking after yourself and have the power to influence him, and are not dependant on him. Of course, don’t do this too often lest your guy gets used to you paying the bill all the time.

If you find his interference ends up in quarrels, you need not make up for the quarrels all the time. Instead, let him realize his mistake, and ask you for pardon. Though you may end up on non-talking terms for some time, you find that this treatment will make your guy realize that you are not dependant on him and that you don’t like his interference in all the matters of your life.

However, at times, you may have to let him dominate you; but this should not be made into an everyday affair. In fact, you will like the attention he pours on you by acting dominating over you. You are sure to like him being caring for all your actions; but he should know that there is a limit for everything. Just make it a point to leave breathing space in both your lives, with each of you dominating each other only if and when needed and not unnecessarily.