
bostoneros - photo 1
I am an mixed race male, American Indian(Narraganset), French, Cape Verdian. I am a wiccan.

I am articulate, poetic, philosophical, romantic, naughty, sensative, passionate and overtly kinky and sexual. My capacity to love is immense.

Did I mention wonderfully perverse?

A great Body. An amazing heart. A wicked mind. --- slutty ---

Wanna play dress up?
Whose turn is it?

I am a switch. To know one is to know the other and this is my journey. Do not judge what you do not know. Have the kindness to ask, and the wisdom to listen. You may just hear the beating of my heart and the river of my soul, and the meeting of the minds may take your breath away.

I have been in the lifestyle for seven years. I have worked in the industry for two.

I raise horses and am fully versed in training..

I am married to a (Lesbian) female so I think I have experienced a few things!

There is a universe behind closed eyes.
6/2/2005 6:13:58 PM

She is vision

She is light

She is electric

She enteres my dreams like a whispered voice and I have no choice but to follow where she leads me

Whose hand can touch the clouds

Whose soul can move through time

Whose mind can grasp even one atom of the infinite understanding of things

My lover

My Life

My dreams

As she lays beside me in my bed I can do all these things, into the dawn and the coming of day

6/2/2005 6:11:17 PM

It seems that all periods or phases of your life have a beginning. Most of the time you have no idea, like the fall she somehow sneaks her way in and you barely notice her arrival until all the leaves are golden and you know full well winter is right behind her. It seems that all the phases of your life have an end and we spend entirely to much time counting days, hours, minutes until we can feel or grasp that a new beginning has "begun". Why is it we never notice an end... We never contemplate an end until the end...

We Quest for new beginnings.
The end is always an after thought!

6/2/2005 6:07:36 PM
I will not be labled for my spirit overflows.
I can be collared but never broken.
The Lion on a leash tamed only by your smell and gentle hand.
Be I weak to want you so?
Am I less a man to kneel?
Must I Demand, plead, or beg for you to see with gentle understanding the hunger in my soul.
May I be both strong and weak. May I be both incredible darkness and powerful light.
I name my passions by their names.
I name my enemies for who they are.
I call my friends by one name.
I challenge all who seek to judge.
Before the Godess is who is my only mistress, my mother, my daughter, woman kind.
Would you even understand the man and his horse, strong enough to ride, and brave enough to cry for all those who lived before me so that I may say to U.
I wear no label for I have a name!
and I only seek to see, to know, to live,
unlabled, untamed, and alive........
to the touch of your gentle hand and the love in your eyes.

6/2/2005 5:51:23 PM
"I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. I hunger for your sleek laugh, your hands the color of a savage harvest, hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond. I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body, the sovereign nose of your arrogant face, I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes, and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight, hunting for you, for your hot heart, like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue." Pablo Nerruda