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December 2024 My name is BlueFyre, however you may call me Blue. NOT Mistress, Ma'am, Miss, Goddess, or any of that. Just Blue. I am non-binary, agender, and my pronouns are They/Them/Blue.
ME: I'm looking for a sub/slave to help around the house. The OA in my hands makes doing simple things tough sometimes. It would be nice to find some level of companionship as well, though that doesn't (necessarily) imply anything sexual. I'm a playful, upbeat, and fun person, yet I take my D/s quite seriously. I'm married, but our relationship is friendly and platonic; I'm free to do what I choose with any submissives or slaves. I am a sadist, however I can get my needs met elsewhere if my /s isn't inclined to masochism.
YOU: Should be non-smoking, drug and drama free, and take pride in a job well done. Size, shape, color, gender, and age are all less important than intelligence, initiative, kindness, a positive outlook, the willingness to be flexible in daily tasks (yay, spoonies!), and of course the physical ability to do the things asked of you. If you need micromanaged in order to get things done, I'm not the Dominant for you. Masochists or people with trade skills are a bonus. I'm open to working with a wide variety of experience and backgrounds.
YOU should make first contact. I'm not going to chase your submission; I want people who choose to serve me because they feel I'm worthy of their service, and there's no place in the world they'd rather be than in my Household.
Oh, and Drumpf supporters, please report to the nearest exit. You need not apply. Save us both time. |
I rarely make the first move.
I won't chase your submission.
If you would like to be considered to serve me, speak up. Tell me explicitly, because I don't respond to subtlety. |
I'm hesitant to update my profile. There's a few things that need changed, and a few more that need added. I wonder how long it will take to be approved... If I seemingly ignore you, keep chatting anyway, because I may be unable to respond. Updates:
- Reiterate that Hubby is a platonic friend, not a kink, sex, or D/s partner
- Political ideology matters. Drumpf=no, nuh-uh, hell naw
- Sub/slave skill bonus for repairing fence, organizing online selling
- Can't meet w/in 6 weeks, don't bother until you are. (Maybe 8 for holidays?)
- Be realistic!! No, you can't completely escape the Real World by being a slave in my Home. I'm not going to kidnap you and/or lock you in a cage, even if you beg and plead. That's foolish, unrealistic, and would be irresponsible for me to do. We each have to be accountable to some degree. That's for your protection and mine. (If you don't understand this, ask.)
- May have The Form™️ online soon. Wish me luck! lol
Haha. Seems Drumf is a bad word on this site. Let's see if an edit makes the cut...
11/5/24 If you're a Drumf supporter, let's not waste each other's time. We will never be more than cordial acquaintances, at best. I genuinely cannot ever understand the mindset that accepts his behaviours in any way, shape, or form, let alone as leader and role model for this country and the world.
Apparently some people don't understand how politics plays into a site like this. In this case, it goes way beyond politics and into morality. I can be civil, as evidenced by my opening lines here. When what I really feel in my heart is:
I have no fucking use for you in my life, you fucking traitors to humanity, compassion, and decency. You call yourselves patriots and wave the US flag, all while supporting a would be dictator. You don't value Democracy, nor any of the millions of immigrants, women, disabled and/or ethnicly diverse individuals, or even children you've stepped on...y'know, people who make this country truly Great. Your red hats are just as UN-patriotic as if they were red coats. At least you got the color right, traitors. |
Going quiet a while to care for my ailing elderly dog. Can't seem to find how to hide my profile like I used to be able to while I was on break...
Update 10/23: I knew we were closer to the end after he lost his hearing a few weeks ago, but I wasn't expecting it to take such a turn literally overnight. That night he was bouncing around backwards and in circles, eager for his kibble, despite being toothless... the next morning he couldn't even hold himself up and could only roll over onto his side. His whimpers sounded different and we could see it in his eyes. We knew. *deep sigh* We had him 15 wonderful years after finding him at the shelter. Thanks for the unwavering love, sweetest Little Dude, rest in painless peace. |
I am confused. I am heartbroken. Was I intentionally targeted to be catfished, led on, or simply just for someone to be cruel to?
I'm not perfect. I put my heart 100% in what I say and do here. I willl always be honest, and now I'm afraid, I may have been transparent to a fault. *sigh* The worst part is I don't know what happened.
Why is it so hard to find someone who's just as honestly trying to live this lifestyle?
Dominants are human, and our hearts break sometimes, too. It hurts too much to get to the point of caring, and then...nothing. Not even an explanation.
I don't know if I can keep doing this.
Ahh, my favorite season is here... Anything-But-Summer! I love the cooler weather in general, plus it gives me an opportunity to spend more time working in my yard. Now is the perfect time to look over my plants to see what was successful, and what may need relocated or even replaced. Once again, I'm enjoying the small surprises, such as the blueberries that have survived and even appear to be thriving in the bags in which I purchased them this spring. I'm saddened by the plants that looked promising in the spring, yet didn't survive the summer.
Much like those plants, although pleasant for a while, apparently I need to reassess some of the relationships in my life and consider finding others that have the potential to last longer and grow even more beautiful. Who wants to frolic and grow in my garden? *ominous grin* |
I am fortunate to now have two submissives living with me. They are wonderful people, and each do their part around here, but the reality of the situation is neither individual is MY submissive. I'm lacking the beauty, joy, and intimacy that a D/s relationship fosters... I'm still looking for a partner in the rich dance of Domination and submission.
I'm spending my days working in my yard, my evenings at the Dungeon, and with a bit of good fortune, I hope to soon be hosting a young live-in who will be helping around my Home on days he's not working. I still have other needs and desires, but I think much of my awake time this summer will be spent working rather than socializing... |
My summer is getting busy, and I love it! I celebrated my birthday last week and started work two days later. My yard is shaping up as well. Only two dozen more plants to plant!
I'm still looking for someone to help me here at Home, inside and,or outside, anything from 2 to 3 hours a week, to fulltime, or even live-in. Play is a possibility, with negotiation. Reach out to me here, though text will likely end up being the most reliable way of chatting.
--Blue |
After almost a decade without... look, new pics! *laugh*
Bonus points if you can identify the stage I'm on in the 4th pic! (The one with pink-tinted lights and rainbow fist projected on the wall.)
:D |
2/13/23 - Updating my profile, take three. For the first time in almost a decade, I'm adding PICTURES! *g*
Hold my calls til I get back. ;) |
UPDATE: 2/6/23
I had a bilateral procedure done on my hands last week that will (hopefully) help me regain function in them for a longer period of time. The procedure wasn't too bad, but my hands have been bruised and swollen, and altogether uncomfortable for most of the past week, even when I'm not trying to do anything online. *frinklegrump* I'm going to be playing catch-up on my messages here, though I'm also open to Skype/SMS where voice to text works better. |
Yikes. Somehow the formatting on my last journal entry got seriously frogged up. I'm just going to leave it, though, because it seems like every time I try to update something in my profile or journal, it gets an error message or goes fUnKy. CS is a hoot and doesn't make much sense sometimes, but I guess we get what we pay for, right? Lol. |
New year... Same sweet, smart-assed, serious and silly, socially-awkward sadist!
Big news for the new year:
- I've gotten a bunch done around the house on my own! For the first time in months, I've been able to move small things without fumbling around with braces and splints on each arm. *happy dance* The progress isn't hugely noticiable yet, but the fact I can do any of it has been exhilarating, and I want to do so much more while I can!
- That means I still need help. Especially because...
- I'm likely going to be returning to an old job soon. It's exciting, yet I also know it's a big responsibility that will have me away from the house more often. Upside: if I have a sub/slave/helper at that point, they can assist. It'll be a lot of fun.
- With a bit of luck, I'll find out in a few weeks whether my hands require surgery, and maybe I can get back to physically torturing willing souls sooner rather than later.
- I will be paring down The F0rm in a way that is better fitting for folx who are interested in being part time, or even simply live-in, with minimal or no D/s etc.
- There's rumor I may have a cage coming. *polishes halo* (Wait, shouldn't someone be polishing that for me?! LOL)
May your 2023 start on a delightful note! Best wishes to All!
~Blue (= |
Well, damn. Another grand disappointment to kick off 2023! *sigh* I do wish people would stop doing such an exemplary job of proving me right. |
I am NON-BINARY and I use They/Them/Blue pronouns.
ALL submissive candidates will need to c0mplete The F0rm. It's lengthy, it's personal, and it might require some thought on your part. It's a job application. If you want the job and the benefits, then it's worth your time and effort.
If you cannot visit or meet within 6 to 8 weeks, then don't waste my time or yours. Come back when you're ready to serve. |
I'm deeply disappointed by those with lack of commitment or follow through. It's discouraging to say the least. Is it even worth it to try anymore? *deep sigh*
Does anyone genuinely want to serve in a live-in, domestic/household service situation? |
If you are NOT available to meet, come for a visit, and/or begin serving within 6 weeks, then WAIT until you ARE before you contact me. Don't waste my time or yours. |
Apparently I need to state this in fewer words, lol. (Y'all make me smile...loudly.)
If you want to apply to serve me, or even just chat about the possibility, you should fill out The F0rm. PM your email and I'll send it to you.
If you want to know why, then --> https://fetlife.com/users/1631696/posts/7350502
I made a joke earlier that I always show up late to the party... *laugh* I made it two whole years, only for me to get Covid now?! 🤬 |
I'm bemused by the number of people who ask me what I'm looking for on here, or whether they can locate or contact me elsewhere. The first should be fairly obvious, I'd think, to anyone who's read my profiles here. As for the second part... I'm quite easy to find. *chuckle*
I've determined that after 29 years, I'm just not as interested in chatting online as I once was, and I find small getting-to-know-you talk tedious. I love getting to the meaty topics, though, which is why The F0rm exists.
If, after you've thoroughly read my profiles here (BlueFyre and BlueAngelFyre) and on Fet, and you'd still like to be considered for being in my service, peruse my writing on FL of "The F0rm - What TF and Why TF?!" Once you've completed a section or more, reach out to me and send your responses. After that, I'm sure there will be plenty to discuss. ;)
--Blue (= |
The Blue you have reached has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again.
(**If the above message doesn't make sense to you, or ring a Ma Bell, then you're probably too young for me. LOL.)
I'm going to be catching up on life stuffs for a bit. This happens now and then when I'm overwhelmed with answering folx on here, and rather than feel like a jerkwaffle for logging in and not responding, I just don't log in at all. *sigh*
You're welcome to leave a message, and I will get back when I can muster the mental resources to do so. If you're local, say hi at Game Night or the Kinky Carnival.
Wanna really get my attention when I'm back on? Show me your best Semantle score. *cackle* |
I was off CS for a few days, and now I keep getting host error pages...but only when I try and view my messages. 🤔 Anyone else having similar issues? |
UPDATE 2/7/22:
I am looking for somene to do what amounts to several hours of part-time, light grunt work alongside me as I complete tasks... It will be mostly moving things from point A to point B, up or down stairs, with frequent instances of waiting on me to do my part. I've been having thumb & wrist problems and can't do much in the way of grabbing things to move them myself. I have a lot to do, but it's pretty easy, and except for trips to the trash and recycling bins, will be indoors. I'm need someone that does the work without questioning my decisions, so someone in a submissive or slave mindset is preferable. We can chat, of course... I'm not going to discuss the "why" of what I'm working on, though. :)
If you're vaccinated and in the Denver area, send me a message and let's negotiate something that's mutually beneficial! |
Well, shit. Here I am again. Only time will tell if I wasted another three months of my life... Until that understanding comes, I'll keep looking and moving forward. |
OMG, WHAT?! Is the journal function really working again?! *mouth agape* |
I am overwhelmed. Life and work are coming quickly and in full force. I’m struggling to keep myself emotionally (and physically) in the black, so to speak. I may be slow to respond for a few weeks. If you don’t hear from me, send me a cute message to see if I’m still alive and kicking. (=
^^^ 3/10/18 -- This still applies. I think there’s a light at the end of the tunnel... or maybe that’s just me, setting my house on fire. *laugh*
As 2017 comes to a close, I’m looking at some surprising and exciting new possibilities, including a plot twist this week that no one, especially those of us involved, saw coming.
May the new year bring each of you closer to finding what you seek! :) |
I have an extensive project that I am about to undertake, during which time I will need dedicated full time assistance. For the right person, this could mean a 1-3 month 24/7 engagement, perhaps even longer. The work might be tedious, or you might consider it easy, all I can say is that there’s a lot of it, and you would be working alongside me throughout. If you can do cooking and housework as well, that would be a plus.
I have a lengthy application, but if you think you’re up for the challenge, message me and let’s talk. :) |
J/DomesticLabor -- If you should happen to return and see this, contact me. I have the answer to your question! :) |
I hear there's this concept of "pinging" a Dominant by pulling up their profile, then waiting for them to respond, because "submissives never make the first move." Pfft. Whatever. Lol. If you want my attention, write an articulate and interesting introduction message that gives me an indication you've actually read my profile. (*gasp!*) |
Haha! My fifteen minutes of fame are up -- I was quoted in today's NYT and Food & Wine! :D |
Lack of follow through is disappointing. *sigh* |
I got a message saying my profile is too long. Really?! I'm a firm believer in saying what I mean, being thorough, and being upfront with who I am and what I'm looking for. I'm not for everyone, and I'm okay with that. My profile is there for a reason... Read it. Or don't.
But wow, oh wow, if you're someone that thinks my profile is too long, then I am way too much for you! *chuckle* |
Let's keep it simple... If you're not already located in the U.S., don't bother contacting me until you're here; I can't help you get a visa or a green card.
If you're in the U.S. and outside of Colorado, and you don't plan to or aren't willing to relocate to Denver, then let's not waste each other's time. I'm married and we both have jobs and are established here; neither of those facts are changing and I'm not moving.
I'm weary of responding to every message out of politeness, so I will not be answering anyone whose profile lists them outside of Colorado unless they meet one of a couple criteria: 1) We've already been conversing, or 2) Your profile intrigues me. :)
I'd rather focus my time and effort on serious prospects. Thank you and good luck to all of you. |
A note about approaching me online:
I won't chase. I won't even make first contact 99.5% of the time. If you want to talk with me, go ahead and start the conversation. I won't bite. Yet. ;)
If we've been conversing and I don't reply for a few days, please poke me again.
It usually means I've wanted to write a longer message and haven't had the opportunity to sit down at my desktop... and sometimes I get buried in messages.
If I don't want to talk to you, it'll be pretty damned obvious. 0:)
The fastest way to converse quickly is via text, as I keep my phone with me most of the time and I can use Siri and dictate messages that are much more accurate than through CS. It also saves my hands, which have been causing me problems again.
If I give you my cell number it means I'm interested in knowing you beyond the confines of the screen... isn't that the point, anyway?
If you can't text directly, or even text via Skype (not video/audio), then we may not talk for long... |
In the past few weeks I have been contacted by a surprising number of men who are interested in crossdressing and/or sissification. I am happy to help you in dressing up (just don't expect me to do makeup unless you want to look like an 8th grader did it! *laugh*) I love shopping and putting outfits together! Let's go! :D
BUT, as an agender trans person myself, I WILL NOT use gender as a punishment or as a form of humiliation itself. I find it offensive to think that feminine=weak or lesser in any form. That's not okay in my book.
(Side note: if you use the term "pussy" to describe something as cowardly or weak, please either reconsider how foolish that usage is and remove it from your vocabulary, or take this moment to kindly fuck off. That's one way to get me fired up damned quickly! Let me assure you, I have yet to meet a genuine pussy that was weak!) |
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