**I never tried to force You away from anything... You chose to pull away of Your own accord. You know who you are.**

9/19/2007 10:02:14 AM

I have learned a couple of lessons out of the failure of my supposedly lifelong relationship with a Domme.  The first is to depend on no one but yourself, not even your significant other.  But more importantly, She taught me how to live with myself again and with others. The second is, perhaps, the best thing to come out of this emotional travasty.

9/18/2007 6:18:33 PM

Ah, it is funny how things happen.  A year and a half with a woman that supposedly wanted to spend the rest of her life with me.  And wanted me to help raise her kids. That is...  Until we moved in together.  I miss the hell out of her, and love her with all of my heart.  It's been over a month since I saw her last, and she still turns my heart upside down every time I talk to her.  Even when we are fighting.

 Age: 26
  New York