You are very special. You will be an independent and intelligent woman but wish for your sexuality to be controlled by a man; you will not be in any serious sexual relationship with any other male. You will be encouraged to keep your own friends, career or studies, and social life outside any arrangement we come to; I would strive to enhance them and encourage you to strive in them. You can be from 20 to 50 or so, your weight can range from *slightly* under to *slightly* over, you will only have hair on your head, and you will at all times wear some metal object of our choosing locked to your body with a key that only I hold.

My physical demands, except for controlling your sexuality, are minimal. Given no input from you, you would find no more than an occasional sore backside and sore limbs from being tied up and mildly abused. Of course, given no input after several months, the relationship would die! I have always had very dark mind and there are no real limits to how we could fulfil your fantasies if that is what you require. However, the final decision on what we do and how we do it on the sexual front will *always* remain with me.

On a mental level, I will be your mental companion but not your crutch. You will live much of your life without me but I will always be there playing in your darkest fantasies.

I am British by birth but currently living in the metropolitan Phoenix area, well travelled, educated and informed. I’m middle aged in body but not spirit, greying but not balding, an occasionally smoker and drinker, slightly overweight but working on it at this very moment. An understanding of sarcasm, cynicism and the world outside the US of A would probably be beneficial. We would meet in the area as often as a few times a week or as little as every month or so if I am away to share conversation, a light meal perhaps, and then your fantasies at your place.

If, after reading all this, you believe there might be some connection, please do write and we’ll work from there.
