Sorry everyone but it is time to be bitter, I have looked at my mentor as being perfect but now i can say I found one flaw about him and that is him convincing me to join this site and not allowing me to leave.
First two women on here when i was in California turned out to be guys lucky for me my mentor was at DV8 with me each time to protect me from the scumbags, another time a couple where the woman just did not show up and he tells me I must play with him first.
Second I get these fakes from other cities e mailing me and when I call them on it they call me a fake, No I will not take a picture with a piece of paper that has my name on it to prove I am real. If you ever read my profile I am not looking for a Dom or even a Sub.
Third I am Sbmissive to men but if you look at my profile it does not say interested in Men, I am Dominant toward women and yes there have been some on here i would try being submissive for because they are too sexy.
Fourth I will not meet anyone male or female without my mentor present and no that does not mean he shows and I do not it means I show and he keeps an eye on me from a far and the moment a guy approach he makes himself present but when it is a real live woman he stay in the background but continue to watch after me.
Yes I do promote for him even though he ask me not to, why because he is the only man in my life who have kept his word. He has never tried to collarme or have sex with me but yes we had sex but I made it happen and he tired to fight it but come on Dom or not he is male so guess who won that battle. He introduced me to real people in the lifestyle gave me true training on being a switch and have so much ahead of him I just want to finally see him happy with the right person.
last but not least no I am not in California at the time I am working for a couple until April and when that is over I am oping my Mentor business gets off the ground so I can work for him and stay here, once that happens I will tan consider a LTR with someone but not until than because I am not going to play a game on anyone.
Do not offer me a ticket or money I am not a Con and i mae great money. If I w\really want to visit you i pay my own way. (but once i am there its all you )
I am getting to hate collarme but I made a promise and i am going to keep it.
So for any so called real slave or subs you want a real master look up my mentor he.
Female switches and Dommes I see a section for Dom/Domme couple so please do not tell me unless you are lesbian you can not meet a male Dom.
And guys send me a friends request alone DELETED! send me dick pics DELETED! if you are a submissive DELETED (unless you are just looking for friendship than maybe)
Female if you have a Stock picture you know what that means more professional that looks like it came from a magizine DELETED.
Female Dommes If you come at me for friendship find more not find unless you want a true fight on your hands for a power struggle.