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i am Your switch, i offer to You what no one else may have, my full respect, love and devotion, my trust is in You and You alone, i bow my head to You not in shame, but with honor, my hands work to please You, i offer my body for Your delight, Your every want, wish and desire is my command, You are my Teacher, my Mentor, my Master, but more important, You are my Companion, many things i will offer to You, my heart, my body, my mind and my soul, all that i have and all that i am is what i submit to You, my Dominant.....
and now i have given You a gift, something sacred and priceless, i have given You all that i am, my body, my mind, my heart and my soul, i understand what You expect of me, but this is what i expect of You, my Dominant, i expect the same respect and love i offer up to You, treasure me and care for me, guide me and teach me, but dont mislead me, understand that You have all my faith and trust, and understand the responsibility that comes from that, understand that trust is earned and not taken, and shall not be forsaken, i expect You to be firm and strong, but also loving and caring, i am the Master's clay, but mold me and make me into something beautiful, never abuse the power You poses over me and cherish me as i have given You all i can, i will always comply to Your demands but please know this is what i expect of You...my Dominant. hi everyone?? .
Looking for a Domina to submitt to and learn, |
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