Funny we hear it all the time................ Misery luvs company! why don't we ever hear of how when luv and happyness is offered it can spread like a wild flower even to through those who do not want to feel it. It begins to amplifie and cause all around to feel its touch. If today you are happy share that happyness it is a wealth more important then gold. Though it may not buy you anything material it can bring to the world something so very much better! PEACE! even if only for a second!
Please women be careful who you meet on here I have had some severe issues with someone on here I met once long ago. They bombarded my phone and profiles even facebook so much many of them I had to change to new ones.
It is never my thing to out someone online or anywhere but watch yourself with
I am a woman with one foot on the ground and one in the clouds, half my soul on earth the rest awaiting me in hell...
There just has to be that special one that can bend me break me make me thiers, mold me protect me show me the demon who cares.
Trust is like paper. Once it is crumpled it will never be perfect again!!!!!