Seeking a couple, preferably married and solid in their relationship. I prefer my lovers forever, and I don't sleep around (much). I have no shortage of available lovers, being so darned fabulous and all... I've found that, even though I'm hetero, I can and do derive (sexual) pleasure from exerted (even non-sexual) control, gender notwithstanding. I've owned a slave for many years, and recently sent her to live with her cowboy. It's a long story, but the short version is that one always owns a slave, and I made her do it, and I will always keep her in my heart (and bed!) as/when/how I'm able and inclined. Per above, there are many beautiful and exciting women whom I can, and occasionally do, share my needs with. But I don't seek dalliance, nor should you. I can talk about ideals, and perhaps that's best left to the journal moving forward. My precept involves said couple, secure and in need, under guidance, control and application. Not at my whim, but in my support, to be clear. To be clearer, whatever makes my dick hardest, is generally best. I don't need/want to know what you "want" for that is MY joy (and mission!) to determine, of you. I seek your energy, and to feed you mine, and that of mine. If you'd care to play 20 questions, I'm down for it. Or up; tag, you're it.